Package atg.targeting

Interface Summary
Targeter Represents an object that can perform targeting operations based on some criteria.

Class Summary
DynamicContentGroup This implementation of RepositoryItemGroup exists primarily for use with the Dynamo Personalization Control Center (aka PCC, the business user's interface to targeting in the Dynamo 4 personalization system).
DynamicContentTargeter This implementation of Targeter exists primarily for use with the Dynamo Personalization Control Center (aka PCC, the business user's interface to targeting in the Dynamo 4 personalization system).
DynamicProfileGroup This class is a featureless subclass of DynamicContentGroup which only exists for the purpose of having a different BeanInfo icon.
FilterFormHandler This form handler takes a repository, repository view name, and SGML targeting rule and generates a RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroup that can be used to filter items in the repository that match the rule.
RepositoryLookup This servlet looks for a RepositoryItem by its id from within a Repository or by its url.
RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroupFilter A Servlet that, given a RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroup object and an array or List of RepositoryItem objects, produces as output a subset of the input list that matches the RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroup rules.
RuleSetEvaluator This service can be used to evaluate an arbitrary set of rules against different target objects.
TargeterUtils Various random utilities useful to targeter classes.
TargetingResults A service which can be used to perform a targeting operation and produce an Enumeration of targeting results.
TargetingServices A collection of services that execute targeters and return Repo2XML items.
TargetingSourceMap Represents a mapping between source names used in a targeting operation and their Nucleus paths.