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EMGridGeometry Class Reference

Inherits NSObject.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(id) - initWithGridView:
(void) - calculate
(void) - calculatePaging
(void) - calculateContinuous

Protected Attributes

NSUInteger _maxRows
NSUInteger _maxColumns
CGSize _cellSize
NSUInteger _maxTiles
EMGridViewLayoutDirection _tileLayoutDirection
EMGridViewLayoutDirection _pageLayoutDirection
EMGridViewLayoutDirection _pageTileLayoutDirection
CGSize _tileSize
UIEdgeInsets _cellInset
NSUInteger _maxRowsActual
NSUInteger _maxColumnsActual
NSUInteger _pageRows
NSUInteger _pageColumns
NSUInteger _maxPages


NSUInteger maxRows
NSUInteger maxColumns
CGSize cellSize
NSUInteger maxTiles
EMGridViewLayoutDirection tileLayoutDirection
CGSize tileSize
UIEdgeInsets cellInset
NSUInteger pageRows
NSUInteger pageColumns
NSUInteger maxPages
NSUInteger tilesPerPage
EMGridViewLayoutDirection pageLayoutDirection
EMGridViewLayoutDirection pageTileLayoutDirection

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