Outline Editor - Link a New Web Page

After completing this topic, you will be able to create and link a new web page as a concept in the Outline Editor.


  1. Select the document for which you want to create and link a new web page.


    Click the Printing a Document topic.

    Step 1
  2. Step 2
  3. Click the Create new web page button in the Concept pane.

    Step 3
  4. Browse to the Library location in which you want to store the web page.


    We have opened this folder for you.

    Step 4

  5. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "Printing".

    Step 5
  6. Click the Save button.

    Step 6
  7. The new web page opens in the Web Page Editor. You can now enter the information you want to appear in the web page.

    Step 7
  8. To save time, we have entered the text for you.

    Step 8

  9. Click the Save button.

    Step 9

  10. Click the Close button to close the web page.

    Step 10
  11. The web page was saved and closed and now appears in the Concept pane of the selected document.

    Step 11

After completing this topic, you are able to create and link a new web page as a concept in the Outline Editor.

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