This graphic shows the process flow for creating a domain. The process is (1) create a domain, (2) select the domain template as the source, (3) specify the domain name, location, and application location, (4) specify the server start mode and JDK, (5) if applicable, configure JDBC component schema and test the data sources, (6) if applicable, configure JDBC data sources, test database connections, and run database scripts, (7) if applicable, configure keystore passwords, and (8) review the domain configuration summary and create the domain. After configuring the keystore passwords, you also have the option to perform advanced configuration of (a) the Administration Server, (b) servers, clusters, proxy applications, and machines, (c) optionally target application deployments to clusters or machines, (d) optionally target services to clusters or servers, (e) optionally configure JMS file stores, and (f) configure the RDBMS security store database.