There are two ways that string inputs are scored in Know It? mode. If the step uses a validated string input, the user must enter the string input exactly as indicated by the content author in the bubble for the step to be scored as correct. Therefore, if the bubble prompts the user to enter “AB31S” into an Account field, the step will be counted as incorrect if the user mistypes the entry as AB33S.

If you use an unvalidated string input, any entry typed in the field will be scored as a correct entry. Users will not be penalized for incorrectly typing an entry.

When a user types an entry that matches the text that appears in the bubble, Know It? mode scores the step as correct and automatically advances to the next step. This action occurs for both validated and unvalidated string inputs. Know It? mode does not automatically advance to the next step if the user types an entry that is different from the entry in the bubble. If the step does not automatically advance, the user has a choice of either editing the entry to match the example, or clicking the Typing Complete button in the Know It? mode bubble to submit the current entry. The entry will then be scored as correct or incorrect depending on its validation status.

Note: For content created with the Japanese or Chinese versions of the Developer, a string input step will not automatically advance when the end user types a correct entry. The user needs to click the Typing Complete button to submit their entry.

Note: A user can use normal editing functions to correct a string input entry. Mouse actions such as dragging and keyboard actions such as the BACKSPACE and DELETE keys are allowed.

The meta entry used for the input step controls whether a string input will be a validated or an unvalidated one. The possible meta entries and their impact are listed below:

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