Overload List

Initializes a new RefinementConfig. IsExposed defaults to true.
Creates a new RefinementConfig object that is exposed and uses the Developer Studio defaults for DynamicRanking, DynamicRankOrder, and DynamicRefinementCount. IsExposed defaults to true.
RefinementConfig(String, Nullable<(Of <(Boolean>)>), Nullable<(Of <(Boolean>)>), Nullable<(Of <(Int32>)>))
Creates a new RefinementConfig object with the specified parameters. IsExposed defaults to true.
RefinementConfig(String, Nullable<(Of <(Boolean>)>), Nullable<(Of <(Boolean>)>), Nullable<(Of <(Int32>)>), Boolean)
Creates a new RefinementConfig object with the specified parameters.

See Also