
Interface Summary
AccessRight An object that defines an access right to a resource.
Account An account, the persistent information associated with a Persona.
AccountInitializer An interface used by an AccountManager to obtain standard account creation services.
AccountManager Interface to Account object management facilities.
AccountTypes Interface that defines the constants used for account typing.
Action An interface provided by an object that wishes to perform an action under as an assumed User.
BinaryToTextEncoder An encoder that takes a binary array and turns it into a text string.
CertificateParser This interface defines parse functions to be used to get certificates from a string or input stream.
CertificateUserAuthority Interface that provides certificate style authentication for a user authority.
DefaultGroupPersona A tag interface that marks a persona as a "default group persona", a group to which the user belongs that should be used for setting default security attributes when an object is created.
GroupPersona A tag interface that marks a persona as a "group persona", indicating that it identifies a user group rather than a specific user.
IdentityManager An interface for providing identity management features.
IdUserAuthority Interface that provides id style authentication, where only the user ID has to be specified, for a user authority.
LoginPersona A tag interface that marks a persona as a "login persona", indicating that it identifies a user login.
LoginUserAuthority Interface that provides name/password (login) style authentication for a user authority.
PasswordHasher This interface defines a hash function to be used to encrypt passwords.
PasswordHasher2 A password hasher that supplies the login along with the password, which is often useful for salting.
Persona An identity, either of a user or of a user's role.
PrincipalUserAuthority An extension to the UserAuthority interface that provides a mapping between the security system Persona objects and any object that implements
ProxyUserAuthority A user authority that acts as a proxy for another user authority.
RemoteAccount An object used to expose the Account interface via RMI.
RemoteAccountManager An interface to expose the AccountManager interface via RMI.
RemoteUserAuthority Minimal interface that must be implemented by user authorities whose personae can be serialized.
SaltFetcher An object used to fetch a salt for a given login.
SecuredContainer An interface to be implemented by any object that wants to supply inherited security information to a SecuredObject.
SecuredObject An object with associated security information.
SecuredResource An interface used to work with a resource that has associated access control entries.
SecurityDomain A security domain manages the authorization policy for some part of an application.
SecurityPolicy An object that provides the following policy decisions:
StandardAccessRights A set of typical access rights.
UserAuthority This interface is used for authenticating a user.
UserAuthority2 An extension of the UserAuthority interface that supports special personae tokens.

Class Summary
AccessAllowedEvent An AccessEvent indicating that access to a secured resource was allowed.
AccessControlEntry An immutable object that defines a set of access rights granted to a given persona.
AccessControlList A set of access rights that determine the accessibility of something to someone.
AccessDeniedEvent An AccessEvent indicating that access to a secured resource was denied.
AccessEvent An event generated by a security domain whenever a resource access is attempted.
AccountComparator Base class used for constructing sort comparators for account objects.
ActiveDirectoryAccountManager An account manager and user authority that works against an MS Active Directory
AliasedPersona A persona that wraps another persona.
AuthenticationEvent Event generated whenever an authentication is attempted by a user authority.
AuthenticationFailedEvent Event thrown when an a UserAuthority fails to authenticate a user.
AuthenticationSucceededEvent Event thrown when an a UserAuthority succeeds in authenticating a user.
Base16Encoder Encodes a binary array as text using base 16 (hexadecimal).
Base64Encoder Encodes a binary array as text using base 64.
ClientAccount An Account object that wraps a RemoteAccount object.
ClientAccountManager An AccountManager object that wraps an RMI-accessible AccountManager object to expose the standard AccountManager interface on the client side.
ClientUserAuthority A client-side object that wraps a remote user authority.
DigestPasswordHasher A password hasher that utilizes the mechanism for hashing passwords.
EveryonePersona A special version of a persona that acts as if it has all other personae in the same user authority as sub-personae.
GenericAccessManager Methods which determine if access should be allowed or denied.
GenericAccessRight A generic implementation of an access right object.
GenericAccount A generic implementation of the Account interface.
GenericAccountInitializer A service that copies accounts between two account managers.
GenericAccountManager A generic implementation of an account manager/user authority.
GenericDefaultGroupPersona Implements a generic persona that is marked as a default group persona.
GenericGroupPersona Implements a generic persona that is marked as a group persona.
GenericLoginPersona Implements a generic persona that is marked as a login persona.
GenericPersona Implements a generic persona, which is an identity used to grant access control rights within a security domain.
GenericProxyUserAuthority An implementation of a generic ProxyUserAuthority object.
GenericSecuredObject A generic implementation of the SecuredObject interface.
GenericSecuredResource A generic implementation of the SecuredResource interface.
GenericSecuredResourceService A generic implementation of the SecuredResource interface as a service.
GenericSecurityDomain A typical implementation of most of the security domain interface, useful for writing other security domains.
GenericUserAuthority This implements a user authority that does nothing -- it's just a handle.
IdentitySecurityPolicy An extension of the standard security policy that allows or denies access by specific identities in addition to a normal ACL.
iPlanetDirectoryAccountManager An account manager and user authority that works against an iPlanet's Directory
iPlanetSSHAAccountPasswordHasher A subclass of iPlanetSSHAPasswordHasher which obtains user accounts from an AccountManager via an iPlanetSSHAAccountSaltFetcher.
iPlanetSSHAAccountSaltFetcher An object used to fetch an SSHA salt for a given login.
iPlanetSSHAPasswordHasher A password hasher which implements the SSHA (salted SHA) algorithm as implemented by the iPlanet Directory Server.
LDAPAccountInitializer A service which aids initial account management for LDAP-based account repositories
LDAPAuthenticationProxy proxy to auth ldap users
LDAPRepositoryAccount An Account object that is persisted by a LDAP Repository.
LDAPRepositoryAccountManager An account manager and user authority that works against an LDAPRepository
MD5PasswordHasher Implementation of a PasswordHasher using MD5 encryption algorithm with a randomized initial state.
NullEncoder Returns a string constructed out of a binary array, without modification.
NullPasswordHasher A password hasher that doesn't do anything.
PasswordHasher2Adapter An adapter that implements the base PasswordHasher interface for PasswordHasher2 implementations.
PersonaAdapter An adapter class useful for creating implementations of the Persona interface.
Privilege An access right indicating an access privilege.
RegisteredUsersSecurityPolicy A security policy that allows full access to registered users and denies access to anonymous users.
RemoteAccountImpl An object that wraps an Account object and makes it RMI-accessible.
RemoteAccountManagerImpl An object that wraps an AccountManager object in order to expose it via RMI.
RemoteUserAuthorityImpl Implementation of a remote user authority that wraps a normal user authority so that persona lookups can be accomplished.
RepositoryAccount An Account object that is persisted by a repository.
RepositoryAccountManager An account manager and user authority that works against a Dynamo repository.
RepositoryApplicationPersona This is the Persona implementation that is produced by the RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority.
RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority This LoginUserAuthority implements the bare minimum required to do logins and determine role memberships.
SaltedDigestPasswordHasher A password hasher that utilizes the mechanism for hashing passwords.
SaltedMD5PasswordHasher An implementation of a password hasher using the MD5 digest algorithm with the user login being used as a salt.
SavedPersona An object that saves the naming information needed to recreate a persona instance.
SecurityConfiguration Configuration information that defines all of the elements needed to create and manage access control lists for an object.
SecurityContext This object is used to specify the context in which an access control request is being made.
SecurityDomainEvent Base class for all security domain-related events.
SecurityProviderService The SecurityProviderService is a GenericService that provides a centralized location where java security providers may be specified in an orderly manner without any confusion as to which providers have higher priority.
SecurityUtils Utility methods useful for security system operations.
SerializedAccountManager An account manager whose persistence is accomplished via serialization to a file.
SerializedProxyUserAuthority A serializable version of a proxy user authority.
SerializedUserAuthority This utility class manages the serialization and de-serialization of user authority objects.
StandardAccessRightsMap A map of all the standard access rights.
StandardSecurityPolicy A security policy that walks an access control list composed of access rights and/or deny rights to determine whether a particular access request should be allowed or denied.
ThreadSecurityManager Class used to manage the User object that is associated with the current thread.
User The User object holds a collection of Personae that have been collected by one or more user authorities.
UserAuthorityEvent Base class used for any event generated by a user authority.
XmlAccountManager An account manager/user authority that loads user account information from an XML file.

Exception Summary
AccountExistsException Exception thrown when attempting to add a Group that already exists.
GroupExistsException Exception thrown when attempting to add a Group that already exists.
ImplementationSecurityException A security exception that wraps some kind of Throwable that occured within an implementation of a security system element.
InvalidAccessControlEntryException Exception thrown when an improper access control entry is supplied to a security domain.
InvalidAccessRightException Exception thrown when an attempt is made to use an access right that is not supported by a security domain.
InvalidAttributeException Exception thrown when attempting to add a Group that already exists.
InvalidPermissionException Exception thrown when an improper permission is supplied to a security domain.
InvalidPersonaException Exception thrown when a persona is used improperly (e.g. with the wrong user authority).
InvalidResourceException Exception thrown when a resource name supplied to a security domain is not valid for the domain.
NoSuchAccountException Exception thrown when attempting to add a Group that already exists.
NoSuchGroupException Exception thrown when a security operation fails because the indicated group does not exist.
NoSuchUserException Exception thrown when a security operation fails because the indicated user does not exist.
PermissionDeniedException Exception thrown when an attempt was made to access a resource without appropriate permission.
RuntimeSecurityException A security exception that can be thrown from within a method without a "throws SecurityException" in its signature.
SecurityException Base class for all package exceptions.
TooManyAccountsException Exception thrown when an attempt is made to list more accounts than the account manager is willing to provide.
UnsupportedFeatureSecurityException A security exception that is to be thrown by an implementation of the security APIs when an attempt to use an unsupported feature is made.