Gets or sets the number of records in each result set. The default is set to 10 to be compatible with the pager control. The returned results does not provide the number of items per page (Note, # of items per page is different than the number of results returned in the case there are less matching results than # of requested items per page). Thus, the result must obtain the # of items per page from the command.

Namespace:  Endeca.Data
Assembly:  Endeca.Data (in Endeca.Data.dll) Version: (


[CommandParameterPropertyAttribute(Key = "Rpp")]
public Nullable<int> RecordsPerPage { get; set; }
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<CommandParameterPropertyAttribute(Key := "Rpp")> _
<DefaultValueAttribute()> _
Public Property RecordsPerPage As Nullable(Of Integer)
Visual C++
[CommandParameterPropertyAttribute(Key = L"Rpp")]
property Nullable<int> RecordsPerPage {
	Nullable<int> get ();
	void set (Nullable<int> value);

See Also