The image shows the following buttons at the top from left to right: Active, Retire, Shut Down, Test, and Settings. Below this are four tabs from left to right: Dashboard, Instances, Faults and Rejected Messages, Unit Tests (selected), and Policies. Below this is the Search section, with fields for Test Run Name, Test Run ID, Composite Instance ID, Start Time, and End Time. The Search and Reset buttons appear in the lower right corner of this section.

Below this are the Test Cases and Test Runs (selected) sub-tabs. Below this is a table with the following columns left to right: Test Run Name, Test Run ID, Start Time, End Time, Status, and Success Rate.

Below this is the Results of Test Run section. In this section are statistics for Total, Running, Passed, Failed, Unknown, and Success Rate. A Refresh Test Status button appears to the right. Below this is a table consisting of the following columns: Test suits and test cases, and Status.