
This guide contains information about Oracle WebCenter Sites property files and their properties. They are used to specify operating parameters for Oracle WebCenter Sites and its applications.


This guide is written for WebCenter Sites installation engineers, developers, and administrators of WebCenter Sites systems.

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How This Guide Is Organized

The introductory section explains the importance of using the Property Editor to modify property files and provides instructions on using the Property Editor.

Part I, "Oracle WebCenter Sites" covers properties for WebCenter Sites and its page caching application Satellite Server.

Part II, "Oracle WebCenter Sites Applications" covers the property files of the WebCenter Sites: Engage application and remotely installed Satellite Server.

Part III, "Third-Party Libraries and Applications" explains how WebCenter Sites integrates with third-party libraries.

At the end of this reference is an index to help readers find topics and properties in this guide.

Related Documents

For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle WebCenter Sites 11gR1 ( documentation set:


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