7 APM-10000 to APM-10015

APM-10000: Template cannot be saved because a template with same name already exits.
Cause: You are trying to save a role-template name that already exists in the system.
Action: Change the name of the template being saved to a different name that doesn't already exit in the system.

Level: 1


Impact: Authorization Policy Manager/Role-Template

APM-10001: Duplicate dimension alias name detected.
Cause: You have specified a name of dimension column-alias that has been defined for another column.
Action: Change the name of the column-alias to one that has not been used for a different column.

Level: 1


Impact: Authorization Policy Manager/Role-Template

APM-10002: Template naming convention definition requires at least two rows.
Cause: TODO
Action: TODO

Level: 1


Impact: Authorization Policy Manager/Role-Template

APM-10003: Template naming convention definition requires at least one dimension base object.
Cause: You are trying to save a role-template document without defining any dimension values.
Action: Specify a valid SQL statement that returns at least a single row.

Level: 1


Impact: Authorization Policy Manager/Role-Template

APM-10004: Template naming convention definition requires at least one role base object.
Cause: You are trying to save a role-template document without specifying a base-role.
Action: Specify a valid base-role in the base-role tab.

Level: 1


Impact: Authorization Policy Manager/Role-Template

APM-10005: Template name contains invalid character.
Cause: The name of the template contains one or more invalid characters.
Action: Remove the invalid character and retry the operation.

Level: 1


Impact: Authorization Policy Manager/Role-Template

APM-10006: Template display name cannot be blank.
Cause: You are trying to save a role-template document without specifying its display name.
Action: Specify valid display-name, and retry the opeartion.

Level: 1


Impact: Authorization Policy Manager/Role-Template

APM-10007: Template name is too long (Max length is 30 characters)
Cause: The number of characters you have entered for the template-name exceeds the max-number allowed.
Action: Reduce the number of characters for the template-name, and retry the operation.

Level: 1


Impact: Authorization Policy Manager/Role-Template

APM-10008: Template name cannot contains white space.
Cause: The template-name cannot contain any spaces.
Action: Remove any spaces in the template-name, and retry the operation.

Level: 1


Impact: Authorization Policy Manager/Role-Template

APM-10009: Template operation did not complete due to system error. Please contact administrator for detail.
Cause: Unexpected error occurred during Role-Template operation.
Action: Contact your system administrator.

Level: 1


Impact: Authorization Policy Manager/Role-Template

APM-10010: Dimension column alias cannot contain blank value.
Cause: One or more column-aliases contain null values.
Action: Provide values for all the column-aliases.

Level: 1


Impact: Authorization Policy Manager/Role-Template

APM-10011: Template dimension sql has not been defined yet.
Cause: You must define a SQL statement before the document can be saved.
Action: Provide a valid SQL statement.

Level: 1


Impact: Authorization Policy Manager/Role-Template

APM-10012: Template naming convention definition requires at least two rows.
Cause: You have not provided enough values to enforce name-uniqueness during data-role generation. There has to be at least two naming-rule defined for attributes from each entity: one or more attributes from base-role and one or more attributes from dimenstion.
Action: Select an attribute from base-role attributes and one from dimension-value attributes.

Level: 1


Impact: Authorization Policy Manager/Role-Template

APM-10013: Template dimension alias value cannot contains white space.
Cause: One of the column-aliases contain invalid characters.
Action: Remove the invalid character from the column-alias and retry the operation.

Level: 1


Impact: Authorization Policy Manager/Role-Template

APM-10014: No data return from sql. Please check the syntax of the SQL you provided.
Cause: The SQL you have entered is either invalid and/or not returning any data.
Action: Correct the SQL statement and/or ensure the SQL returns data.

Level: 1


Impact: Authorization Policy Manager/Role-Template

APM-10015: Error occurs and template operation did not complete. Please contact administrator for detail.
Cause: Role-Template execution did not complete successfully due to unknown reason.
Action: Contact your system-administrator.

Level: 1


Impact: Authorization Policy Manager/Role-Template