If a glossary is no longer needed or appropriate, you can delete it just as you would delete a document of any other type. You can delete a glossary only from the Library. 

Deleting a glossary removes the glossary document from the Library, but does not delete the package files and web pages used as definition links unless you explicitly choose to delete related documents as well. The links created using the glossary are also not removed when the glossary is deleted. Therefore, if you delete the glossary with related documents, you break these links. Moreover, deleting a glossary does not remove the glossary from the documents to which it was assigned. Therefore, if you delete a glossary that is assigned to one or more documents, you break the glossary assignment links. You can use the Broken Links tool to identify any broken links in your content that result from deleting a glossary.

To avoid breaking links when you delete a glossary document, you should first ensure that it is not assigned to any documents. To do this, you can use the Related Documents tool to find all of the documents to which the glossary is assigned (parent documents). Then, select the parent documents in the Library or Outline Editor and use the Properties toolpane to remove the glossary from these documents or to assign a different glossary. If you plan to delete the glossary's related documents as well (child documents used as definition links), you should also update glossary links for the parent documents, to remove any links created using the glossary to be deleted. After completing these steps, you can select the glossary document from the Library and delete it without creating any broken links.

 Multi-user Considerations

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