Knowledge Center also supports the use of HTML tags in text blocks. These are particularly useful when customizing the messages in the “Instructions” area of many Knowledge Center pages such as Knowledge Paths, User Profile, Subject Selection, and so on. HTML formatting tags can be used to create line breaks, boldface text, apply styles, and so on. The following example shows in the instructions section on the Knowledge Path page. 

<item stringid="309">
<text>Items you need to know are grouped together to form a knowledge repository.  In Knowledge Center, these items are organized and placed into knowledge paths.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Click the knowledge path you wish to launch. If you do not see the knowledge path you want to take, click 'Enroll or Withdraw from Knowledge Paths' to sign up for a subject.</k the text>

HTML tags in the customization file must be XML encoded. In the above example, the string, .&lt;br&gt; represents the <br> HTML tag. If modifying the customization file in Notepad, you must encode characters such as <, >, etc. If using an XML Editor, the tool may encode the character automatically for you. Consult the XML Editor documentation for more information on this capability.

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