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Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.2 Administration Guide     Oracle VM Server for SPARC
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Part I Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.2 Software

1.  Overview of the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Software

2.  Installing and Enabling Software

3.  Oracle VM Server for SPARC Security

4.  Setting Up Services and the Control Domain

5.  Setting Up Guest Domains

6.  Setting Up I/O Domains

7.  Using Virtual Disks

8.  Using Virtual Networks

9.  Migrating Domains

10.  Managing Resources

11.  Managing Domain Configurations

Saving Domain Configurations for Future Rebuilding

How to Save Domain Configurations

How to Restore a Domain Configuration From an XML File (ldm add-domain)

How to Restore a Domain Configuration From an XML File (ldm init-system)

Managing Logical Domains Configurations

How to Modify the Autorecovery Policy

12.  Performing Other Administration Tasks

Part II Optional Oracle VM Server for SPARC Software

13.  Oracle VM Server for SPARC Physical-to-Virtual Conversion Tool

14.  Oracle VM Server for SPARC Configuration Assistant (Oracle Solaris 10)

15.  Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Software

16.  Logical Domains Manager Discovery

17.  Using the XML Interface With the Logical Domains Manager



Managing Logical Domains Configurations

A Logical Domains configuration is a complete description of all the domains and their resource allocations within a single system. You can save and store configurations on the service processor (SP) for later use.

When you power up a system, the SP boots the selected configuration. By booting a configuration, the system runs the same set of domains, and uses the same virtualization and partitioning resource allocations that are specified in the configuration. The default configuration is the one that is most recently saved.

A copy of the current configuration is automatically saved on the control domain whenever the Logical Domains configuration is changed.

The autosave operation occurs immediately, even in the following situations:

This autosave operation enables you to recover a configuration when the configurations that are saved on the SP are lost. This operation also enables you to recover a configuration when the current configuration was not explicitly saved to the SP when the system powercycled. In these circumstances, the Logical Domains Manager can restore that configuration on restart if it is newer than the configuration marked for the next boot.

Note - Power management, FMA, ASR, and PRI update events do not cause an update to the autosave files.

You can automatically or manually restore autosave files to new or existing configurations. By default, when an autosave configuration is newer than the corresponding running configuration, a message is written to the Logical Domains log. Thus, you must use the ldm add-spconfig -r command to manually update an existing configuration or create a new one based on the autosave data.

Note - When a delayed reconfiguration is pending, the configuration changes are immediately autosaved. As a result, if you run the ldm list-config -r command, the autosave configuration is shown as being newer than the current configuration.

For information about how to use the ldm *-spconfig commands to manage configurations and to manually recover autosave files, see the ldm(1M) man page.

For information about how to select a configuration to boot, see Using Logical Domains With the Service Processor.

How to Modify the Autorecovery Policy

The autorecovery policy specifies how to handle the recovery of a configuration when one configuration that is automatically saved on the control domain is newer than the corresponding running configuration. The autorecovery policy is specified by setting the autorecovery_policy property of the ldmd SMF service. The autorecovery_policy property can have the following values:

  1. Log in to the control domain.
  2. Become an administrator, superuser, or assume an equivalent role.

    For Oracle Solaris 10, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services. For Oracle Solaris 11, see Part III, Roles, Rights Profiles, and Privileges, in Oracle Solaris Administration: Security Services.

  3. View the autorecovery_policy property value.
    # svccfg -s ldmd listprop ldmd/autorecovery_policy
  4. Stop the ldmd service.
    # svcadm disable ldmd
  5. Change the autorecovery_policy property value.
    # svccfg -s ldmd setprop ldmd/autorecovery_policy=value

    For example, to set the policy to perform autorecovery, set the property value to 3:

    # svccfg -s ldmd setprop ldmd/autorecovery_policy=3
  6. Refresh and restart the ldmd service.
    # svcadm refresh ldmd
    # svcadm enable ldmd

Example 11-3 Modifying the Autorecovery Policy From Log to Autorecovery

The following example shows how to view the current value of the autorecovery_policy property and change it to a new value. The original value of this property is 1, which means that autosave changes are logged. The svcadm command is used to stop and restart the ldmd service, and the svccfg command is used to view and set the property value.

# svccfg -s ldmd listprop ldmd/autorecovery_policy
ldmd/autorecovery_policy integer 1
# svcadm disable ldmd
# svccfg -s ldmd setprop ldmd/autorecovery_policy=3
# svcadm refresh ldmd
# svcadm enable ldmd