3 Configuring Oracle WebCenter Portal

This chapter describes how to configure an Oracle WebCenter Portal domain.

This chapter includes the following topics:


In order to configure the domain, you must have successfully installed Oracle WebCenter Portal using the Oracle Universal Installer (Chapter 2, "Installing Oracle WebCenter Portal").

3.1 Preparing to Configure Oracle WebCenter Portal

You use Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard to configure Oracle WebCenter Portal. This section lists the tasks that you must ensure before you run the wizard.

This section includes the following subsections:

3.1.1 Using Default Port Numbers for Your Servers

By default, the servers that are created in each domain use the same set of port numbers (for example, the Administration Server uses port 7001). If you want to use custom port numbers, you can change the port number when you run the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard:

  • The Administration Server port number can be changed on the Configure the Administration Server Screen.

  • The port number for all Managed Servers in your domain can be changed on the Configure Managed Servers Screen.

However, Oracle recommends that you use the default port numbers for all servers.

For more information about port numbers, refer to the following:

3.1.2 Using Default Settings for Managed Servers

While configuring Oracle WebCenter Portal, you can choose the components that you want to install. Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard automatically creates Managed Servers in the domain to host the selected Oracle WebCenter Portal components. Oracle recommends that you use the default configuration settings for these Managed Servers.

For a list and description of the Managed Servers created during domain configuration, see Section 1.4, "Oracle WebCenter Portal Managed Servers".

3.1.3 Shutting Down Running Managed Servers

If you are extending an existing WebLogic Server domain (Section 3.2.3, "Extending an Existing Domain"), you must shut down any servers that are currently running, including the Administration Server, before you start the Configuration Wizard. If you do not, validation of your servers will fail due to port number conflicts from the servers that are currently running.

For more information, see "Starting and Stopping Oracle Fusion Middleware" in Oracle Application Server Administrator's Guide.

3.1.4 Running the Configuration Wizard with an Oracle RAC Database

If you are running the Configuration Wizard with a backend Oracle RAC database, Oracle recommends that you keep all the Oracle RAC instances configured for the service to be up and running. This will ensure that JDBC validation checks are reliable and minimize the possibility of accidental mis-configuration.

For more information, refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware High Availability Guide.

3.2 Configuration Instructions

You use the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard to configure Oracle WebCenter Portal.

If this is a new installation, you may want to create a new domain for Oracle WebCenter Portal. Alternatively, you can choose to extend another existing product domain to add Oracle WebCenter Portal products. For example, if you have an existing Oracle SOA domain with Content Server, you can extend this domain to include Oracle WebCenter Portal products, in which case some configuration tasks become simpler.

If you have a situation where you may want to install multiple products but you do not want to patch them at the same time, then you should keep each product in its own separate domain.

This section contains the following subsections:

3.2.1 Starting the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard

By default, both a Sun JDK and Oracle JRockit SDK are installed with your Oracle WebLogic Server installation. Depending on the mode selected on the "JDK Selection" screen during your WebLogic Server installation, the JDK that is actually used to run the Configuration Wizard will vary; if Development mode was selected, the Sun JDK will be used and if Production mode was selected, the JRockit SDK will be used.

If you want to invoke the Configuration Wizard using a specific JDK (for example, you want to use the Sun JDK), do the following prior to starting the Configuration Wizard:

  1. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the location of the Sun JDK. For example, you can set it to the Sun JDK that was installed with Oracle WebLogic Server in the MW_HOME/jdk160_version (on UNIX operating systems) or MW_HOME\jdk160_version (on Windows operating systems) directory.

  2. Set the JAVA_VENDOR environment variable to "Sun".

To start the Configuration Wizard, run the following command:

  • On UNIX operating systems:

    cd WebCenter_ORACLE_HOME/common/bin
  • On Windows operating systems:

    cd WebCenter_ORACLE_HOME\common\bin

To create a log file for your configuration session, see Section D.2.2, "Configuration Log Files".

If this is a new installation and you need to create a new WebLogic domain, follow the instructions in Section 3.2.2, "Creating a New Domain." You can also run the Configuration Wizard to extend an existing WebLogic domain, as described in Section 3.2.3, "Extending an Existing Domain".

3.2.2 Creating a New Domain

Use the information in this section to help you create and configure a new domain for your Oracle WebCenter Portal products.

Complete domain configuration instructions are located in "Creating a WebLogic Domain" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating Domains Using the Configuration Wizard. This section should be used in conjunction with "Creating a WebLogic Domain" as WebCenter-specific information is highlighted.

The following topics are covered in this section: Selecting Oracle WebCenter Portal Products for Configuration

Use the Select Domain Source screen (Figure 3-1) to select the products you want to configure in your domain:

Figure 3-1 Configuration Wizard - Oracle WebCenter Portal Products

Description of Figure 3-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 3-1 Configuration Wizard - Oracle WebCenter Portal Products''

Your product templates are the ones that end with the name of your Oracle home directory (for example, "Oracle WebCenter Spaces - [Oracle_WC1]" if "Oracle_WC1" is the name of your Oracle home). You should only select products templates that end with the name of your Oracle home directory.

The product templates ending in "oracle_common" are common templates used by all Oracle Fusion Middleware products and should not be selected manually; they are automatically selected as dependencies when needed.

Table 3-1 lists the Oracle WebCenter Portal products available for configuration, and their dependencies. Note that if you select a product that has any dependencies, the dependencies are automatically selected for you on the Select Domain Source screen.


Refer to "Oracle WebCenter Portal Templates" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Domain Template Reference for detailed information about each product template, including dependencies.

Table 3-1 Oracle WebCenter Portal Products Available for Configuration

Product Dependencies

WebCenter Portal (previously known as Oracle WebCenter Spaces)

Oracle Enterprise Manager

Oracle WSM Policy Manager

Oracle JRF

Oracle WebCenter Services Portlets

Oracle WSM Policy Manager

Oracle JRF

Oracle WebCenter Pagelet Producer

Oracle WSM Policy Manager

Oracle JRF

Oracle Portlet Producers

Oracle WSM Policy Manager

Oracle JRF

Oracle WebCenter Discussion Server

Oracle WSM Policy Manager

Oracle JRF

Oracle WebCenter ActivityGraph Engines

Oracle WebCenter Analytics Collector

Oracle JRF

Oracle WebCenter Personalization

Oracle JRF

Oracle WebCenter Analytics Collector

Oracle JRF Specifying a Domain Name

Use the Specify Domain Name and Location screen to provide a directory path and name for the domain you want to create. This is your Domain home directory (see "WebLogic Server Domain" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Planning Guide for more information).

When creating a domain on a Windows operating system, make sure neither the directory path nor domain name contain a space character; otherwise, the domain will not be created. Granting Administrator Privileges to a Non-Default User

Use the Configure Administrator User Name and Password screen to define the default WebLogic Administrator account for the domain.

The default domain administrator, weblogic, created for Oracle WebCenter Portal is also, by default, the administrator for WebCenter Portal and Oracle WebCenter Portal's Discussion Server. You can also make a non-default user the administrator. While creating a domain, if you specify any user other than the default weblogic user as the domain administrator, that user is granted all the domain administrative rights. However, after creating the domain, you must manually grant the administrator role to that non-default user for WebCenter Portal and Oracle WebCenter Portal's Discussion Server. For information about granting the administrator role to a non-default user for: Creating Machines for Your Managed Servers

If you want to be able to manage your servers using Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, you must associate the servers with a machine. In a WebLogic domain, the machine definitions identify physical units of hardware and are associated with the WebLogic Server instances that they host.

Machines can be created during the configuration process, as described below (click on the name of the screen for additional help):

After this is done and the domain is created successfully, you can use Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control to start, stop, and manage the servers associated with the machine.

For more information, see Section 3.3, "Starting the Servers".

3.2.3 Extending an Existing Domain

You can extend any Oracle Fusion Middleware product domain to add Oracle WebCenter Portal components. The Configuration Wizard will automatically detect the components that have already been installed and give you the option to add any Oracle WebCenter Portal products that do not already exist.


A domain must be completely stopped before you attempt to extend it.

Before you extend a domain, be sure to refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Interoperability and Compatibility Guide for important information regarding the ability of Oracle Fusion Middleware products to function with previous versions of other Oracle Fusion Middleware, Oracle, or third-party products.

This section describes the scenarios in which you may want to extend your existing domain. It includes the following subsections:


Oracle WebCenter Portal relies on the MDS schema. Depending on the Oracle WebCenter Portal components used in WebCenter Portal and Portal Framework applications, your Oracle WebCenter Portal installation may also require the following schemas: WEBCENTER, DISCUSSIONS, ACTIVITIES, and PORTLET.
  • MDS: WebCenter Portal and various Portal Framework applications can share the MDS schema. This means that multiple deployed applications can use the same MDS schema, each having its own partition defined in MDS.

  • WEBCENTER: There must be a distinct WEBCENTER schema for WebCenter Portal and each Portal Framework application.

  • DISCUSSIONS: Two Oracle WebCenter Portal applications, both using Discussions, can use a single discussions server. The discussions server is wired to a single DISCUSSIONS schema. The only thing that must be unique is the category ID, which is set for each application when the Discussion Forum connection is configured. For information about setting the category ID, see how to set application.root.category.id using setDiscussionForumServiceProperty, in the "WebCenter Portal Custom WLST Commands" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

  • ACTIVITIES: Analytics and Activity Graph can be used only by a single application within a domain, and there can only be one instance of this schema in any domain.

  • PORTLET: Many Portlet Producer applications can be deployed to a single Custom Services Producer managed server. Portlet Producer applications can share a single PORTLET schema.

For information about the various schemas that your applications may require, see Table 5-1. For information about how to create schemas, refer to the "Creating Schemas" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility User's Guide. Extending a Domain to Install Oracle WebCenter Portal Products

You can extend your existing Oracle WebCenter Portal domain to install additional Oracle WebCenter Portal products listed in Table 3-1. When you run the Configuration Wizard to extend the domain, you must select Extend my domain automatically to support the following added products on the Select Extension Source screen, then select the product(s) you want to add to the domain.

For information about extending an existing domain, see the "Extending WebLogic Domains" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating Domains Using the Configuration Wizard. See also, Oracle Fusion Middleware Interoperability and Compatibility Guide.


Before extending a domain, make sure that schemas exist in your database for the components you plan to configure. For example, if you are planning to extend the domain and configure Oracle WebCenter Portal's Discussion Server, make sure the DISCUSSIONS schema exists in your Oracle database before you continue. Extending a Domain to Create Custom Managed Servers

Oracle WebCenter Portal enables developers to build Portal Framework applications and Portlet Producer applications. To enable deployment of these applications, you must extend your domain with the required domain extension templates to create custom managed servers. While extending the domain, you can also customize the JDBC connections and change the JMS file store. The Configuration Wizard uses your input to update the configuration files and all other generated components in the domain directory, as required.

For more information about Oracle WebCenter Portal custom templates, see the "Oracle WebCenter Portal Templates" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Domain Template Reference.

This section includes the following subsections: Creating a Custom Managed Server for Portal Framework Applications

If your application developers need to develop Portal Framework applications, you must create the Custom Portal managed server for deployment of these applications.


Portal Framework applications can include various tools and services. Some of these tools and services require the WebCenter schema. There must be a distinct WEBCENTER schema for each Portal Framework application. Before you create the Custom Portal managed server, you must run the RCU again to create a second version of the WebCenter schema. Note that this schema is separate from the WebCenter schema used by WebCenter Portal, and therefore, make sure you use a different schema prefix.

For information about WebCenter Portal tools and services that require the WebCenter schema, see Table 5-1. For information about how to create schemas, refer to the "Creating Schemas" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility User's Guide.

To create the Custom Portal managed server, extend the domain with the oracle.wc_custom_portal_template_11.1.1.jar template. On the Select Extension Source screen, select the Extend my domain using an existing extension template option, and click Browse to locate the template.

  • On UNIX operating systems, the template is available here:

  • On Windows operating systems, the template is available here:


For information about extending an existing domain, see the "Extending WebLogic Domains" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

When you extend the Oracle WebCenter Portal domain with the custom portal template, it creates the Custom Portal managed server named WC_CustomPortal and targets all the necessary resources to it. It also adds the following JDBC data sources:

  • mds-CustomPortalDS (for accessing the MDS schema)

  • WebCenter-CustomPortalDS (for accessing the WebCenter schema)

  • Activities-CustomPortalDS (for accessing the Activities schema)

If your Portal Framework applications use web services, or the tools and services use the security and policy manager, they require Oracle WSM Policy Manager. You must run the Configuration Wizard a second time to extend your domain with the Oracle WSM Policy Manager template if it is not already installed. This template is available on the Select Domain Source screen. Creating a Custom Managed Server for Portlet Producer Applications

If your application developers need to build Portlet Producer applications, you must create a Custom Services Producer managed server for deployment of these applications.


There must be a distinct WEBCENTER schema for each portlet producer application. Before you create the Custom Services Producer managed server, you must run the RCU again to create a version of the WEBCENTER schema for portlet producer applications. Note that this schema is separate from the WebCenter schema used by WebCenter Portal and the Custom Portal managed server, and therefore, make sure you use a different schema prefix.

For information about how to create schemas, refer to the "Creating Schemas" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility User's Guide.

To create the managed server, extend the domain with the Custom Portal template, oracle.wc_custom_services_producer_template_11.1.1.jar. On the Select Extension Source screen, select the Extend my domain using an existing extension template option, and click Browse to locate the template at the following paths:

  • On UNIX operating systems:

  • On Windows operating systems:


When you extend the Oracle WebCenter Portal domain with the custom producer services template, it creates the Custom Services Producer managed server named WC_CustomServicesProducer and targets all the necessary resources to it. It also adds the following JDBC data sources:

  • mds-CustomServicesProducerDS (for accessing the MDS schema)

  • WebCenter-CustomServicesProducerDS (for accessing the WebCenter schema)

  • Activities-CustomServicesProducerDS (for accessing the Activities schema)

  • Portlet-CustomServicesProducerDS (for accessing the Portlet schema) Creating Multiple Custom Managed Servers

A template can be applied only once to a domain. If you want to create multiple custom Managed Servers, you must clone the existing custom Managed Server with the cloneWebCenterManagedServer() WLST command.

For more information, see "cloneWebCenterManagedServer" in Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference. Extending a Domain to Enable Oracle BPM Process Spaces

Oracle Business Process Management (Oracle BPM) Process Spaces is a workspace built on top of WebCenter Portal, the out-of-the-box application. Process Spaces provides portals designed specifically for modeling and executing business processes. These portals are Process Workspace and Modeling Space. Users can dynamically create a process instance space for a particular instance of Oracle BPM Process Spaces.

For more information about Process Spaces functionality, refer to the "Using Oracle Business Process Management Process Spaces" part in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Process Management.

Process Spaces relies on Oracle WebCenter Content Server and Oracle WebCenter Portal's Discussion Server for collaboration purpose. To enable Process Spaces in WebCenter Portal, you need to extend your Oracle WebCenter Portal domain with the Oracle BPM Spaces template. You also need to run the install.xml ant script. The installation script can be used for a single-server configuration as well as a cluster configuration.


To extend your Oracle WebCenter Portal domain with Oracle BPM Process Spaces, you may also need to apply a patch. For information, refer to the latest Oracle Fusion Middleware Release Notes on OTN here:


Table 3-2 summarizes the main steps involved in enabling Process Spaces. For detailed steps, refer to the procedure described after this table.


After you extend your domain using the Oracle BPM Spaces template, you cannot access WebCenter Portal until you complete installing Oracle BPM Process Spaces.

Table 3-2 Enabling Process Spaces

Task Step Mandatory/Optional

Preparing to enable Process Spaces

1. Ensure that the following are installed:

  • Oracle BPM

  • Content Server

  • Discussions Server



2. Ensure the following components are enabled on Content Server:

  • DynamicConverter

  • Folders_g

  • WebCenterConfigure



3. Ensure DynamicConverter is configured to support the required file formats



4. Back up your Oracle WebCenter Portal domain


Extending your domain

1. Extend your Oracle WebCenter Portal domain with the Oracle BPM Spaces template


Enabling Process Spaces

1. Copy the process_spaces folder from the SOA_ORACLE_HOME/bpm directory to your Oracle WebCenter Portal system



2. Update the process-portal-install.properties file with the required values for Oracle BPM and Oracle WebCenter Portal properties



3. Ensure ant and Java JDK are installed, and PATH and CLASSPATH environment variables are set



4. Run the install.xml ant script



5. Restart WC_Spaces, and run the ant script again to add the templates

Mandatory if wcConfigServices = true


6. Configure Trusted Domain Credentials in the Oracle BPM and Oracle WebCenter Portal domains, and restart both the servers

Mandatory if Oracle BPM and Oracle WebCenter Portal are in different domains

Verifying Process Spaces functionality

1. Log on to Oracle BPM to confirm it is up and running



2. Bring the Process Workspace and Modeling Space portals online



3. Add a valid Oracle BPM user to Process Workspace and Modeling Space



4. Ensure Process Workspace and Modeling Space are working properly


To enable Process Spaces for WebCenter Portal:

  1. Ensure that the following are installed:


    Oracle BPM must be installed and up and running before you attempt to extend your domain with the Oracle BPM Spaces template. If you install Process Spaces without first installing Oracle BPM, WebCenter Portal will stop working.
  2. Ensure the following components are enabled in Content Server: DynamicConverter, Folders_g, and WebCenterConfigure. Also, ensure that DynamicConverter is configured to support all the file formats for which HTML rendition is required. For more information, see the "Enabling Mandatory Components" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

  3. Back up your Oracle WebCenter Portal domain. For information, see the "Advanced Administration: Backup and Recovery" part in Oracle Application Server Administrator's Guide.

  4. Extend your Oracle WebCenter Portal domain using the Oracle BPM Spaces template. The template is available at the following location:

    On UNIX: WebCenter_ORACLE_HOME/common/templates/applications/oracle.bpm.spaces_template_11.1.1.jar

    On Windows: WebCenter_ORACLE_HOME\common\templates\applications\oracle.bpm.spaces_template_11.1.1.jar

    While extending the domain, you select the Oracle BPM Spaces template in the Select Extension Source screen, as shown in Figure 3-2.

    For detailed information about how to extend a domain, see the "Extending a WebLogic Domain in Graphical Mode" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.


    To extend your Oracle WebCenter Portal domain with Oracle BPM Process Spaces, you may need to apply a patch. For information, refer to the latest Oracle Fusion Middleware Release Notes on OTN here:


    Figure 3-2 Selecting the Oracle BPM Spaces Template

    Description of Figure 3-2 follows
    Description of ''Figure 3-2 Selecting the Oracle BPM Spaces Template''

  5. Copy the process_spaces folder from the SOA Oracle home directory to any location on the system where Oracle WebCenter Portal is installed. Copy the folder from the following location:

    On UNIX: SOA_ORACLE_HOME/bpm/process_spaces

    On Windows: SOA_ORACLE_HOME\bpm\process_spaces

  6. Open the process-portal-install.properties file from the newly copied process_spaces folder on your Oracle WebCenter Portal system.

  7. Specify the required Oracle BPM and Oracle WebCenter Portal properties as listed in Table 3-3.


    For security purposes, you can skip specifying the passwords, and provide them later when prompted.

    Table 3-3 Properties Specified in process-portal-install.properties

    Property Description


    The flag to decide whether to extend the existing BPM domain or create a new one. Specify the value as true if Oracle WebCenter Portal and SOA are in the same domain, else false.


    The flag to decide whether to prompt for passwords or read them from the process-portal-install.properties file while running the installer.

    Domain Global Trust Details



    Flag to control whether to set the domain realm password; Set the value to true if extendSoa is false.

    Note: This property is for setting up Global Trust. It is recommended that you set Global Trust manually; so set this property to false even if extendSoa is false.


    Password to set up trusted domains. Same password must be set on Oracle BPM domain as well.

    Note: This property is for setting up Global Trust. It is recommended that you set Global Trust manually, and not by using this property.


    Port on which WC_Spaces managed server is hosted

    Oracle BPM Schema and MDS Details



    User name to connect to the database configured for Oracle BPM


    Password to connect to Oracle BPM's database


    Database type configured for Oracle BPM


    Driver used to connect to Oracle BPM's database


    URL of Oracle BPM's database, for example, jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:1521:XE


    User name for the MDS schema used for Oracle BPM


    Password for Oracle BPM's MDS schema

    Oracle BPM Runtime Details



    Oracle BPM server URL

    For a single BPM server: t3://<bpmHost>:<bpmRuntimePort>

    For example: t3://myHost:8001

    For BPM cluster, specify separated list of BPM server URLs for all servers in the cluster in the following format:


    For example, t3://myHost1:8001,myHost2:8002,myHost3:8003


    Name of the user who has Administrator privileges on the Oracle BPM server


    Password for the Oracle BPM Admin user

    WebCenter Portal Installation Details



    Path to the WebCenter Portal Oracle home directory


    Name of the domain where Oracle WebCenter Portal is installed. If extendSoa flag is set to true, point to the BPM domain.


    Flag to specify whether Oracle WebCenter Portal installation is configured for a cluster. Set to true if it is a cluster configuration.


    Name of WebCenter Portal's cluster.

    Set this property only if isWebcenterClusterConfig is set to true.

    Oracle WebCenter Portal's WebLogic Server Installation Details



    Host name on which Oracle WebCenter Portal's Admin server is running


    Port number on which Oracle WebCenter Portal's Admin server is running


    Admin user for the Oracle WebCenter Portal Admin server


    Password of the Oracle WebCenter Portal Admin server


    In a single-server environment, specify the name of the managed server where WebCenter Portal is deployed.

    In a clustered environment, specify the name of any one of the WebCenter Portal managed servers that is part of the cluster.


    Flag to configure the Content Server and Discussions Server to work with Oracle WebCenter Portal. The Content Server and Discussion Server details listed later in this table must be specified only if wcConfigServices is set to true.

    Note: It is strongly recommended that instead of using the install.xml script to configure Content Server and Discussions Server by setting wcConfigServices to true, you should set wcConfigServices to false, and manually configure Content Server and Discussions Server to work with Oracle WebCenter Portal. For information, see the "Managing Content Repositories" and "Managing Announcements and Discussions" chapters in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

    Content Server Details

    Set these properties if wcConfigServices is set to true.


    Name of the host Content Server configured for Oracle WebCenter Portal


    Port on which Content Server is running.


    Name of the WebCenter Portal root folder on Content Server


    Name of the Admin user for Content Server

    Discussions Server Details

    Set these properties if wcConfigServices is set to true.


    Name of the Discussion Server configured for Oracle WebCenter Portal


    Name of the Admin user for Discussion Server

  8. Make sure you have ant and Java JDK installed.

    Ant is shipped with Oracle BPM. You can find the installer under the path MW_HOME/modules/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.

  9. Ensure that the PATH and CLASSPATH environment variables are set for both ant and Java JDK.

  10. Ensure that the Content Server, Admin Server, and all the managed servers, including WC_Spaces and soa_server1, are running.

  11. Run the ant script, install.xml:

    MW_HOME/modules/org.apache.ant_1.7.1/bin/ant -f install.xml -DpromptForPasswords=true

    Use the -DpromptForPasswords=true argument only if you did not specify passwords in the process-portal-install.properties file.

  12. If wcConfigServices is set to true in process-portal-install.properties, do the following:

    1. Restart WC_Spaces. Running the install.xml script shuts down the WC_Spaces managed server, therefore you must restart the server.

    2. Run the install script again to complete the post installation steps. Use the following command:

      ant -f install.xml post-install -DpiArgs -importGSOnly


      If wcConfigServices is set to false, you do not need to run the install script again.
  13. If Oracle BPM and Oracle WebCenter Portal have been configured in different domains, configure Trusted Domain Credentials in the Oracle BPM and Oracle WebCenter Portal domains. Restart the Oracle BPM Admin Server and managed server and the Oracle WebCenter Portal Admin Server and all managed servers.

    For more information, see the "Enabling Trust Between WebLogic Server Domains" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Securing Oracle WebLogic Server.

  14. Log on to Oracle BPM to confirm it is up and running. For information, see the "Configuring Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.


    Once Process Spaces is installed, Oracle BPM must always be running when you use WebCenter Portal. If Oracle BPM is not accessible, you may face problems accessing WebCenter Portal.
  15. Log on to WebCenter Portal as an administrator, and do the following to bring the Process Workspace and Modeling Space portals online:

    1. Click the Administration link to open WebCenter Portal administration pages.

    2. Under the Portals tab, select the Modeling Space row.

    3. From the Actions menu, select Bring Online.

    4. Click OK.

    5. Repeat this procedure to bring Process Workspace online.

  16. Add a valid Oracle BPM user to the Process Workspace and Modeling Space portals. For information, see the "Adding Members to a Portal" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Building Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal.

  17. Log on to WebCenter Portal as the valid Oracle BPM user, and ensure that Process Workspace and Modeling Space are working properly.

3.3 Starting the Servers

This section includes the following topics:

3.3.1 Starting the Node Manager

The Node manager allows starting and stopping the Managed Servers remotely. Once you start the Node Manager, you can start Managed Servers using the Administration Console, the Enterprise Manager Control Console, or the command line.

To start the Node Manager:

  1. On UNIX operating systems, run the MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/setNMProps.sh script.

    On Windows operating systems, run the MW_HOME\oracle_common\common\bin\setNMProps.cmd script.

    This script appends the required properties to the nodemanager.properties file. These properties can also be appended manually, or provided as command-line arguments.


    The StartScriptEnabled=true property is required for Managed Servers to receive proper classpath and command arguments.

    The file containing the properties is nm.required.properties.

  2. On UNIX operating systems, start Node Manager by running the WebLogic_Home/server/bin/startNodeManager.sh script.

    On Windows operating systems, start Node Manager by running the WebLogic_Home\server\bin\startNodeManager.cmd script.

While use of Node Manager is optional, it provides valuable benefits if your WebLogic Server environment hosts applications with high-availability requirements. It also allows for OPatch, which is a tool used to update or patch your existing software, to be run in an automated fashion.

For additional information, see:

3.3.2 Starting the Administration Server

The Administration Server serves as a central location from which to monitor all resources in a domain. It maintains the domain's configuration and distributes changes in the configuration to Managed Servers. There is one Administration Server for each domain.

To get your deployments up and running, you must start the Administration Server.

  1. Navigate to the DOMAIN_HOME/bin directory.

  2. Run either of the following scripts:

    • startWebLogic.sh (on UNIX)

    • startWebLogic.cmd (on Windows)

To interact with the Administration Server, you can use Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console, Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, or Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST). The Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console and Fusion Middleware Control run in the Administration Server.

You can access the Administration Server console by using the following URL format:


For example: http://example.com:7001/console

Supply the username and password that you specified on the Configure Administrator Username and Password Screen of the Configuration Wizard.

To access the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console, use the following URL format:


For example: http://example.com:7001/em

3.3.3 Starting Managed Servers From Oracle Fusion Middleware Control

If you have Node Manager and the Administration Server both up and running, you can start your Managed Servers from Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.


WebCenter Portal supports automatic configuration of certain WebCenter Portal tools and services. For automatic configuration to work, you must first start the managed servers associated with the services, and then start the WC_Spaces managed server. When starting managed servers, WC_Spaces must be started last.

To do this:

  1. Log in to Enterprise Manager:


    You will be asked to provide your Administrator credentials (the same credentials you used to log in to the Administration Console).

  2. Answer the question in the Accessibility Preference dialog window, then click Continue.

  3. In the navigation pane on the left side of the page, expand the WebLogic Domain node until the Administration Server and Managed Servers are visible.

    Description of em_domain.gif follows
    Description of the illustration ''em_domain.gif''

  4. Select the first Managed Server in the list (WC_Collaboration). The main portion of the page changes to show the name of the Managed Server at the top, and a drop-down menu labeled WebLogic Server immediately beneath it.

    Form the drop-down menu, select Control, the select Start Up.

    Description of em_startup.gif follows
    Description of the illustration ''em_startup.gif''

  5. Repeat this step until all of the Managed Servers are up and running.

  6. Select WebLogic Domain in the navigation pane to verify that all of the servers in the domain are up and running.

    Description of em_servers_started.gif follows
    Description of the illustration ''em_servers_started.gif''

If you did not configure a machine during domain creation and want to do it now, or created a machine but did not associate your servers with that machine, follow the instructions in Section, "Creating and Associating a Machine with Oracle WebCenter Portal Managed Servers".

If you did not configure a machine or associate your servers with a machine, or do not want to use Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware control to start your servers, you can also start your servers from the command line. To do this, follow the instructions in Section, "Starting Managed Servers with a Startup Script". Creating and Associating a Machine with Oracle WebCenter Portal Managed Servers

You can associate Managed Servers to a machine either by using Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard or the Administration Console.

While creating the Oracle WebCenter Portal domain you must have already created a machine and associated the same to the managed servers. In the Configuration Wizard:

To create a machine and associate a managed server with it (or verify the configuration) using the Administration Console:

  1. Log in to the WebLogic Administration Server Console using the following URL:

  2. Under your Oracle WebCenter Portal domain, navigate to Environment > Machines.

  3. Click New.

  4. Enter a machine name (for example, Machine-WC).

    When creating the machine use the server name where Oracle WebCenter Portal is installed.

  5. Click Next, and then click Finish.

  6. Navigate to Environment > Servers and select the managed server with which you want to associate this machine (Machine-WC). Use the drop-down list to associate the managed server with the machine.


    This procedure only works if the Managed Servers are shut down. If the Managed Servers are up and running, then no values will appear in the drop-down list.
  7. Repeat step 6 for all the other managed servers.

    After this procedure, the Managed Server will start successfully and be accessible from the Administration Console and also Node Manager. Starting Managed Servers with a Startup Script

After configuring your Oracle WebCenter Portal domain, you will have a start script named startManagedWebLogic that you can use to start Managed Servers in the domain.

  • On UNIX operating systems:

    Run DOMAIN_HOME/bin/startManagedWebLogic.sh managed_server_name admin_url

  • On Windows operating systems:

    Run DOMAIN_HOME\bin\startManagedWebLogic.cmd managed_server_name admin_url

Where managed_server_name specifies the name of the Managed Server that you want to start, and admin_url specifies the listen address (host name, IP address, or DNS name) and port number of the domain's Administration Server. This command also requires that you specify a server name. The servers that you may need to start are:

  • WC_Portlet - Hosts Oracle WebCenter Portal's Portlets and Pagelet Producer

  • WC_Collaboration - Hosts Oracle WebCenter Portal's Discussion Server

  • WC_Utilities - Hosts Oracle WebCenter Portal's Analytics Collector, Oracle WebCenter Portal's Activity Graph Engines, and Oracle WebCenter Portal's Personalization

  • WC_Spaces - Hosts WebCenter Portal

For example, use the following command to start WC_Spaces, the Managed Server for WebCenter Portal:

  • On a UNIX operating system

    DOMAIN_HOME/bin/startManagedWebLogic.sh WC_Spaces http://example.com:7001
  • On Windows operating systems

    DOMAIN_HOME\bin\startManagedWebLogic.cmd WC_Spaces http://example.com:7001

When you run the command, you are prompted for the WebLogic Server username and password. Supply the username and password that you specified on the Configure Administrator Username and Password Screen of the Configuration Wizard.

If you do not know the names of the managed servers that need to be started, you can view the contents of the following file:

  • On UNIX operating systems

  • On Windows operating systems


Or, you can access the Administration Server console at the following URL:


Supply the username and password that you specified on the Configure Administrator Username and Password Screen of the Configuration Wizard.


When you run the command to start a managed server, wait until the output of the command shows up. Before starting WC_Spaces, wait until all other managed servers are started.

3.4 Verifying Your Configuration

You can verify that the Managed Servers for your Oracle WebCenter Portal products have started successfully by starting your browser and entering the following URLs:

  • To access WebCenter Portal:


    The default port number for WebCenter Portal is 8888.

  • To access Pagelet Producer:


    The default port number for Pagelet Producer is 8889.

    To access the Pagelet Producer console:

  • To access Oracle WebCenter Portal's Activity Graph Engines and Oracle WebCenter Personalization:

    To access Oracle WebCenter Portal's Activity Graph Engines:


    To access Oracle WebCenter Portal's Personalization:


    The default port number for the WC_Utilities server is 8891.

  • To access WebCenter OmniPortlet and Web Clipping portlets:


    The default port number for Oracle WebCenter Portal's Portlet Producer is 8889.

  • To access Oracle WebCenter Portal's Discussion Server:


    The default port number for Oracle WebCenter Portal's Discussion Server is 8890.

3.5 Setting Up an External LDAP-Based Identity Store

By default, WebCenter Portal and Portal Framework applications use Oracle WebLogic Server's embedded LDAP identity store for storing user accounts and groups, and an XML file-based policy store for storing policy grants. Although secure, the embedded LDAP identity store is not a "production-class" store. You must replace it with an external LDAP-based identity store, such as Oracle Internet Directory, for enterprise production environments. Further, the default XML file-based policy store can be used only for single-node Oracle WebCenter Portal configurations. For multi-node configurations, you must reassociate the policy store and the credential store with an external LDAP-based identity store. An external LDAP-based identity store manages identities of users across diverse servers and enables you to configure single sign-on (SSO) authentication across applications.

Oracle WebCenter Content Server and Oracle WebCenter Portal's Discussion Server rely on external LDAP-based identity stores. Therefore, if your portals need to include documents, discussions, or announcements, you must install and configure an external LDAP-based identity store.

Table 3-4 describes the tasks that you must perform to configure an external LDAP-based identity store for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Table 3-4 Tasks for Configuring an External LDAP-Based Identity Store

Task Description Mandatory/Optional?

1. Install an external LDAP-based identity store

Install an external LDAP-based identity store, such as Oracle Internet Directory.

For information about how to install Oracle Identity Management, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Identity Management.


2. Configure Oracle WebCenter Portal to use the external LDAP-based identity store

Reassociate the identity store with an external LDAP, rather than the default embedded LDAP.

For information, see the "Reassociating the Identity Store with an External LDAP Server" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

While creating a domain, if you specified any user other than weblogic as the domain administrator, you must manually grant the administrator role to that nondefault user for WebCenter Portal as described in the "Granting the WebCenter Portal Administrator Role" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal.


3. Configure the policy and credential stores

Reassociate Oracle WebCenter Portal's policy store and credential store with an external LDAP server or database.

For information, see the "Configuring the Policy and Credential Store" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal.


If you configure an external LDAP-based identity store, then WebCenter Portal and all the back-end components configured for any Oracle WebCenter Portal tools and services must use the same external LDAP-based identity store. Table 3-5 describes whether additional configuration is required for any back-end component if a shared external LDAP-based identity store is used.

For information about installing and configuring back-end components for Oracle WebCenter Portal tools and services, see Chapter 5, "Preparing Back-End Components for WebCenter Portal Tools and Services."

Table 3-5 Configuring Back-End Components for a Shared External LDAP-Based Identity Store

Back-End Component Out-Of-The-Box Support Additional Configuration Requirement

Oracle WebCenter Portal's Discussion Server

Embedded LDAP store

No additional configuration required on Oracle WebCenter Portal's Discussion Server to use an external LDAP-based identity store.

Content Server


Configure Content Server to use the same external LDAP-based identity store as Oracle WebCenter Portal.

For information, see the "Reassociating the Identity Store with an External LDAP Authentication Provider" section in Oracle WebCenter Content Installation Guide.

Oracle SES


Configure Oracle SES to use the same external LDAP-based identity store as Oracle WebCenter Portal.

For information about configuring LDAP in Oracle SES, see the following sections depending on your Oracle SES version:

If you have Oracle SES installed, refer to the "Security in Oracle Secure Enterprise Search" section in Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Administrator's Guide in Secure Enterprise Search Online Documentation Library 11g Release 2 ( on OTN here:


Oracle SOA Suite (BPEL server)

Embedded LDAP store

Configure Oracle SOA Suite to use the same external LDAP-based identity store as Oracle WebCenter Portal. For information about:

Oracle WebCenter Portal can use libOVD to allow multiple identity stores to be used with portals and Portal Framework applications. Sites with multiple identity stores can use libOVD to aggregate their user profile information. For information, see the "Aggregating Multiple Identity Store LDAP Servers Using libOVD" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal.