Part II CLI Command Reference

This part gives the full syntax of each CLI command with examples.

In some commands such as any command that edits an object, you may see slight differences between the syntax in the CLI syntax help, and that documented here. This is because the CLI syntax help uses an asterisk to mark options that are mandatory for an object and maps directly to mandatory options when using the Oracle VM Manager user interface, but not necessarily mandatory when entering a command in the CLI. The syntax documented in this section instead shows you what is optional or mandatory when using that command in the CLI.

Table of Contents

A CLI Command Reference
A.1 abort Job
A.2 ackEvent
A.3 addAccessHost
A.4 addAvailableVnic Vm
A.5 addNfsRefreshServer
A.6 add BondPort
A.7 add FileSystem
A.8 add PhysicalDisk
A.9 add Port
A.10 add Server
A.11 add ServerPool
A.12 add StorageInitiator
A.13 add Tag
A.14 add Vm
A.15 add Vnic
A.16 clone VirtualDisk
A.17 clone Vm
A.18 create AccessGroup
A.19 create BondPort
A.20 create FileServer
A.21 create Network
A.22 create NfsAccessGroup
A.23 create PhysicalDisk
A.24 create Repository
A.25 create SanServer
A.26 create ServerPool
A.27 create Tag
A.28 create VirtualDisk
A.29 create VlanGroup
A.30 create VlanSegment
A.31 create Vm
A.32 create VmDiskMapping
A.33 create Vnic
A.34 createTemplatesFromAssembly
A.35 delete
A.36 discoverServer
A.37 edit AccessGroup
A.38 edit Assembly
A.39 edit BondPort
A.40 edit FileServer
A.41 edit FileSystem
A.42 edit Network
A.43 edit NfsAccessGroup
A.44 edit PhysicalDisk
A.45 edit Port
A.46 edit Repository
A.47 edit SanServer
A.48 edit Server
A.49 edit ServerPool
A.50 edit Tag
A.51 edit VirtualCdrom
A.52 edit VirtualDisk
A.53 edit VlanGroup
A.54 edit VlanInterface
A.55 edit Vm
A.56 edit VmDiskMapping
A.57 edit Vnic
A.58 edit VolumeGroup
A.59 edit YumConfig
A.60 exit
A.61 getEvents
A.62 getIncompatibleReasons
A.63 getJobsUsingRange
A.64 getLatestNumberOfJobs
A.65 help
A.66 importAssembly
A.67 importTemplate
A.68 importVirtualCdrom
A.69 importVirtualDisk
A.70 importVirtualMachine
A.71 initiateYumUpgrade
A.72 kill
A.73 list
A.74 migrate Vm
A.75 refresh
A.76 refreshStorageLayer
A.77 remove BondPort
A.78 remove FileSystem
A.79 remove PhysicalDisk
A.80 remove Port
A.81 remove Server
A.82 remove ServerPool
A.83 remove StorageInitiator
A.84 remove Tag
A.85 remove Vm
A.86 remove Vnic
A.87 removeAccessHost
A.88 removeNfsRefreshServer
A.89 restart
A.90 resume Vm
A.91 sendVmMessage
A.92 set
A.93 setNtp
A.94 show
A.95 showallcustomcmds
A.96 showcustomcmds
A.97 showNtp
A.98 showobjtypes
A.99 showversion
A.100 start
A.101 stop
A.102 suspend Vm
A.103 syncNtp
A.104 vnicCreate