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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use DBObject
oracle.ide.db Classes for representing database objects in the IDE. 
oracle.ide.db.controls Reusable UI controls to used to show or list database objects. 
oracle.ide.db.dialogs Dialogs for working with database objects in the IDE. 
oracle.ide.db.model Classes associated with the IDE's navigator nodes for database connections and database objects. 
oracle.ide.db.panels Reusable UI panels for listing, creating or editing database objects in dialogs in the IDE. 
oracle.ide.db.panels.sql UI classes for declaratively editing a SQL query. 
oracle.ide.db.transfer Contains an API for transfering database object from one DBObjectProvider to another. 
oracle.ide.db.util Utility classes for dealing with database objects in UI in the IDE. 
oracle.javatools.db Contains a metadata API for describing database objects, and retrieving them from a provider of database objects - for example a database. 
oracle.javatools.db.datatypes Classes related to datatypes in the database API. 
oracle.javatools.db.ddl API for generating DDL in the database API. 
oracle.javatools.db.execute Utility classes for executing statements, queries and pl/sql against a database. 
oracle.javatools.db.ora Contains the database api implementation for Oracle databases, and additional DBObject implementations for objects specific to Oracle. 
oracle.javatools.db.plsql Classes for dealing with PL/SQL objects. Contains classes for extending the object support that comes as standard in the database api (e.g. 
oracle.javatools.db.sql Contains an API for declaratively parsing SQL queries (SELECT statements). 
oracle.javatools.db.util Contains java.util.Collection and java.util.Map implementations for listing and mapping instances of DBObject and DBObjectID. 
oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb Database API extension for saving database object definitions in XML files. 
oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model Classes that define an offline database's settings and properties. 
oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.userprops Extension to the Offline Database that allows the association of a library of user properties to be associated with an offline database. 
oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard Wizard and dialogs that can used when working with the offline database. 


Uses of DBObject in oracle.ide.db


Methods in oracle.ide.db that return DBObject
 DBObject DBObjectTransferable.getDBObject()
 DBObject[] DBObjectTransferable.getPath()


Methods in oracle.ide.db with parameters of type DBObject
static java.lang.String PropertyDisplayRegistry.getDisplayName(java.lang.String propName, DBObjectProvider pro, DBObject obj)
          Returns a displayable (translated) name for the given property in the context of the given provider.
abstract  java.lang.String PropertyDisplayRegistry.Plugin.getDisplayName(java.lang.String name, DBObjectProvider pro, DBObject obj)


Constructors in oracle.ide.db with parameters of type DBObject
DBObjectTransferable(DBObject obj)
DBObjectTransferable(DBObject obj, boolean includeChildren)
DBObjectTransferable(DBObject obj, DBObject[] path)
DBObjectTransferable(DBObject obj, DBObject[] path)
DBObjectTransferable(DBObject obj, DBObject[] path, boolean includeChildren)
DBObjectTransferable(DBObject obj, DBObject[] path, boolean includeChildren)


Uses of DBObject in oracle.ide.db.controls


Methods in oracle.ide.db.controls that return DBObject
 DBObject DBObjectChooser.getDBObject()
          Convenience method to return the DBObject currently represented by the DBObjectChooser.
 DBObject DBObjectChooser.getOrCreateDBObject()
protected abstract  DBObject DBObjectChooserDelegate.getOrCreateDBObject()


Methods in oracle.ide.db.controls with parameters of type DBObject
 void DBObjectListPicker.addDBObject(DBObject obj)
          Use to setup the initial contents of the picker.
 void DBObjectPicker.addDBObjectPaths(DBObject[][] paths)
 void DBObjectPicker.addDBObjects(DBObject[] objs)
          Adds the given DBObjects to the picker (at the top level).
 void CommentEditor.commit(DBObject obj)
protected  javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode DBObjectPicker.findOrAddChild(javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode parent, DBObject userObj, java.util.List addToSelection)
          Using the given parent node, a child DefaultMutableTreeNode is found or created with the given DBObject as its user object.
 void NameTextField.init(DBObject obj, DBObject originalObj, DBObjectProvider pro)
 void NameTextField.init(DBObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro)
 void CommentEditor.init(DBObjectProvider prov, DBObject obj)
 void CommentEditor.init(DBObjectProvider prov, DBObject obj, oracle.ide.db.verifiers.relation.RelationInfoVerifier verifier)
 void DBObjectChooser.setDBObject(DBObject obj)
          Convenience method to set the DBObject currently represented by the DBObjectChooser.
 void DBObjectLabel.setObject(DBObject obj, boolean fullName)
 void DBObjectPicker.setSelectedItems(DBObject[] objs)
          Finds the given objects and adds them to the selection.


Constructors in oracle.ide.db.controls with parameters of type DBObject
DBObjectLabel(DBObject obj, boolean fullName)


Uses of DBObject in oracle.ide.db.dialogs


Methods in oracle.ide.db.dialogs with type parameters of type DBObject
<T extends DBObject>
DBEditorFactory.createDBObject(DBObjectProvider pro, T template, DBObject parent, boolean commitToProvider)
          Deprecated. use DBEditorFactory.launchDialog(DBEditorConfig)


Methods in oracle.ide.db.dialogs that return DBObject
 DBObject DBEditorFactory.createDBObject(DBObjectNode node, java.lang.String dbObjectType)
          Deprecated. use DBEditorFactory.launchDialog(DBEditorConfig)
 DBObject DBEditorFactory.createDBObject(Schema schema, DBObjectProvider pro, java.lang.String dbObjectType, DBObject parent, boolean commitToProvider)
          Deprecated. use DBEditorFactory.launchDialog(DBEditorConfig)
 DBObject DBEditorConfig.getChildObject()
          Gets the child object being edited (if there is one).


Methods in oracle.ide.db.dialogs with parameters of type DBObject
 boolean BaseDBEditorFactory.canEditDBObject(DBObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro)
 boolean DBEditorFactory.canEditDBObject(DBObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Whether this DBEditorFactory will be able to edit an existing provider object of a specific type in a specific context.
protected  boolean BaseDBEditorFactory.canUpdateObject(DBObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro)
          If canEditDBObject returns true, then this method is used to determine whether the verifiers are set to be editable or not.
 boolean DBEditorFactory.createDBObject(DBObject newObj, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Deprecated. use DBEditorFactory.launchDialog(DBEditorConfig)
 boolean DBEditorFactory.createDBObject(DBObject newObj, DBObjectProvider pro, boolean commitToProvider)
          Deprecated. use DBEditorFactory.launchDialog(DBEditorConfig)
<T extends DBObject>
DBEditorFactory.createDBObject(DBObjectProvider pro, T template, DBObject parent, boolean commitToProvider)
          Deprecated. use DBEditorFactory.launchDialog(DBEditorConfig)
 DBObject DBEditorFactory.createDBObject(Schema schema, DBObjectProvider pro, java.lang.String dbObjectType, DBObject parent, boolean commitToProvider)
          Deprecated. use DBEditorFactory.launchDialog(DBEditorConfig)
 boolean DBEditorFactory.editDBObject(DBObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Deprecated. use DBEditorFactory.launchDialog(DBEditorConfig)
 boolean DBEditorFactory.editDBObject(DBObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro, boolean commitToProvider)
          Deprecated. use DBEditorFactory.launchDialog(DBEditorConfig)
 boolean DBEditorFactory.editDBObject(DBObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro, DBObject child)
          Deprecated. use DBEditorFactory.launchDialog(DBEditorConfig)
 boolean DBEditorFactory.editDBObject(DBObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro, DBObject child, boolean commitToProvider)
          Deprecated. use DBEditorFactory.launchDialog(DBEditorConfig)
static DBEditorFactory DBEditorFactoryRegistry.getEditFactory(DBObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Finds and returns a factory that can edit the given object.
static DBEditorConfig DBEditorConfig.newCreateConfig(DBObjectProvider pro, DBObject obj)
          Creates a new config for launching a database object create dialog.
static DBEditorConfig DBEditorConfig.newCreateConfig(DBObjectProvider pro, java.lang.String type, DBObject parent)
          Creates a new config for launching a database object create dialog.
static DBEditorConfig DBEditorConfig.newEditConfig(DBObjectProvider pro, DBObject obj)
          Creates a new config for launching a database object edit dialog.
 void DBEditorConfig.setChildObject(DBObject childObject)
          Sets the child object.


Uses of DBObject in oracle.ide.db.model


Methods in oracle.ide.db.model that return DBObject
 DBObject BaseDBObjectNode.getDBObject()
          Returns the DBObject for the node.
 DBObject BaseDBObjectTextNode.getDBObject()
          Returns the DBObject for the node.
 DBObject DBObjectNode.getDBObject()
          Returns the contained object.


Methods in oracle.ide.db.model with parameters of type DBObject
 void BaseDBObjectNode.init(DBObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro)
 void DBObjectNode.init(DBObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Initialises a new node.


Uses of DBObject in oracle.ide.db.panels


Methods in oracle.ide.db.panels that return DBObject
 DBObject PanelLibrary.getObjectForCreate(Schema schema, DBObjectProvider pro, DBObject parent)
          Returns an object ready to be created.
protected  DBObject PanelLibrary.newDBObject(DBObjectProvider pro, Schema schema, DBObject parent)
          Returns a new DBObject instance for the type of object this library supports.


Methods in oracle.ide.db.panels that return types with arguments of type DBObject
 java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,DBObject> TemplateObjectsPanel.commit()


Methods in oracle.ide.db.panels with parameters of type DBObject
 boolean PanelLibrary.canEditObject(DBObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Tests whether this panel library can edit the given object.
 java.util.List<Navigable> PanelLibrary.getCreateNavigables(DBObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Returns the navigables to create the given object.
 java.util.List<Navigable> PanelLibrary.getEditNavigables(DBObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Returns the navigables to edit the given object.
 Traversable PanelLibrary.getMainDialogPanel(DBObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro, DBObject child, Navigable[] navs)
          Retruns the main panel to use in a dialog.
 DBObject PanelLibrary.getObjectForCreate(Schema schema, DBObjectProvider pro, DBObject parent)
          Returns an object ready to be created.
 java.lang.String PanelLibrary.getStartPage(DBObject child)
          Returns the page of the editor to start from for the given child object.
protected abstract  java.util.List<java.lang.String> PanelLibrary.getTitles(DBObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro, boolean editing)
          Returns the titles of the panels needed to create or edit the given object as appropriate.
 void PanelLibrary.makeNameUnique(DBObject dbo, Schema schema, DBObjectProvider pro, DBObject parent)
protected  DBObject PanelLibrary.newDBObject(DBObjectProvider pro, Schema schema, DBObject parent)
          Returns a new DBObject instance for the type of object this library supports.


Method parameters in oracle.ide.db.panels with type arguments of type DBObject
 void TemplateObjectsPanel.init(DBObjectProvider pro, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,DBObject> map)


Uses of DBObject in oracle.ide.db.panels.sql


Methods in oracle.ide.db.panels.sql with parameters of type DBObject
protected  void HavingPanel.init(SQLQueryBuilder builder, DBObject defaultObject)
protected  void GroupByPanel.init(SQLQueryBuilder builder, DBObject defaultObject)
protected  void QueryPanel.init(SQLQueryBuilder builder, DBObject defaultObject)
protected abstract  void BaseSQLQueryBuilderPanel.init(SQLQueryBuilder builder, DBObject defaultObject)
          Initialises the panel.
protected  void QueryDisplayPanel.init(SQLQueryBuilder builder, DBObject defaultObject)
 void SelectObjectsPanel.init(SQLQueryBuilder builder, DBObject defaultObject)
protected  void WhereObjectPanel.init(SQLQueryBuilder builder, DBObject defaultObject)
protected  void HierarchicalQueryPanel.init(SQLQueryBuilder builder, DBObject defaultObject)
protected  void OrderByPanel.init(SQLQueryBuilder builder, DBObject defaultObject)


Uses of DBObject in oracle.ide.db.transfer


Methods in oracle.ide.db.transfer with parameters of type DBObject
static void TransferHelper.replaceExistingIDs(DBObject temp, DBObject existing, java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> idMap)
          Replaces the IDs in the given object and all child objects with the existing object ids.


Uses of DBObject in oracle.ide.db.util


Methods in oracle.ide.db.util with parameters of type DBObject
 int o1, DBObject o2)
 javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode TreeNodeMaker.createTreeNode(DBObject obj)
          Creates a TreeNode using the defaults set on this TreeNodeMaker for child nodes for the given DBObject.
static javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode DBObjectRenderer.createTreeNode(DBObject obj, boolean showChildren)
          Deprecated. - use a TreeNodeMaker.
static javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode DBObjectRenderer.createTreeNode(DBObject obj, boolean showChildren, java.lang.String[] includeChildTypes)
          Deprecated. - use a TreeNodeMaker.


Uses of DBObject in oracle.javatools.db


Classes in oracle.javatools.db with type parameters of type DBObject
 interface DBObjectBuilder<T extends DBObject>
          The DBObjectBuilder interface provides a mechanism for constructing new instances representing database objects.
 interface DBObjectFilter<T extends DBObject>
          Interface to use when searching DBObjects for a particular object, or objects.
static class DBObjectFilter.IDFilter<T extends DBObject>
          DBObjectFilter implementation that accepts objects with a given ID, optionally performing a strict comparison.
 interface DBObjectValidator<T extends DBObject>
          A DBObjectValidator is responsible for validating a specific type of DBObject instance.


Subinterfaces of DBObject in oracle.javatools.db
 interface BinaryObject
          Interface for an object from the db that has a binary representation (e.g.
 interface ChildDBObject
          Interface that any DBObject should implement if it can exist as the child of another DBObject.
 interface DeclarativePlSql
          Deprecated. use PlSqlSubProgram instead
 interface SchemaObject
          A SchemaObject represents a database object that can exist within the context of a schema.
 interface SourceObject
          Any object in the database that can contain a block of source code - for example java or PL/SQL.
 interface SystemObject
          A system object is available at the DBObjectProvider level through the list and get methods, and can be created/updated/deleted.


Classes in oracle.javatools.db that implement DBObject
 class AbstractBuildableObject
          Provides methods for lazy loading and building AbstractDBObjects.
 class AbstractChildDBObject
          Extension of DBObject used by child object in the API.
 class AbstractDBObject
          Provides an abstract implementation of the DBObject interface.
 class AbstractSchemaObject
          Provides a base implementation of the SchemaObject interface.
 class AbstractSystemObject
          Abstract superclass for all SystemObject implementations.
 class AutoExtendProperties
          Model of properties for auto extend behavior used by Tablespaces
 class CheckConstraint
          A CheckConstraint constrains a table or view based on a conditional expression.
 class Column
          Model of a database column.
 class ColumnConstraint
          Abstract model of a Constraint that constrains Columns in the database.
 class Constraint
          A Constraint represents a constraint on a table or view.
 class FileSpecification
          Model of File Specification properties.
 class FKConstraint
          A FKConstraint represents a Foreign Key Constraint.
 class Index
          Model of a database index.
 class Java
          Abstract SchemaObject implementation for the different Java objects available in a database.
 class JavaClass
          Model of a Java Class.
 class JavaResource
          Model of a Java Resource object.
 class JavaSource
          Model of a Java Source object.
 class PKConstraint
          A PKConstraint represents a Primary Key constraint.
 class PlSql
          Deprecated. use SourceObject instead
 class PlSqlSubprogram
          Deprecated. use PlSqlSubProgram instead
 class Relation
          A Relation represents the basic entity of a relational database.
 class Schema
          Model of a database schema.
 class Sequence
          Model of a database sequence.
 class SpecPlSql
          Deprecated. use PlSqlSchemaObjectSpec instead
 class Synonym
          Model of a database synonym.
 class Table
          Model of a database table.
 class Tablespace
          Model of a Tablespace in a database.
 class UniqueConstraint
          A UniqueConstraint prohibits multiple rows from having the same value in the same column or combination of columns but allows some values to be null.
 class View
          Represents a database View.
 class ViewColumn
          Deprecated. just use a simple Column instead


Methods in oracle.javatools.db with type parameters of type DBObject
<T extends DBObject>
DBUtil.findChildren(DBObject obj, java.lang.Class<T>... clz)
          Finds owned objects of the given class under the given object.
<T extends DBObject>
AbstractChildDBObject.findParent(java.lang.Class<T> parentClass)
          Looks in the parent heirachy of this object for an object of the given class.
<T extends DBObject>
DBUtil.findParentOfType(DBObject child, java.lang.Class<T> clz)
          Search the parent heirachy of the given object (including the given object) and if an object is found that is of the given type, it is returned.
<T extends DBObject>
DBUtil.getProviderDefinition(T obj, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Gets the definition for the given object from the provider by querying name, schema and type.
<T extends DBObject>
TemplateExpander.initialiseObject(T template)
<D extends DBObject>
DBUtil.makeClonedCopy(D object)
          Makes a clone of the original object.
<D extends DBObject>
DBUtil.makeTemporaryCopy(D object)
          Makes a copy of the original object, with temporary reference ids.
<T extends DBObject>
DBObjectFactory.newObject(java.lang.Class<T> clz)
          Creates a new DBObject of the specified class using the default template if one exists, and with properties initialized according to all registered PropertyInitializers.
<T extends DBObject>
DBObjectFactory.newObject(java.lang.Class<T> clz, DBObject parent)
          Creates a new DBObject of the specified class using the default template if one exists, and with properties initialized according to all registered PropertyInitializers.
<T extends DBObject>
DBObjectFactory.newObject(java.lang.Class<T> clz, DBObject parent, boolean useDefaultTemplate)
          Creates a new DBObject of the specified class optionally using the default template if one exists, and with properties initialized according to all registered PropertyInitializers.
<T extends DBObject>
DBObjectFactory.newObject(T template)
          Creates a new object using the given template with properties initialized according to all registered PropertyInitializers,
<T extends DBObject>
DBObjectFactory.newObject(T template, DBObject parent)
          Creates a new object using the given template with properties initialized according to all registered PropertyInitializers,


Methods in oracle.javatools.db that return DBObject
 DBObject DBObject.copyTo(DBObject target, boolean temporaryCopy)
          Copies the state of this object to another instance.
 DBObject AbstractDBObject.copyTo(DBObject target, boolean temporaryCopy)
protected  DBObject AbstractDBObject.copyTo(DBObject target, DBObject copyParent, IDPolicy idPolicy)
          Internal copy method used by the API to perform copy operations.
 DBObject DBObject.copyTo(DBObject target, IDPolicy idPolicy)
          Copies the state of this object to another instance.
 DBObject AbstractDBObject.copyTo(DBObject target, IDPolicy idPolicy)
protected  DBObject AbstractDBObjectProvider.findByID(DBObjectID id)
static DBObject DBUtil.findChildInCopy(DBObject orig, DBObject copy, DBObject origChild)
          Given a child of an original object, finds the matching child of the copy using the TemporaryObjectIDs in the copy.
static DBObject TemporaryObjectID.findOriginalObject(TemporaryObjectID id)
          Recurses through the original objects id and beyond (if it's another temp id) until it finds an object that has either no id, or an id that isn't a temp id.
 DBObject CheckConstraint.findOwnedObject(DBObjectID id)
 DBObject DBObject.findOwnedObject(DBObjectID id)
          Returns a child of this object that has the given ID.
 DBObject AbstractDBObject.findOwnedObject(DBObjectID id)
          Returns a child of this object that has the given ID.
 DBObject Index.findOwnedObject(DBObjectID id)
protected  DBObject AbstractDBObject.findOwnedObject(DBObjectID id, boolean deep)
          Finds an owned object with the given ID, optionally recursing into the owned object heirachy.
 DBObject DBObject.findOwnedObject(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name)
          Returns an object owned by this object with given name and type, if one exists.
 DBObject AbstractDBObject.findOwnedObject(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name)
          Final implementation uses getChildrenImpl( String type ) and searches through the contained DBObjects by name.
 DBObject DBObjectProvider.getDefaultTemplateForType(java.lang.String type)
          Returns the default template object for the given type, or null if none defined
 DBObject AbstractDBObjectProvider.getDefaultTemplateForType(java.lang.String type)
          Returns the default template object for the given type, or null if none defined
 DBObject CascadeRequiredException.getObject()
 DBObject DBException.getObject()
          The object on which this exception occurred.
 DBObject[] DBObject.getOwnedObjects()
          Returns any objects owned by object.
 DBObject[] AbstractDBObject.getOwnedObjects()
          Final implementation calls getOwnedObjectsImpl with a null argument for the type.
 DBObject[] DBObject.getOwnedObjects(java.lang.String... type)
          Returns the objects owned by this object of the given type.
 DBObject[] AbstractDBObject.getOwnedObjects(java.lang.String... types)
          Final implementation calls getOwnedObjectsImpl with the given types.
 DBObject DBObject.getParent()
          Returns the parent of this object, if one exists.
 DBObject ChildDBObject.getParent()
          Returns the parent of this object, if one exists.
 DBObject AbstractSystemObject.getParent()
 DBObject AbstractChildDBObject.getParent()
 DBObject Index.getParent()
static DBObject DBUtil.getProviderDefinition(DBObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro, java.lang.String schemaName)
          Gets the definition for the given object from the provider by querying name and type in the given schema on the top (schema) level parent and then recursing the heirachy to find a match by name and type of the object given.
static DBObject DBUtil.getProviderDefinition(ReferenceID refID, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Attempts to locate the referenced object in the given provider.
static DBObject DBUtil.getUppermostParent(DBObject obj)
          Gets the top most object in the parent chain for the given object.
protected  DBObject AbstractDBObjectID.resolveFromParent()
          If the id's parent is non-null this tries to resolve the parent ID and then search the parent's children for an object with this ID.
 DBObject DBObjectID.resolveID()
          Resolves the id into the object referenced.
 DBObject DBReferenceID.resolveID()
          Deprecated. This ID is used to reference an object in the database.
 DBObject TemporaryObjectID.resolveID()
 DBObject ReferenceID.resolveID()
 DBObject BaseObjectID.resolveID()
protected  DBObject BaseObjectID.resolveIDWithoutType()
protected  DBObject BaseObjectID.resolveIDWithoutType(java.lang.String schemaName)
static DBObject DBUtil.resolveInOtherProvider(BaseObjectID id, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Attempts to resolve the given ID in a provider that is not the id's own.
protected  DBObject AbstractDBObjectID.resolveInParentObject(DBObject parent)
          Used by resolvefromParent to find the object corresponding to this ID in the given parent object.
protected  DBObject ReferenceID.resolveInParentObject(DBObject parent)
protected  DBObject NameBasedID.resolveInParentObject(DBObject parent)
protected  DBObject IdentifierBasedID.resolveInParentObject(DBObject parent)
 DBObject TemporaryObjectID.resolveOriginalID()
          Get the original object which this temporary one was copied from.
 DBObject DBReferenceID.resolveReference(Database db)
          Deprecated. Use DBUtil.resolveInOtherProvider(oracle.javatools.db.BaseObjectID, oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProvider)
 DBObject ReferenceID.resolveReference(Database db)


Methods in oracle.javatools.db that return types with arguments of type DBObject
static java.util.Iterator<? extends DBObject> DBObjectIterator.createIterator(DBObjectProvider[] pros, java.lang.String[] schemaObjectTypes, java.lang.String[]... childTypeHeirachy)
          Creates an Iterator of DBObjects for a specific type heirachy of child objects.
static java.util.Iterator<? extends DBObject> DBObjectIterator.createIterator(DBObject parent, java.lang.String[]... childTypeHeirachy)
          Creates an iterator of the children of the given parent object using the childTypeHeirachy to restrict the objects returned.
static java.util.Collection<DBObject> DBUtil.findUsagesIn(DBObject used, DBObject searchRoot)
          Looks for usages of the given "used" object within the owned object heirachy of the given search object.
static java.util.Comparator<DBObject> DBUtil.getNameComparator()
          Returns a Comparator that will compare DBObjects by name first, and then by type.
 java.util.Collection<DBObject> CascadeRequiredException.getObjects()
 java.util.Map<DBObject,DBObjectChange> DBObjectChange.getOwnedObjectsChanged()
static java.util.Collection<Pair<DBObjectID,DBObject>> DBUtil.getReferenceIDsAndReferers(DBObject obj, boolean recurse, DBUtil.IDQuery query, java.lang.String... types)
          Collects all the reference ID properties for the given object and its children and returns them after filtering as required.
static java.util.Comparator<DBObject> DBUtil.getTypeComparator()
          Returns a Comparator that will compare DBObjects by type first, and then by name.


Methods in oracle.javatools.db with parameters of type DBObject
 void ReferenceID.addChildObjectName(DBObject obj)
static boolean DBUtil.areNamesAndTypesEqual(DBObject obj1, DBObject obj2)
          Convinience method to check whether the names and types of two objects are the same.
 SystemObject CascadeManager.cascadeDelete(DBObject deleted, SystemObject referer)
          Cascades the delete of the given object to the given referer by taking a copy of the referer and performing any necessary updates.
 SystemObject CascadeManager.cascadeDelete(DBObject deleted, SystemObject referer, boolean copyIfCascadeRequired)
          Cascades the delete of the given object to the given referer by taking a copy of the referer and performing any necessary updates.
 int o1, DBObject o2)
          Compares the two objects, if they are both DBObjects.
static java.lang.String AbstractDBObjectProvider.convertObject(DBObject obj)
          Converts a DBObject into a String representation of the object name.
 DDL<oracle.javatools.db.ora.ddl.OracleDDLType> Ddl.convertToNew(DBObject obj)
protected  void IDPolicy.copyID(DBObject original, DBObject copy)
          The copyTo implementation on DBObject calls this method to create an ID for the copy, and set it.
<T> T
AbstractDBObject.copyObject(T value, DBObject copy, IDPolicy idPolicy)
          Recursive function that can copy all objects supported as properties in the API.
 DBObject DBObject.copyTo(DBObject target, boolean temporaryCopy)
          Copies the state of this object to another instance.
 DBObject AbstractDBObject.copyTo(DBObject target, boolean temporaryCopy)
protected  DBObject AbstractDBObject.copyTo(DBObject target, DBObject copyParent, IDPolicy idPolicy)
          Internal copy method used by the API to perform copy operations.
 DBObject DBObject.copyTo(DBObject target, IDPolicy idPolicy)
          Copies the state of this object to another instance.
 DBObject AbstractDBObject.copyTo(DBObject target, IDPolicy idPolicy)
protected  void CheckConstraint.copyToImpl(AbstractDBObject copy, DBObject copyParent, IDPolicy idPolicy)
protected  void PlSqlAttribute.copyToImpl(AbstractDBObject other, DBObject copyParent, IDPolicy idPolicy)
protected  void PlSqlParameter.copyToImpl(AbstractDBObject other, DBObject copyParent, IDPolicy idPolicy)
protected  void PlSqlSubprogram.copyToImpl(AbstractDBObject copy, DBObject copyParent, IDPolicy idPolicy)
protected  void AbstractBuildableObject.copyToImpl(AbstractDBObject copy, DBObject copyParent, IDPolicy idPolicy)
protected  void AbstractDBObject.copyToImpl(AbstractDBObject copy, DBObject copyParent, IDPolicy idPolicy)
          Implementation method for making a copy of this object.
protected  void AbstractChildDBObject.copyToImpl(AbstractDBObject copy, DBObject copyParent, IDPolicy idPolicy)
protected  void PlSql.copyToImpl(AbstractDBObject copy, DBObject copyParent, IDPolicy idPolicy)
protected  void PlSqlMethod.copyToImpl(AbstractDBObject other, DBObject copyParent, IDPolicy idPolicy)
protected  void AbstractSchemaObject.copyToImpl(AbstractDBObject copy, DBObject copyParent, IDPolicy idPolicy)
protected  void SpecPlSql.copyToImpl(AbstractDBObject copy, DBObject copyParent, IDPolicy idPolicy)
protected  void Index.copyToImpl(AbstractDBObject copy, DBObject copyParent, IDPolicy idPolicy)
protected  boolean SchemaObjectManager.couldFixUnresolvedReferences(DBObject obj)
          If the provider supports unresolved references this method must return for an object that could resolve them.
static DBObjectID TemporaryObjectID.createID(DBObject obj)
          Creates a new DBObjectID pointing to a specific object.
protected  BaseObjectID DBObjectFactory.createID(DBObject obj)
static DBObjectID TemporaryObjectID.createID(DBObject obj, DBObject original)
          Creates a new DBObjectID pointing to a specific object.
static java.util.Iterator<? extends DBObject> DBObjectIterator.createIterator(DBObject parent, java.lang.String[]... childTypeHeirachy)
          Creates an iterator of the children of the given parent object using the childTypeHeirachy to restrict the objects returned.
protected  void DBObjectFactory.ensureBaseInfo(BaseObjectID id, DBObject obj, boolean forceName)
 DBObjectID DBObjectFactory.ensureID(DBObject obj, boolean recurse, boolean forceNames)
          Checks that the given object has an ID that is set up for the factory's provider.
static DBObject DBUtil.findChildInCopy(DBObject orig, DBObject copy, DBObject origChild)
          Given a child of an original object, finds the matching child of the copy using the TemporaryObjectIDs in the copy.
<T extends DBObject>
DBUtil.findChildren(DBObject obj, java.lang.Class<T>... clz)
          Finds owned objects of the given class under the given object.
<T extends DBObject>
DBUtil.findParentOfType(DBObject child, java.lang.Class<T> clz)
          Search the parent heirachy of the given object (including the given object) and if an object is found that is of the given type, it is returned.
static java.util.Collection<DBObject> DBUtil.findUsagesIn(DBObject used, DBObject searchRoot)
          Looks for usages of the given "used" object within the owned object heirachy of the given search object.
 java.lang.Object DBObjectFactory.getExternalDefaultValue(DBObject obj, java.lang.String propertyName)
          The target database defined by DBObjectFactory.getProvider() may set properties of objects at generation time if the value of those properties is not defined in the DDL.
static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> DBUtil.getFrozenProperties(DBObject obj)
          Gets the properties map for a given object frozen in its current state.
static java.lang.String DBUtil.getFullyQualifiedName(DBObject obj)
          Returns the fully qualified name of the given object by prepending the parent's name (if one exists) followed by a dot.
static java.lang.String DBUtil.getFullyQualifiedName(DBObject obj, boolean incSchema)
          Returns the fully qualified name of the given object, optionally with the schema prepended.
 java.lang.Object DBObjectFactory.getInitialValue(DBObject obj, java.lang.String propertyName)
protected abstract  DBObjectID IDPolicy.getNewID(DBObject original, DBObject copy)
          Given the original object, the copy is given an ID depending on the policy.
protected  DBObjectID IDPolicy.TemporaryIDPolicy.getNewID(DBObject original, DBObject copy)
protected  DBObjectID IDPolicy.SameIDPolicy.getNewID(DBObject original, DBObject copy)
protected  DBObjectID IDPolicy.DefaultIDPolicy.getNewID(DBObject original, DBObject copy)
protected  DBObjectID DBObjectFactory.getObjectID(DBObject obj)
          As an object's ID should be immutable, DBObject.getID() returns a copy of the underlying ID.
static DBObjectID DBUtil.getOriginalID(DBObject dbo)
          Returns the Original Id of a copied DBObject.
static DBObject DBUtil.getProviderDefinition(DBObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro, java.lang.String schemaName)
          Gets the definition for the given object from the provider by querying name and type in the given schema on the top (schema) level parent and then recursing the heirachy to find a match by name and type of the object given.
static java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> DBUtil.getReferenceIDs(DBObject obj, boolean recurse, DBUtil.IDQuery query, java.lang.String... types)
          Collects all the reference ID properties for the given object and its children and returns them after filtering as required.
static java.util.Collection<Pair<DBObjectID,DBObject>> DBUtil.getReferenceIDsAndReferers(DBObject obj, boolean recurse, DBUtil.IDQuery query, java.lang.String... types)
          Collects all the reference ID properties for the given object and its children and returns them after filtering as required.
 DBObjectID[] SchemaObjectManager.getReferers(DBObject obj)
          Deprecated. use SchemaObjectManager.listReferers(DBObject)
static Schema DBUtil.getSchema(DBObject obj)
          Recurses up the tree of parents for this DBObject until it finds a SchemaObject and if found returns that SchemaObject's Schema.
static SchemaObject DBUtil.getSchemaObject(DBObject obj)
          Recurses up the tree of parents for this DBObject, and if the top object in the chain is a SchemaObject, it is returned.
static SystemObject DBUtil.getSystemObject(DBObject obj)
          Recurses up the tree of parents for this DBObject, and if the top object in the chain is a SystemObject, it is returned.
static java.lang.String TemplateExpander.getTemplateObjectName(DBObject object)
static java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> DBUtil.getTemporaryIDMap(DBObject... objs)
 java.lang.String DBObjectProvider.getUniqueName(java.lang.String type, DBObject contextObject, java.lang.String base)
          Retrieves a unique name for an object of a specific type.
 java.lang.String AbstractDBObjectProvider.getUniqueName(java.lang.String type, DBObject contextObject, java.lang.String base)
          Returns a unique name for an object of given type within contextObject using base name.
static DBObject DBUtil.getUppermostParent(DBObject obj)
          Gets the top most object in the parent chain for the given object.
protected  void AbstractDBObject.includeOwnedObject(java.util.Collection<DBObject> objs, DBObject obj, java.lang.String... types)
protected  boolean AbstractDBObject.includesType(DBObject obj, java.lang.String... types)
          Use to check the types parameter when implementing the getOwnedObjectsImpl method.
 void TemplateExpander.Initialiser.initialiseObject(DBObject template, DBObject object)
 boolean DBObjectProvider.isEditable(DBObject object)
          Returns whether or not the object can be edited
 boolean AbstractDBObjectProvider.isEditable(DBObject object)
static boolean DBUtil.isInternalRef(DBObjectID ref, DBObject obj)
          Returns true if the given DBObjectID is referencing an object that is under the same parent heirachy as the given DBObject.
static boolean TemplateExpander.isPendingObject(DBObject object)
abstract  java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> CascadeManager.listReferers(DBObject obj)
          Gets the ids of the DBObjects who directly reference the given object.
 java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> SchemaObjectManager.listReferers(DBObject obj)
          Gets the ids of the DBObjects who directly reference the given object.
static void DBLog.logDifferences(DBObject obj1, DBObject obj2, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Prints out the differences between the two objects to the trace log level.
abstract  void DatabaseDescriptor.makeNameValidAndUnique(DBObject object, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Attempts to set a valid unique name for the given object.
static boolean DBUtil.needsBuilding(DBObject obj)
          Tests whether the given object needs building - i.e.
static boolean DBUtil.needsBuilding(DBObject obj, java.lang.String property)
          Tests whether the given object property needs building - i.e.
<T extends DBObject>
DBObjectFactory.newObject(java.lang.Class<T> clz, DBObject parent)
          Creates a new DBObject of the specified class using the default template if one exists, and with properties initialized according to all registered PropertyInitializers.
<T extends DBObject>
DBObjectFactory.newObject(java.lang.Class<T> clz, DBObject parent, boolean useDefaultTemplate)
          Creates a new DBObject of the specified class optionally using the default template if one exists, and with properties initialized according to all registered PropertyInitializers.
<T extends DBObject>
DBObjectFactory.newObject(T template, DBObject parent)
          Creates a new object using the given template with properties initialized according to all registered PropertyInitializers,
static boolean DBUtil.replaceAllIDs(DBObject obj, java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> idMap)
          Replaces the all IDs in the given object and all child objects with the given key/value mapping.
static boolean DBUtil.replaceReferenceIDs(DBObject obj, java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> idMap)
          Replaces the referencing IDs in the given object and all child objects with the given key/value mapping.
protected  DBObject AbstractDBObjectID.resolveInParentObject(DBObject parent)
          Used by resolvefromParent to find the object corresponding to this ID in the given parent object.
protected  DBObject ReferenceID.resolveInParentObject(DBObject parent)
protected  DBObject NameBasedID.resolveInParentObject(DBObject parent)
protected  DBObject IdentifierBasedID.resolveInParentObject(DBObject parent)
 void DBObjectProvider.setDefaultTemplateForType(java.lang.String type, DBObject template)
          Sets the default template object for the given type.
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.setDefaultTemplateForType(java.lang.String type, DBObject template)
          Sets the default template object for the given type.
static void TemporaryObjectID.setID(DBObject obj, boolean recurse)
          Sets a new TemporaryObjectID on an object.
 void ChildDBObject.setParent(DBObject parent)
          Sets the parent of this object.
 void AbstractChildDBObject.setParent(DBObject parent)
 void Index.setParent(DBObject par)
static void DBUtil.updateObjectAndIDs(DBObject oldVersion, DBObject newVersion)
          Copys the newVersion to the old version and updates the oldVersion with the IDs from the newVersion.
 void AbstractDBObjectBuilder.updateTimestamp(DBObject object)
          Sets the timestamp of the given object if the underyling DBObjectProvide supports timestamping.
protected  void AbstractDBObjectBuilder.updateTimestamp(DBObject object, boolean force)
 void DBObjectProvider.validateObject(DBObject object)
          Checks to see if the object is valid.
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.validateObject(DBObject object)
          Validates the given object using the DBObjectValidator registered against that object's type.
 void DBObjectProvider.validateObject(DBObject original, DBObject updated)
          Checks to see if the object update is valid.
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.validateObject(DBObject original, DBObject update)
          Validates the given object update using the DBObjectValidator registered against that object's type.
 void DBObjectProvider.validateObject(DBObject original, DBObject updated, java.lang.String property)
          Deprecated. use validateObjectProperty(DBObject,DBObject,Object)
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.validateObject(DBObject original, DBObject update, java.lang.String property)
 void DBObjectProvider.validateObject(DBObject object, java.lang.String property)
          Deprecated. use validateObjectProperty(DBObject,Object)
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.validateObject(DBObject object, java.lang.String property)
 void DBObjectProvider.validateObjectProperty(DBObject original, DBObject updated, java.lang.Object property)
          Deprecated. use DBObjectProvider.validateObjectProperty(DBObject,DBObject,String)
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.validateObjectProperty(DBObject original, DBObject updated, java.lang.Object property)
 void DBObjectProvider.validateObjectProperty(DBObject original, DBObject updated, java.lang.String property)
          Checks to see if the updated children of a given object are valid.
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.validateObjectProperty(DBObject original, DBObject update, java.lang.String property)
 void DBObjectProvider.validateObjectProperty(DBObject object, java.lang.Object property)
          Deprecated. use DBObjectProvider.validateObjectProperty(DBObject,String)
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.validateObjectProperty(DBObject object, java.lang.Object property)
 void DBObjectProvider.validateObjectProperty(DBObject object, java.lang.String property)
          Checks to see if the children of a given object are valid.
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.validateObjectProperty(DBObject object, java.lang.String property)
 void DBObjectProvider.validateUniqueName(java.lang.String type, DBObject contextObject, java.lang.String name)
          Validates that a name is not used within a context DBObject, and throws NameInUseException if it is.
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.validateUniqueName(java.lang.String type, DBObject contextObject, java.lang.String name)
          Validates that a name is not used within the context DBObject, and throws NameInUseException if it is.


Method parameters in oracle.javatools.db with type arguments of type DBObject
protected  void Relation.getOwnedObjectsImpl(java.util.Collection<DBObject> c, java.lang.String... types)
protected  void PlSqlAttribute.getOwnedObjectsImpl(java.util.Collection<DBObject> objs, java.lang.String... types)
protected  void AbstractBuildableObject.getOwnedObjectsImpl(java.util.Collection<DBObject> c, java.lang.String... types)
          Implementation first checks that the object has been built - then returns the collection from suprt.getOwnedObjectsImpl().
protected  void AbstractDBObject.getOwnedObjectsImpl(java.util.Collection<DBObject> objs, java.lang.String... types)
          Used by all the final children methods.
protected  void PlSqlSubprogram.getOwnedObjectsImpl(java.util.Collection<DBObject> c, java.lang.String[] types)
protected  void AbstractDBObject.includeOwnedObject(java.util.Collection<DBObject> objs, DBObject obj, java.lang.String... types)


Constructors in oracle.javatools.db with parameters of type DBObject
AbstractChildDBObject(java.lang.String name, DBObject parent)
BaseObjectID(DBObject obj, AbstractDBObjectProvider provider)
BaseObjectID(DBObject obj, DBObjectID parent)
CascadeManager.NoCascadeRequiredException(DBObject obj)
CascadeRequiredException(DBObject obj)
          Constructor to use when the list of dependents is unknwon.
CascadeRequiredException(DBObject obj, java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> deps)
          The given object cannot be deleted because the list of dependent objects exist.
CascadeRequiredException(DBObject obj, java.lang.String msg)
          Constructor to use when the list of dependents is unknwon.
DBException(DBObject obj, java.lang.String msg)
          Constructs a new DBException on the specified object with the specified message.
DBException(DBObject obj, java.lang.String msg, java.lang.Throwable cause)
          Constructs a new DBException on the specified object with the specified message and wrapping the specified throwable
DBException(DBObject obj, java.lang.Throwable cause)
          Constructs a new DBException on the specified object wrapping the specified throwable
DBObjectChange(DBObject obj)
DBObjectChange(DBObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro)
DBObjectIterator(DBObject parent)
          Creates a new DBObjectIterator that will search for children of the given object.
DBSQLException(DBObject obj, java.lang.String sql, java.sql.SQLException sqe)
IdentifierBasedID(DBObject obj, java.lang.Object identifier, AbstractDBObjectProvider pro)
InvalidNameException(DBObject object, java.lang.String message)
InvalidNameException(DBObject object, java.lang.String message, java.lang.String title)
MissingValidatorException(DBObject object)
          Constructs a new ValidationException.
MissingValidatorException(DBObject object, java.lang.String property)
          Constructs a new ValidationException.
NameBasedID(DBObject obj, AbstractDBObjectProvider pro)
NameBasedID(DBObject obj, DBObjectID parent)
NameInUseException(DBObject obj)
ReferenceID(DBObject obj)
          Creates a ReferenceID populated with details from the given object (including a parent ID to match the parent of the obj if one exists).
ReferenceID(DBObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Creates a ReferenceID to the give object, but sets the new reference up with the given provider.
ValidationException(DBObject object, java.lang.String message)
          Constructs a new ValidationException.
ValidationException(DBObject object, java.lang.String message, java.lang.String title)
          Constructs a new ValidationException.


Constructor parameters in oracle.javatools.db with type arguments of type DBObject
CascadeRequiredException(java.util.Collection<DBObject> objs, java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> deps)
          Creates a cascade exception for a large operation.
DBObjectIterator(java.util.Iterator<? extends DBObject> parentIter)
          Creates a new DBObjectIterator over all the objects in the parent Iterator.
NameInUseException(java.util.Collection<? extends DBObject> objs)


Uses of DBObject in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes


Subinterfaces of DBObject in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes
 interface DataType
          Interface defines a database datatype (e.g.


Classes in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes that implement DBObject
 class BaseDateTimeDataType
 class BinaryDataType
 class CharacterDataType
 class ComplexType
          Deprecated. use Type instead
 class DataTypeAttribute
 class DataTypeSynonym
          DataType implementation that delegates all calls to an underlying DataType that it is a "synonym" for.
 class DataTypeUsage
          To "use" a DataType is to refere to it by ID and store values for any attributes that DataType may have (e.g.
 class DateDataType
 class NumericDataType
 class ObjectType
 class ObjectTypeUsage
          Deprecated. use DataTypeUsage instead
 class PredefinedDataType
 class PredefinedDataTypeUsage
 class TimeStampTZDataType
 class UserDataType
          Defines a data type that we 'discovered' when importing or navigating a database, usually from a foreign database, or for un-imported object types.


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes that return DBObject
 DBObject DataTypeSynonym.getParent()
 DBObject PredefinedDataType.getParent()
 DBObject DataTypeID.resolveID()


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes with parameters of type DBObject
protected  void DataTypeUsage.copyToImpl(AbstractDBObject target, DBObject copyParent, IDPolicy idPolicy)
protected  void DataTypeAttribute.copyToImpl(AbstractDBObject other, DBObject copyParent, IDPolicy idPolicy)
protected  void NumericDataType.copyToImpl(AbstractDBObject other, DBObject copyParent, IDPolicy idPolicy)
protected  void DataTypeSynonym.copyToImpl(AbstractDBObject other, DBObject copyParent, IDPolicy idPolicy)
protected  void PredefinedDataType.copyToImpl(AbstractDBObject other, DBObject copyParent, IDPolicy idPolicy)
protected  void ComplexType.copyToImpl(AbstractDBObject other, DBObject copyParent, IDPolicy idPolicy)
protected static PlsqlNode PredefinedDataType.parseDefaultValue(java.lang.String strDefaultValue, DataType dataType, DBObject dbObject)
          Parse the default value.
 java.lang.String BaseDateTimeDataType.validateDateTime(java.lang.Object defaultValue, java.text.SimpleDateFormat format, java.lang.String equivalentOracleFormat, DBObject context)
static void CharacterDataType.validateDefaultValue(java.lang.Object defaultValue, DataType dataType, DataTypeUsage dataTypeUsage, DBObject dbObject)
          Does default validation.
 void BinaryDataType.validateDefaultValue(java.lang.Object defaultValue, DataTypeUsage dataTypeUsage, DBObject dbObject)
          Validates defaultValue for dataTypeUsage against the declared size of this binary type.
 void DataType.validateDefaultValue(java.lang.Object defaultValue, DataTypeUsage dataTypeUsage, DBObject dbObject)
          Validates defaultValue for dataTypeUsage against self's definition.
 void CharacterDataType.validateDefaultValue(java.lang.Object defaultValue, DataTypeUsage dataTypeUsage, DBObject dbObject)
          Validates defaultValue for dataTypeUsage against the declared size of this character type.
 void NumericDataType.validateDefaultValue(java.lang.Object defaultValue, DataTypeUsage dataTypeUsage, DBObject dbObject)
          Validates defaultValue for dataTypeUsage against the declared precision, scale and min and max values of this numeric type.
 void DateDataType.validateDefaultValue(java.lang.Object defaultValue, DataTypeUsage dataTypeUsage, DBObject dbObject)
 void DataTypeSynonym.validateDefaultValue(java.lang.Object defaultValue, DataTypeUsage dataTypeUsage, DBObject dbObject)
 void PredefinedDataType.validateDefaultValue(java.lang.Object defaultValue, DataTypeUsage dataTypeUsage, DBObject dbObject)
 void ComplexType.validateDefaultValue(java.lang.Object defaultValue, DataTypeUsage dataTypeUsage, DBObject dbObject)
 void TimeStampTZDataType.validateDefaultValue(java.lang.Object defaultValue, DataTypeUsage dataTypeUsage, DBObject context)
 void DataType.validateUsage(DataTypeUsage dataTypeUsage, DBObject dbObject)
          Validates dataTypeUsage against self's definition.
 void NumericDataType.validateUsage(DataTypeUsage dataTypeUsage, DBObject dbObject)
          Validates dataTypeUsage against self's definition.
 void DataTypeSynonym.validateUsage(DataTypeUsage dataTypeUsage, DBObject dbObject)
 void PredefinedDataType.validateUsage(DataTypeUsage dataTypeUsage, DBObject dbObject)
 void ComplexType.validateUsage(DataTypeUsage dataTypeUsage, DBObject dbObject)


Method parameters in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes with type arguments of type DBObject
protected  void ComplexType.getOwnedObjectsImpl(java.util.Collection<DBObject> c, java.lang.String... types)


Constructors in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes with parameters of type DBObject
DataTypeValidationException(DBObject context, java.lang.String dataType, java.lang.String message)
DefaultValueValidationException(DBObject context, java.lang.String dataType, java.lang.String message)


Uses of DBObject in oracle.javatools.db.ddl


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.ddl that return DBObject
 DBObject UnsupportedDDLException.getObject()
          Gets the object that the ddl generation failed for.


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.ddl with parameters of type DBObject
protected  DDL TokenDDLGenerator.createDDL(DDLOptions options, java.lang.String code, DBObject obj, DDLType ddlType)
          Creates a new DDL object with the given ddlCode by processing the given code using a TokenProcessor and using the resulting String as the DDL string.
 java.lang.String DDLType.createPrompt(DBObject obj, java.lang.String stmt)
          Creates a prompt String appropriate to the supported database's command line client (or equivalent) that can be prepended to the given statement before execution.
 DDL<T> DDLGenerator.getCreateDDL(DDLOptions options, DBObject... objects)
          Gets CREATE statements for the given objects.
 DDL CreateDDLGenerator.getCreateDDL(DDLOptions options, DBObject obj)
          Gets the DDL to create the given object in the database.
 DDL<T> DDLGenerator.getDeleteDDL(DDLOptions options, DBObject... objects)
          Gets DROP statements for the given objects.
 DDL DropDDLGenerator.getDropDDL(DDLOptions options, DBObject obj)
          Gets the DDL to DROP the given object from the database.
 DDL<T> DDLGenerator.getUndeleteDDL(DDLOptions options, DBObject... objects)
          Gets statements to undelete (e.g.
 DDL UndeleteDDLGenerator.getUndeleteDDL(DDLOptions options, DBObject obj)
          Gets the DDL to DROP the given object from the database.


Constructors in oracle.javatools.db.ddl with parameters of type DBObject
DDL(DBObject obj)
          Creates a new DDL object which will contain statements to perform actions relating to the given object.
UnsupportedDDLException(java.lang.String string, DBObject object)
          The given message is automatically formatted with the object type and name (in that order) using MessageFormat.


Uses of DBObject in oracle.javatools.db.event


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.event that return DBObject
 DBObject DBObjectChange.getDBObject()
          Gets the object this change has been on.


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.event that return types with arguments of type DBObject
 java.util.List<DBObject> DBObjectChange.getOwnedObjectsAdded()
          Returns any owned objects added to the ListenableObject as a result of the change.
 java.util.List<DBObject> DBObjectChange.getOwnedObjectsRemoved()
          Returns any owned objects removed from the ListenableObject as a result of the change.
 java.util.Map<DBObject,DBObjectChange> DBObjectChange.getOwnedObjectsUpdated()
          Returns any changes that have happened to any owned objects.


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.event with parameters of type DBObject
static void DBObjectChange.fireChildUpdated(SystemObject obj, DBObject child)


Method parameters in oracle.javatools.db.event with type arguments of type DBObject
static void DBObjectChange.fireObjectUpdated(SystemObject obj, java.util.List<DBObject> added, java.util.List<DBObject> removed, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent> props)
static void DBObjectChange.fireObjectUpdated(SystemObject obj, java.util.List<DBObject> added, java.util.List<DBObject> removed, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent> props)


Constructors in oracle.javatools.db.event with parameters of type DBObject
DBObjectChange(DBObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro)


Uses of DBObject in oracle.javatools.db.execute


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.execute with parameters of type DBObject
 void StatementWrapper.throwDBException(DBObject obj, java.sql.SQLException sqe)
          If a SQLException is caught during the processing of this query, or its Difference then it can be wrapped in a DBException which can then be displayed to the user.
protected  void StatementWrapper.throwDBException(DBObject obj, java.lang.String text, java.sql.SQLException sqe)


Uses of DBObject in oracle.javatools.db.extension


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.extension with parameters of type DBObject
 boolean DelegateDDLGenerator.canAlterProperty(DBObject original, DBObject update, java.lang.String prop)
 PropertyAction DelegateDDLGenerator.canChangeProperty(DBObject original, DBObject update, java.lang.String prop)
 PropertyAction DelegateDDLGenerator.canUpdateObject(DBObject original, DBObject update)
 DDL DelegateDDLGenerator.getCreateDDL(DDLOptions options, DBObject... objects)
 DDL DelegateDDLGenerator.getDeleteDDL(DDLOptions options, DBObject... objects)
 DDL DelegateDDLGenerator.getUndeleteDDL(DDLOptions options, DBObject... objects)


Method parameters in oracle.javatools.db.extension with type arguments of type DBObject
 void DBObjectRegistry.registerClass(java.lang.String objType, java.lang.Class<? extends DBObject> objClz)


Uses of DBObject in oracle.javatools.db.ora


Classes in oracle.javatools.db.ora that implement DBObject
 class DatabaseLink
          Model of a database DatabaseLink.
 class Directory
          Model of an Oracle Directory object.
 class IndexPartition
          Model of an Oracle index partition.
 class Indextype
 class LOBDescriptor
          LOBDescriptor encapsulates the partitioning properties of LOB and VARRAY columns.
 class MaterializedView
          A MaterializedView represents a Materialized View in the database.
 class MaterializedViewLog
 class OracleColumnProperties
 class OracleExternalTableProperties
          An external table is one whose metadata (definition) is stored in the database but whose data is stored outside the database.
static class OracleExternalTableProperties.LocationSpecifier
          The LOCATION clause lets you specify one or more external data sources.
 class OracleIndexOrganizedTableProperties
          Property object to hold the index organized specific properties for an IOT.
 class OracleIndexPartitions
          Model of the partitioning scheme on an Oracle index.
 class OracleNumberDataType
 class OracleSQLQuery
          Object that represents a complete SQL query.
 class OracleStorageProperties
 class OracleTablePartitions
          OracleTablePartitions encapsulate the properties of an Oracle table's partitions and subpartitions.
 class OracleTablespaceProperties
          Model of properties for an Oracle Tablespace
 class RecycledObject
          Model of an object that has been dropped and is now in the Oracle recycle bin.
 class TablePartition
          TablePartition encapsulate the properties of an individual partition or subpartition.
 class XMLSchema
          Object to represent an XML Schema held in the database.
 class XMLSchemaElement
 class XMLTypeColumnProperties


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.ora with parameters of type DBObject
 void OracleNumberDataType.validateDefaultValue(java.lang.Object defaultValue, DataTypeUsage dataTypeUsage, DBObject dbObject)
 void OracleNumberDataType.validateUsage(DataTypeUsage dataTypeUsage, DBObject dbObject)


Uses of DBObject in oracle.javatools.db.plsql


Classes in oracle.javatools.db.plsql that implement DBObject
 class DBObjectPlSqlFragment
          Top-most PL/SQL specific superclass of all PL/SQL DBObject classes in this package.
 class Function
          Representation of a PL/SQL Function.
 class Package
          Representation of a PL/SQL Package Spec
 class PackageBody
          Representation of a PL/SQL Package Body
 class PlSqlAttribute
          A representation of a Attribute within a Type.
 class PlSqlBlock
          When instantiated as a concrete class, this represents a PL/SQL Block.
 class PlSqlDatatype
          Representation of a PL/SQL Datatype sucj as a record, varray table etc.
 class PlSqlMethod
          Representation of a method within a PlSqlMethod.MethodType.
 class PlSqlParameter
          Representation of a parameter (argument) to any PL/SQL procedure, function or method.
 class PlSqlReference
          A reference from some PL/SQL to another DBObject.
 class PlSqlSchemaObject
          Abstract superclass of all Schema level PL/SQL objects (ie SourceObjects) other than Procedure and Function as they extend PlSqlSubProgram.
 class PlSqlSchemaObjectBody
          Abstract superclass of PackageBody and TypeBody.
 class PlSqlSchemaObjectSpec
          Abstract superclass of object types that can have bodies, ie Package and Type.
 class PlSqlSubProgram
          A representation of a PL/SQL procedure or function.
 class PlSqlVariable
          A representation of a PL/SQL variable (or constant) defined at any scope in a PL/SQL object.
 class Procedure
          Representation of a PL/SQL Procedure.
 class Trigger
          Representation of a Database Trigger
 class Type
 class TypeBody
          Representation of a Type Body


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.plsql that return DBObject
 DBObject DBObjectPlSqlFragment.getParent()


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.plsql with parameters of type DBObject
protected  void PlSqlReference.copyToImpl(AbstractDBObject copy, DBObject copyParent, IDPolicy idPolicy)
protected  void DBObjectPlSqlFragment.copyToImpl(AbstractDBObject copy, DBObject copyParent, IDPolicy idPolicy)
 void DBObjectPlSqlFragment.setParent(DBObject parent)
 void PlSqlDatatype.validateDefaultValue(java.lang.Object defaultValue, DataTypeUsage dataTypeUsage, DBObject dbObject)
 void Type.validateDefaultValue(java.lang.Object defaultValue, DataTypeUsage dataTypeUsage, DBObject dbObject)
 void PlSqlDatatype.validateUsage(DataTypeUsage dataTypeUsage, DBObject dbObject)
 void Type.validateUsage(DataTypeUsage dataTypeUsage, DBObject dbObject)


Constructors in oracle.javatools.db.plsql with parameters of type DBObject
DBObjectPlSqlFragment(java.lang.String name, DBObject parent)
PlSqlBlock(java.lang.String name, DBObject parent)
PlSqlMethod(java.lang.String name, DBObject parent)
PlSqlSubProgram(java.lang.String name, DBObject parent)


Uses of DBObject in


Methods in that return DBObject
 DBObject Metadata.newDBObject(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a new DBObject of given type, and sets it up with a name.
 DBObject Metadata.newInstance(java.lang.String type)
          Creates a new instance of a DBObject of the given type.


Methods in that return types with arguments of type DBObject
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Class<? extends DBObject>> Metadata.getDBObjectClasses()
          The returned map contains a mapping of DBObject types to their declaring DBObject subclasses.
 java.lang.Class<? extends DBObject> Metadata.getObjectClass(java.lang.String type)
          Gets the DBObject class that corresponds to the given object type.


Methods in with parameters of type DBObject
 boolean PropertyFilter.accept(DBObject obj)
 boolean AbstractPropertyManager.canAlterProperty(DBObject original, DBObject update, java.lang.String prop)
 boolean PropertyManager.canAlterProperty(DBObject original, DBObject update, java.lang.String prop)
          Convenience method to call PropertyManager.canChangeProperty(oracle.javatools.db.DBObject, oracle.javatools.db.DBObject, java.lang.String) and check the return value is a PropertyAction with a type of ALTER.
 PropertyAction AbstractPropertyManager.canChangeProperty(DBObject original, DBObject update, java.lang.String prop)
 PropertyAction PropertyManager.canChangeProperty(DBObject original, DBObject update, java.lang.String prop)
          Queries the support for setting or changing the given property for a create or update.
protected  boolean AbstractPropertyManager.canChangeWithAlter(DBObject orig, DBObject update, java.lang.String prop)
          Returns true if the given property can be changed using an alter on the given original and updated objects.
protected  boolean AbstractPropertyManager.canChangeWithReplace(DBObject orig, DBObject update, java.lang.String prop)
          Returns true if the given property can be changed using a drop/recreate on the given original and updated objects.
protected  boolean AbstractPropertyManager.canCreate(DBObject newObj, java.lang.String prop)
          Return true if the given property can be set on the given new object.
 PropertyAction AbstractPropertyManager.canUpdateObject(DBObject orig, DBObject update)
 PropertyAction PropertyManager.canUpdateObject(DBObject orig, DBObject update)
          Convenience method that uses PropertyManager.canChangeProperty(oracle.javatools.db.DBObject, oracle.javatools.db.DBObject, java.lang.String) on all the differences in the given object to tell whether the update on the given objects can be done using a CREATE, ALTER or REPLACE as appropriate.
abstract  java.lang.Object PropertyInitializer.getPropertyInitialValue(DBObject obj, java.lang.String propertyName)


Method parameters in with type arguments of type DBObject
 java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> Metadata.getAllTypes(java.lang.Class<? extends DBObject> clz)
          Gets all the valid DBObject types for the given class, including all subclasses and implementations.
abstract  java.lang.String[] PropertyInitializer.getPropertyNames(java.lang.Class<? extends DBObject> clz)
 java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> Metadata.getSupportedProperties(java.lang.Class<? extends DBObject> objClz, java.lang.Class<? extends DBObjectProvider> proClz)
          Gets the supported properties, both defined on the bean class and also any extra properties registered via annotations or extensions, for the given object class in the context of the given provider class.
 java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> Metadata.getSupportedProperties(java.lang.Class<? extends DBObject> objClz, java.lang.Class<? extends DBObjectProvider> proClz, boolean incBean, boolean incExtra)
          Gets the supported properties, both defined on the bean class and also any extra properties registered via annotations or extensions, for the given object class in the context of the given provider class.
static java.lang.String Metadata.getType(java.lang.Class<? extends DBObject> objClass)
          Returns the type defined for the given object class.
 boolean Metadata.isBeanProperty(java.lang.Class<? extends DBObject> clz, java.lang.String propName)
          Tests whether a given property is a bean property (i.e.
 boolean PropertyInfo.isSupported(java.lang.Class<? extends DBObjectProvider> proClz, java.lang.Class<? extends DBObject> objClz)
          Tests whether this property is supported in the given provider for the given object type.
 boolean Metadata.isTypeOf(java.lang.Class<? extends DBObject> clz, java.lang.String type)
          Tests whether the given object type corresponds to a subclass of the given object class.
 void Metadata.registerObjectClass(java.lang.String type, java.lang.Class<? extends DBObject> clz)


Uses of DBObject in oracle.javatools.db.sql


Subinterfaces of DBObject in oracle.javatools.db.sql
 interface AliasFragment
          SQLFragment that consists of an expression and an alias.
 interface DBObjectUsage
          Interface implemented by fragments that use a DBObjectID to refer to another DBObject.
 interface DeclarativeSQLQuery
          Extension of the SQLQuery interface that allows the query to edited.
 interface FromObjectUsage
          Interface implemented by any object that directly depends on a FromObject (e.g.
 interface JoinCondition
 interface SQLFragment
          Interface for objects that encapsulate a fragment of SQL.
 interface SQLQuery
          Object that represents a basic SQL query.
 interface SQLQueryOwner
          Interfaced to be implemented by any object that can own a SQLQuery.


Classes in oracle.javatools.db.sql that implement DBObject
 class AbstractAliasFragment
          SQLFragment that consists of an expression and an alias.
 class AbstractDBObjectUsage
          Abstract implementation for a SQLFragment that uses another DBObject (e.g a Column) through a FromObject in the query.
 class AbstractFromObjectUsage
          Abstract SQLFragment implementation of FromObjectUsage.
 class AbstractSchemaObjectUsage
          Abstract class for usages that reference a SchemaObject (e.g.
 class AbstractSQLFragment
          Abstract superclass for SQLFragment implementations.
 class AbstractSQLQuery
          Abstract implementation of a SQLQuery.
 class ArithmeticOperation
          Concrete subclass of Operation for arithmetic operations - ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY and DIVIDE.
 class AsteriskUsage
          Deprecated. - use ColumnKeywordUsage
 class CaseStatement
          Class to represent a case statement in a sql query.
CASE [expression]
WHEN condition THEN thenExpression
WHEN condition THEN thenExpression ...
static class CaseStatement.WhenThen
 class ColumnKeywordUsage
          A FromObjectUsage that has a keyword for the Column name, rather than an actual column.
 class ColumnUsage
          SQL fragment that is a use of a Column.
 class Comparison
          Subclass of Operation for comparisons.
 class DataMiningFunction
          Subclass of Operation for data mining functions.
static class DataMiningFunction.DataMiningArguments
          Deprecated. no longer required, use get/setDmSpecificArgs directly.
static class DataMiningFunction.DataMiningCostValues
          An array of values
 class ExpressionList
          List of expressions.
 class FKUsage
          SQLFragment for the usage of a FKConstraint.
 class FromObject
          Object that represents a clause in the FROM statement of a SQL query.
 class FunctionUsage
 class GroupByExpression
          Expression for a part of a group by that isn't a simple column (e.g.
 class GroupByObject
          SQLFragment for the GROUP BY ...
 class HierarchicalQueryObject
          SQLFragment for the Hierarchical Query clause in a SQLQuery.
 class IndexObject
          Object to wrap each column eaxpression of the Index statement
 class JoinObject
          Object that represent the JOIN clause of a SELECT statement (part of the FROM clause).
 class ModelObject
          SQLFragment for the MODEL clause in a SQLQuery.
static class ModelObject.CellAssignment
static class ModelObject.CellReferenceOptions
static class ModelObject.ModelColumnClauses
static class ModelObject.ModelRulesCellAssignmentExpr
static class ModelObject.ModelRulesClause
static class ModelObject.MultiColumnForLoop
static class ModelObject.ReferenceModel
static class ModelObject.SingleColumnForLoop
 class NonDeclarativeSQLQuery
          Dummy SQLQuery that just contains a String representing the SQLQuery.
 class OnJoinCondition
          Object to represent the ON condition of a JOIN clause.
 class Operation
          Abstract class for operations.
 class OrderByObject
          Object to wrap each part of the ORDER BY clause of a SQLQuery.
 class PlSqlUsage
          Fragment that represents a usage of a piece of PlSql.
 class RelationUsage
          SQL fragment that is a use of a Relation.
 class SelectObject
          Object that represents a clause in the SELECT statement of a SQL query.
 class SelectObjectUsage
          Class that represents the usage of a SelectObject.
 class SetOperation
          SQLFragment for dealing with operations to do with sets and ranges like IN and BETWEEN.
 class SetOperator
          SQLFragment for dealing with queries that are linked using one of the SET operators INTERSECT, UNION, MINUS and UNION ALL.
 class SimpleSQLFragment
          SQLFragment that we can't break down any more.
 class SynonymUsage
          SQLFragment for using a Synonym in a SQL query.
 class UsingJoinCondition
          Object to represent the condition part of a JOIN that has a USING clause.
 class WhereObject
          Object that represents a clause in the WHERE statement of a SQL query.
 class WindowFunction
          Subclass of Function for windowing functions (using the OVER syntax).
static class WindowFunction.WindowFunctionBound


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.sql that return DBObject
 DBObject AbstractSQLQuery.findOwnedObject(DBObjectID id)


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.sql with parameters of type DBObject
protected  void FKUsage.copyToImpl(AbstractDBObject target, DBObject copyParent, IDPolicy idPolicy)
protected  void AbstractSchemaObjectUsage.copyToImpl(AbstractDBObject target, DBObject copyParent, IDPolicy idPolicy)
protected  void AbstractDBObjectUsage.copyToImpl(AbstractDBObject target, DBObject copyParent, IDPolicy idPolicy)
protected  void Operation.copyToImpl(AbstractDBObject target, DBObject copyParent, IDPolicy idPolicy)
protected  void FunctionUsage.copyToImpl(AbstractDBObject target, DBObject copyParent, IDPolicy idPolicy)
 DBObjectID AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.ensureID(DBObject s)
          Only call on an object that has been added to the hierarchy - e.g.
protected  java.util.List AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.getIDs(DBObject[] objs)
protected  void AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.loadObject(DBObject frag)
          Load the given object (i.e.
protected  void AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.loadObjects(DBObject[] frags)
protected  void AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.setNewFromObject(DBObject frag, FromObject oldFrom, FromObject newFrom)
 void AbstractSQLFragment.setParent(DBObject parent)
protected  void AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.unloadObject(DBObject frag)


Constructors in oracle.javatools.db.sql with parameters of type DBObject
IDException(DBObject obj)
          Constructor to use when an object has no ID.


Uses of DBObject in oracle.javatools.db.util


Classes in oracle.javatools.db.util with type parameters of type DBObject
 class DBObjectMap<K extends DBObject,V>
          Map implementation to use when the key is a DBObject.
 class DBObjectSet<T extends DBObject>
          Set implementation for storing DBObjects comparing only by name and type.


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.util with parameters of type DBObject
 void DBObjectIDSet.addAll(DBObject... objs)
          Adds the DBObjectIDs for every object in the given list.


Uses of DBObject in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb with type parameters of type DBObject
<T extends DBObject>
OfflineDBObjectFactory.newSchemaObject(java.lang.Class<T> clz)
          Deprecated. use newObject instead
<T extends DBObject>
OfflineDBObjectFactory.newSchemaObject(java.lang.Class<T> clz, Schema schema)
          Deprecated. use newObject instead


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb that return DBObject
protected  DBObject OfflineDBObjectProvider.findByID(DBObjectID id)
          Finds a given object by ID.
 DBObject OfflineDBObjectProvider.getDefaultTemplateForType(java.lang.String type)
 DBObject OfflineDBObjectProvider.getObject(OfflineDBObjectNode node)
          Retrieves the object from the given node ensuring that the object's ID is correctly setup for this provider.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb that return types with arguments of type DBObject
static java.util.Collection<DBObject> OfflineDBUtil.loadAllObjects(OfflineDBObjectProvider pro)
          Loads all the DBObjects in a given provider and returns them in a List.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb with parameters of type DBObject
static void OfflineDBUtil.canCreateURL( url, DBObject obj)
          Checks that create is available on the given object url.
static void OfflineDBUtil.canUpdateFile(DBObject obj, OfflineDBObjectProvider pro)
          Checks that update is available on the given object.
static void OfflineDBUtil.canUpdateURL( url, DBObject obj)
          Checks that update is available on the given object url.
static void OfflineDBUtil.checkURLIsWritable( url, DBObject obj, boolean doit)
          Checks that the URL is, or at least can be made, writable.
 DBObjectID OfflineDBObjectFactory.ensureID(DBObject obj)
          Checks that the given object has an ID.
 DBObjectID OfflineDBObjectFactory.ensureID(DBObject obj, boolean deep)
          Checks that the given object has an ID.
 DBObjectID OfflineDBObjectFactory.ensureID(DBObject obj, boolean deep, boolean forceNames)
          Same as OfflineDBObjectFactory.ensureID(DBObject,boolean) but optionally specify that this is only a load operation and therefore heavier ID processing (such as updating the name information in the IDs) can be skipped.
 boolean OfflineDBObjectProvider.isEditable(DBObject object)
 BaseObjectID OfflineDBObjectFactory.newID(DBObject obj)
          Creates a new ID for the given object and sets it too.
 BaseObjectID OfflineDBObjectFactory.newID(DBObject obj, DBObjectID parent)
          Creates a new ID for the given object and sets it too.
 void OfflineDBObjectProvider.setDefaultTemplateForType(java.lang.String type, DBObject so)
 void OfflineDBObjectProvider.validateObject(DBObject object)
          Validates the given object using the DBObjectValidator registered against that object's type.
 void OfflineDBObjectProvider.validateObject(DBObject original, DBObject update)
          Validates the given object update using the DBObjectValidator registered against that object's type.
 void OfflineDBValidationManager.Validator.validateObject(OfflineDBObjectProvider pro, DBObject original, DBObject update, java.lang.String property)
          Validates the given object change for the given provider.
 void OfflineDBObjectProvider.validateObjectProperty(DBObject original, DBObject update, java.lang.String property)
 void OfflineDBObjectProvider.validateObjectProperty(DBObject object, java.lang.String property)


Method parameters in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb with type arguments of type DBObject
 void OfflineDBObjectFactory.ensureID(java.util.Collection<? extends DBObject> objs, Difference rs)
          Checks that the given objects have an ID.


Constructors in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb with parameters of type DBObject
DependentProviderUpdateException(DBObject obj)


Uses of DBObject in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model that return DBObject
 DBObject ProviderDefaultTemplateSettings.getDefaultTemplate(java.lang.String type, OfflineDBObjectProvider pro)


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model with parameters of type DBObject
 Node NodeCache.findNode(DBObject obj)
          Deprecated. Attempts to find the node in the navigator for the given object. NodeCache.findURL(DBObject obj)
          Deprecated. Attempts to find a URL for the given object.
 void ProviderDefaultTemplateSettings.setDefaultTemplate(java.lang.String type, DBObject obj)


Uses of DBObject in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.userprops


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.userprops with parameters of type DBObject
 java.lang.String UserPropertyDefn.getDefaultValue(OfflineDBObjectProvider pro, DBObject dbObj)
 java.lang.Object UserPropertyInitializer.getPropertyInitialValue(DBObject obj, java.lang.String propertyName)
protected abstract  java.lang.String UserPropertyInitializer.getUserPropertyDefault(DBObject obj, java.lang.String userPropertyName)
          Concrete subclasses should return the default value of the user property with the given name for the given DBObject or throw a PropertyInitializer.InitializationVeto exception.
static java.util.List<UserPropertyDefn> UserPropertyUtils.getUserPropertydefns(OfflineDBObjectProvider prov, DBObject dbobject)
          get a list of the user property definitions for a DBObject
static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> UserPropertyUtils.getUserpropertyNameValueMap(DBObject dbo)
          get a List of the user property values for a DBObject
static java.lang.Object UserPropertyDefn.getValue(OfflineDBObjectProvider prov, DBObject dbObject, java.lang.String udpName)
          Return the User Defined Property Value.
 void AbstractUserPropertyValidator.validateObject(OfflineDBObjectProvider pro, DBObject original, DBObject update, java.lang.String property)
abstract  void AbstractUserPropertyValidator.validateUserPropertyValue(OfflineDBObjectProvider pro, DBObject original, DBObject update, java.lang.String userPropertyName, java.lang.String userPropertyValue)
          Implementations of this method will be called to allow validation of User Property Values.


Method parameters in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.userprops with type arguments of type DBObject
 java.lang.String[] UserPropertyInitializer.getPropertyNames(java.lang.Class<? extends DBObject> clz)
protected abstract  java.lang.String[] UserPropertyInitializer.getUserPropertyNames(java.lang.Class<? extends DBObject> clz)
          Concrete subclasses should return a String[] of user property names for objects of the given class for which they provide a default value.


Uses of DBObject in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard with parameters of type DBObject
static boolean SchemaObjectWizard.editObject(OfflineDBObjectProvider pro, SchemaObject obj, DBObject child)
          Fires the edit dialog for the given object from the given provider.
static boolean SchemaObjectWizard.editObject(OfflineDBObjectProvider pro, SchemaObject obj, DBObject child, Context c)
          Fires the edit dialog for the given object from the given provider.


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