
Class Summary
AnalyticsQueryConfig Allow an analytics query to be added to the QueryState.
ArbitraryLQLASTFilter Abstract superclass for DataSourceFilter and SelectionFilter.
BreadcrumbsConfig Configure how breadcrumbs will be returned on the QueryState's executed results.
DataSourceFilter LQL 2.3-compliant QueryFilter that adds an arbitrary LQL expression to the DataSourceFilter of the current QueryState.
ExposeRefinement Expose a refinement in a query.
GeoFilter Inherit RangeFilter class and support a 'locationName' field which describes the address name for the RangeFilter refinement of which RangeType is GEOCODE.
LQLFilter A specialization of QueryFilter that supports LQL unified filters instead of Conversation Service operators.
NavConfig Configure the navigation on a query state.
NegativeRefinementFilter NegativeRefinementFilter provides a function for filtering out all records associated with a refinement.
QueryConfig A subclass of QueryFunction.
QueryFilter A subclass of QueryFunction.
QueryFunction The base class of all QueryFunctions.
RangeFilter This filter class allows range filters to be added to QueryState instances.
RecordDetailsConfig Filter your MDEX query by a set of record specs.
RecordFilter Permits adding a record filter to a QueryState.
RefinementFilter Defines a single refinement (essentially represents a DimVal and its path) to be added to a QueryState.
ResultsConfig Configure how results will be returned from the results of an executed QueryState.
ResultsSummaryConfig Configure the summarization of results returned from an executed QueryState.
SearchAdjustmentsConfig Configure how search adjustments will be returned on the QueryState's executed results.
SearchFilter Permits adding a keyword search to a QueryState.
SearchFilter.Builder Use this class to build a SearchFilter object.
SelectionFilter LQL 2.3-compliant QueryFilter that adds an arbitrary LQL expression to the SelectionFilter of the current QueryState.
SortConfig Allow a sort to be applied to records returned from an executed QueryState.

Enum Summary
RangeFilter.RangeOperator Specifies the operator used in this RangeFilter Valid RangeOperators are LT: Less than LTEQ: Less than or equal to GT: Greater than GTEQ: Greater than or equal to BTWN: Between (inclusive) GCLT: Geocode less than (non-inclusive) GCGT: Geocode greater than (non-inclusive) CGBTWN: Geocode beween (inclusive)
RangeFilter.RangeType Specifies the type of RangeFilter

Exception Summary
QueryFunctionInitializationException Exception thrown when there is a problem creating a QueryFunction from a user-supplied definition, such as a JSON Object.
RangeFilter.RangeFilterCreationException This exception is thrown when a RangeFilter could not be created
RangeFilter.RangeOperatorNotSupportedException This exception is thrown when an invalid RangeFilter.RangeOperator is present in a RangeFilter.
RangeFilter.RangeTypeNotSupportedException This exception is thrown when an invalid RangeFilter.RangeType is present in a RangeFilter.