For target applications that support help integration, there are three possible feature configurations: Gateway, Multi-Language Content, and Advanced Options. Certain target applications have additional special options. 


Configure Gateway 

The options in this feature allow you to configure a gateway page that launches when a user clicks the Help link. You can configure the gateway page to give the user access to additional resources, such as the original help for the target application, additional Player packages, or a URL to another web site. 


The gateway page has two options, tabs and links. The tabs appear across the top of the page, and you can specify the text for the tab as well as the URL to the content. The links appear in a menu on the last tab, and you can specify the link text as well as the target of the link. In most cases, it is your choice whether to use a tab or a link. There are a few exceptions. Some web pages cannot be embedded in a tab, so you must use a link to launch them. An entry for the target application help may appear in either the Tab or the Link Type list, depending on whether it can be embedded. In addition, the default player content (see Default Content URL below) will always appear as the first tab. 

Configure Multi-Language Content 

The options in this feature allow you to configure the help to launch the appropriate content if you have developed content in multiple languages. This feature is only available for certain target applications. 


Note: The Default Player tab in a tabbed gateway configuration honors language or any other segmentation. 

Configure Advanced Options 

The options in this feature allow you to control how the outline appears when the content is launched, and point to the content if the scripts folder is moved. 

Special Options 

Certain target applications have special options. Most of these appear under Advanced options as necessary. If there are special options for the target application you are configuring, see the following sections for more information. 


To configure application-specific options: 

  1. Launch the Configuration Utility.
  2. Click the target application link that you want to configure.
  3. Change settings as appropriate.
  4. Save the configuration.

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