One of the most common customizations is to place your corporate or department logo on the Knowledge Center home page.
To replace the graphics:

  1. Create the new graphics and save them in a GIF or JPEG format. The graphic should be close in size to the ones provided with the software.
  2. Create a new directory in the <install directory>\Web Sever\KCenter\Images directory with a name such as  “custom”. You can use a different directory name if you require. This directory will ensure that your custom graphics are maintained separately from the ones that came with the software. Copy the new graphics to this directory.
  3. Open the eu<langid>.cus file in Notepad or an XML Editor.
  4. Add the following to the <graphics> section of the file to change the Knowledge Center logo on the Outline page to your custom logo. Change mygraphic.gif to the name of your graphic file.
    <item stringid="126">
  5. Add the following to the <graphics> section of the file to change the Knowledge Center logo to your custom logo. Change mygraphic.gif to the name of your graphic file.
    <item stringid="127">
  6. Save the file.
  7. Copy the file to the <install directory>\Web Server\KCenter\bin directory.
  8. Refresh the browser window.

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