Base class for comamnd executors

Namespace:  Endeca.Data.Provider
Assembly:  Endeca.Data (in Endeca.Data.dll) Version: (


public abstract class EndecaCommandExecutor
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public MustInherit Class EndecaCommandExecutor
Visual C++
public ref class EndecaCommandExecutor abstract


A command executor represents a strategy for exectuing an EndecaCommand against an MDEX engine, and constructing an object that represents the results of the query. Note that these two operations are distinct; due to the lazy-loading support built in to CommandResult, the call to BuildResults(String, IResultBuilderContext) that will construct the result object occurs at some point after ExecuteCommand(EndecaCommand) is called.

A command executor is also associated with an EndecaPrimitiveBuilder that represents the core logic for constructing the 'primitive' Endeca types (DimensionValues, Records, etc). This allows each executor to have easy access to this common construction logic.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also