================================================================================ Endeca Latitude MDEX Engine (2.2.2 Revision A) * Documentation Update: The "Latitude Installation Guide" has been updated to require that secure mode (SSL) must be enabled as the final step in the installation of the MDEX Engine. ================================================================================ Endeca Latitude MDEX Engine GENERAL (2.2.2) - Release Date: November 2011 - This release is compatible with data indexed with Latitude 2.2.0 and 2.2.1, but not with previous releases. BEHAVIOR CHANGES (2.2.2) KNOWN ISSUES (2.2.2) - The documentation for this release has not been updated. Updated documentation may be provided in a future release if necessary. Please see the EDeN knowledge base for the most recent documentation. MIGRATION NOTES (2.2.2) BUG FIXES (2.2.2) COPYRIGHT (2.2.2) Copyright and patent information has been updated since the previous release of this software. The current copyright, trademark, and patent information is as follows: Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Endeca Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Portions of this software are subject to third-party rights, including: Corda PopChart(R) and Corda Builder(TM) Copyright © 1996-2005 Corda Technologies, Inc. Outside In(R) Search Export (c) 2011 Oracle. All rights reserved. Rosette(R) Globalization Platform (c) 2003-2005 Basis Technology Corp. All rights reserved. Teragram Language Identification Software (c) 1997-2005 Teragram Corporation. All rights reserved. Endeca, the Endeca logo, Guided Navigation, MDEX Engine, Find/Analyze/Understand, Guided Summarization, Every Day Discovery, Find Analyze and Understand Information in Ways Never Before Possible, Endeca Latitude, Endeca InFront, Endeca Profind, Endeca Navigation Engine, Don't Stop at Search, No Data Left Behind, Discovery Applications, Endeca Slipstream, and other Endeca product names referenced herein are registered trademarks or trademarks of Endeca Technologies, Inc. in the United States and other jurisdictions. All other product names, company names, marks, logos, and symbols are trademarks of their respective owners. The software may be covered by one or more of the following patents: US Patent 7035864, US Patent 7062483, US Patent 7325201, US Patent 7428528, US Patent 7567957, US Patent 7617184, US Patent 7856454, US Patent 7912823, US Patent 8005643, US Patent 8019752, US Patent 8024327, US Patent 8051073, US Patent 8051084, Australian Standard Patent 2001268095, Republic of Korea Patent 0797232, Chinese Patent for Invention CN10461159C, Hong Kong Patent HK1072114, European Patent EP1459206, European Patent EP1502205B1, and other patents pending. ================================================================================ Endeca Latitude MDEX Engine GENERAL (2.2.1) - Release Date: October 2011 - This release is compatible with data indexed with Latitude 2.2.0, but not with previous releases. BUG FIXES (2.2.1) * LATAT-32: Previously, slow query performance was observed in the MDEX Engine when queries ran in parallel with updates. The issue was caused by background tasks responsible for index optimization that were not being scheduled properly. This fix addresses this problem. * LCORE-162: Previously, a transaction ID of the empty string (such as outerTransactionId="") was disallowed. Now, for calls to the Ingest (DIWS) and Configuration web services, a transaction ID of the empty string is treated the same as not specifying the transaction ID at all. This change means that you can code a DIWS web service call to always include an outerTransactionId attribute, and pass in an empty value to run the call outside of the scope of a transaction. Note that a transaction ID of the empty string is still disallowed in the Transaction web service. ================================================================================ Endeca Latitude MDEX Engine (2.2.0 Revision A) * Known Issue (LCORE-157): The online documentation for the Configuration Web service (available in the /doc/wsdl/config directory in the MDEX root directory) contains links to the XSD files that do not resolve correctly. The information in the XSD files is included in the documentation, but if you want to view the actual XSD files, they are located in the /xquery/xml directory in the MDEX root. ================================================================================ Endeca Latitude MDEX Engine GENERAL (2.2.0) - Release Date: September 2011 - This release is not compatible with data indexed using previous releases. - The release notes may have been updated since the release date. Access the Product Downloads section of the Endeca Developer Network (EDeN) at https://eden.endeca.com for the most recent version of the release notes. INSTALLATION (2.2.0) - Refer to the "Latitude Installation Guide" for installation information. KNOWN ISSUES (2.2.0) * LCORE-14 (previously BUG18828): Queries with record filter values containing "/" fail. * LCORE-40 (previously BUG17879): The silent installer fails if the target directory is not empty (the standard installer provides an error in this case). * LCORE-50: If your LQL statement contains a HAVING clause with a time stamp, you will see an error message about not being able to process the query. The workaround is to convert the timestamp field to a string field. * LCORE-52 (previously BUG19037): When using search type-ahead on a multi-select attribute, selected refinement values are not excluded from the type-ahead list. * LCORE-79 (previously BUG19086): If two shutdown requests with different timeouts are sent to the MDEX Engine simultaneously, the shorter timeout may not be applied. * LCORE-119: If you invoke the mkmdex and dgraph commands on the command line in the root drive on a Windows server, you will receive permission errors. To avoid this problem, instead run these commands in a subdirectory. * LCORE-129: The LDI Bulk Add/Replace Records component can ingest data sets that include non-XML characters that can cause errors at MDEX query time. The MDEX Engine requires all data to be valid XML characters as defined by: http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/REC-xml-20060816/#charsets This notably means that many ASCII control characters are illegal in MDEX data. However, the MDEX Bulk Load interface does not prevent these illegal characters from being loaded, and their presence in an index will cause errors if they are ever returned in query results. * LCORE-149: Windows limits paths to 255 characters under most circumstances. If the user specifies an MDEX Engine index prefix that is too long (about 200 characters), the MDEX Engine will be unable to process updates and display the following error: "Error obtaining write permissions". * LDI-40: If a non-Admin user runs the Latitude Standard Installer and then runs the QuickStart project, the Start/Stop Latitude Studio shortcuts may not work. A workaround is to start the Latitude Studio Server through the command line by invoking the following at a command prompt: run command 'cd C:\Endeca\Latitude\2.2.0\Studio\tomcat-6.0.29\bin' run command 'catalina.bat start' ===============================================================================