3.4 Control Domain CPU and Memory Settings

Installation allocates 8 CPU threads and 8GB of memory to the control domain. Oracle does not recommend changing these default values.

If you encounter performance issues because the control domain does not have enough CPUs or memory, use the following procedure to change the number of CPUs or the amount of memory assigned to the control domain:

  1. From the Oracle VM Manager ensure that no virtual machine is running on the server.

  2. On the control domain, disable the Oracle VM Agent service.

    # svcadm disable -s ovs-agent
  3. Shutdown the control domain.

    # shutdown -i5 -g0 -y
  4. From the service process, perform a power cycle of the system.

    # stop /SYS
    # start /SYS
  5. After the control domain has rebooted, change the number of CPUs and the amount memory assigned to the control domain.

    # ldm set-vcpu 16 primary
    # ldm set-memory 16g primary
  6. Update the configuration on the service processor.

    # ldm rm-config ovm-initial
    # ldm add-config ovm-initial
  7. Enable the Oracle VM Agent service.

    # svcadm enable -s ovs-agent