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Oracle Solaris Cluster Upgrade Guide     Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.1
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1.  Preparing to Upgrade Oracle Solaris Cluster Software

2.  Upgrading Zones Managed by Oracle Solaris Cluster Software

Upgrading a solaris10 Brand Zone in a Zone Cluster

How to Upgrade a solaris10 Brand Zone in a Zone Cluster

Upgrading Failover Zones

How to Upgrade a Failover Zone

3.  Performing a Standard Upgrade

4.  Performing a Rolling Upgrade

5.  Completing the Upgrade

6.  Recovering From an Incomplete Upgrade


Upgrading a solaris10 Brand Zone in a Zone Cluster

Use the clzonecluster show-rev subcommand to check the cluster release information for each node of the zone cluster. For more information, see the clzonecluster(1CL) man page.

How to Upgrade a solaris10 Brand Zone in a Zone Cluster

There are four ways to upgrade a configured solaris10 brand zone in a zone cluster. The procedure below describes how to perform each method, but you should choose only one method.

  1. Bring the zone cluster into an offline-running state.
    phys-schost# clzonecluster reboot -o zoneclustername
  2. Choose only one of the following upgrade methods to upgrade the solaris10 brand zone.
    • To use the clzonecluster install-cluster command, issue the following command from the command line of one configured node of the global zone:
      phys-schost#clzonecluster install-cluster -p patchdir=patchdir \
      [,patchlistfile=filename] zoneclustername

      Use the new release patches for the patchlistfile property. For more information about the clzonecluster install-cluster subcommand, see the clzonecluster(1CL) man page.

    • To use the patchadd command, perform the following steps from inside the zone cluster for each configured zone-cluster node.
      1. Log in to the zone cluster.
        phys-schost# zlogin zoneclustername
      2. From the command line, type patchadd.
        zchost# patchadd
      3. Install the patches that correspond to the new release.
    • To use the scinstall -u update command, perform the following steps from inside the zone cluster for each configured zone-cluster node:
      1. Log in to the zone cluster.
        phys-schost# zlogin zoneclustername
      2. From the command line, type the following command.
        zchost# new-release-dvd-path/Solaris_arch/Product/sun_cluster/Solaris_10/Tools/scinstall -u update

        In the path, arch is sparc or x86. For example:

        zchost# /net/my-machine/export/dvd/Solaris_arch/Product/sun_cluster/Solaris_10/Tools/scinstall -u update
    • To use the interactive scinstall utility, perform the following steps from inside the zone cluster for each configured zone-cluster node:
      1. Log in to the zone cluster.
        phys-schost# zlogin zoneclustername
      2. Change to the DVD image directory inside the zone.

        You must run the scinstall utility from the latest DVD directory. For example:

        zchost# cd /net/my-machine/export/dvd/Solaris_arch/Product/sun_cluster/Solaris_10/Tools/

        In the path, arch is sparc or x86.

      3. Start the scinstall utility.
        zchost# pwd
        zchost# ./scinstall
      4. Choose the Upgrade This Cluster Node menu item.

        The Upgrading Oracle Solaris Cluster on This Node menu is displayed.

      5. Follow the menu prompts to upgrade the solaris10 brand zone on this zone cluster node.

        This action upgrades the Oracle Solaris Cluster framework and data service agents on this node.

      6. Quit the scinstall utility.


If the scinstall -u update command fails with a message that the pkg(5) command is out of date, follow the instructions in the message.