14.3 How to Update Firmware on Sun Ray Clients


This separate procedure is not needed if you install and update the firmware as part of a Sun Ray Software installation.

This procedure shows how to download and install the latest Sun Ray Operating Software (firmware) on a Sun Ray server and update the server's .parms files with the new firmware. Once the firmware server is updated, the Sun Ray Clients using that firmware server will download and update the new firmware on their next reboot.

This procedure is provided for Sun Ray servers that have been configured on a shared network (LAN) with external DHCP server support. For alternate network configuration, see the examples after the procedure.

If you need to enable the Configuration GUI on Sun Ray Clients once their firmware is updated, see Section 14.4, “How to Enable and Disable the Configuration GUI on All Sun Ray Clients”.

  1. Download and unzip the latest Sun Ray Operating Software and make it accessible to the Sun Ray server.

    See http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/sunrayproducts/downloads/index.html

  2. Become superuser on the Sun Ray server.

  3. Change directory to the unzipped firmware directory and install the firmware.

    # ./utfwinstall
  4. Make the firmware accessible to the Sun Ray Clients:

    # utfwadm -AaV

    This command is for a Sun Ray server configured on a shared network (LAN) with external DHCP server support (used utadm -L on for network configuration). See the examples following this procedure for alternate network configurations.

  5. Power-cycle the Sun Ray Clients to update to the new firmware.


    You can also use the utfwload command to force a firmware update on all Sun Ray Clients that have an older firmware. The -l option forces an update on all clients connected to sessions with no user logged in, and the -L option forces an update on all clients connected to sessions.

  6. Repeat this procedure on each Sun Ray server in a failover group being used as a firmware server.


To update firmware versions for a specific client, use the utfwadm -e MAC_address option.

Alternate Network Configuration Examples

Use the following utfwadm command examples for alternate network configurations: