Represents a range filter on a record set.

Namespace:  Endeca.Data
Assembly:  Endeca.Data (in Endeca.Data.dll) Version: (


public class RangeFilter : IEquatable<RangeFilter>
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class RangeFilter _
	Implements IEquatable(Of RangeFilter)
Visual C++
public ref class RangeFilter : IEquatable<RangeFilter^>


A RangeFilter represents a set of conditions that must be true in order for a record to pass through the filter.

Each filter acts upon a particular attribute (i.e. property or dimension), as indicated by AttributeName, and can be categorized as a either a comparison or a between filter. A comparison filter compares an attribute value against the value of Bound1 , while a between filter compares an attribute value to determine if it is between Bound1 and Bound2.

Furthermore each comparison or between filter has a geocode variant, in which the geospatial reference point returned by Geocode is in incorporated into filter condition. Range filters that do not incorporate this reference point return null from Geocode. When evaluating a geocode filter, the attribute for the filter must be a geocode-valued property.

There is no public constructor for {@see RangeFilter}; instead four factory methods create the various types of range filters: CreateBetweenRangeFilter(String, Double, Double), CreateComparisonRangeFilter(String, RangeFilterOperator, Double)CreateGeocodeBetweenRangeFilter(String, Geocode, Double, Double), and CreateGeocodeComparisonRangeFilter(String, RangeFilterOperator, Geocode, Double)

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also