
This guide shows you how to create demographic reports on visitors who browse websites powered by Oracle WebCenter Sites. Part I of this guide is a tutorial for creating reports with custom data capture parameters. Part II is a reference section that discusses enabling data capture for different types of Oracle WebCenter Sites assets and reports. Part II also contains information about the schema of the Analytics database, which stores statistics on site visitors.


This guide is written primarily for developers. It is assumed that developers have a clear knowledge of their company's business needs, and a basic understanding of their roles in the development of the online site and its back end. This guide is also useful to administrators, who collaborate with developers by setting up content management sites, site users, workflow processes, publishing methods, and Oracle WebCenter Sites client options.

Developers must know Java, JavaServer Pages (JSP), XML, and HTML. Administrators are not required to have programming experience, although a technical background is assumed.

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Related Documents

For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle WebCenter Sites 11g Release 1 ( documentation set:


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