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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use TransformContext
oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform The base classes for defining transformations on the Audit object model. 


Uses of TransformContext in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.project


Subclasses of TransformContext in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.project
 class ProjectTransformContext
          A TransformContext for transforms that modify a project.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.project that return TransformContext
 TransformContext ProjectTransformAdapter.createContext(Transform transform, Violation violation, Location location)


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.project with parameters of type TransformContext
 void ProjectTransformAdapter.beginTransform(TransformContext context)
          Begins a transform of this type.
 void ProjectTransformAdapter.cancelTransform(TransformContext context)
 void ProjectTransformAdapter.endTransform(TransformContext context)
          Ends a transform of this type.


Uses of TransformContext in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform


Subclasses of TransformContext in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform
 class NullTransformContext
 class TextTransformContext


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform that return TransformContext
 TransformContext NullTransformAdapter.createContext(Transform transform, Violation violation, Location location)
 TransformContext TextTransformAdapter.createContext(Transform transform, Violation violation, Location location)
abstract  TransformContext TransformAdapter.createContext(Transform transform, Violation violation, Location location)
          Creates a context for a transform over a violation.
 TransformContext[] Transform.createContexts(Violation violation)
          Creates the transform contexts for this transform, or null or an empty array if the contexts cannot be created.
 TransformContext[] CompositeTransform.createContexts(Violation violation)


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform with parameters of type TransformContext
 void NullTransformAdapter.beginTransform(TransformContext context)
          Begins a transform of this type.
 void TextTransformAdapter.beginTransform(TransformContext context)
          Begins a transform of this type.
abstract  void TransformAdapter.beginTransform(TransformContext context)
          Begins a transform of this type.
 void TransformAdapter.beginTransform(TransformContext context, TransformSequenceContext sequenceContext)
          Begins a transform of this type within a sequence of transforms of this type.
 java.lang.String Transform.boundLabel(TransformContext context)
          Gets the contextual localized label text for this transform.
 void NullTransformAdapter.cancelTransform(TransformContext context)
          Cancels a transform of this type.
 void TextTransformAdapter.cancelTransform(TransformContext context)
          Cancels a transform of this type.
abstract  void TransformAdapter.cancelTransform(TransformContext context)
          Cancels a transform of this type.
 void NullTransformAdapter.endTransform(TransformContext context)
          Ends a transform of this type.
 void TextTransformAdapter.endTransform(TransformContext context)
          Ends a transform of this type.
abstract  void TransformAdapter.endTransform(TransformContext context)
          Ends a transform of this type.
 java.util.Collection<Location> TransformAdapter.getHighlightRegions(TransformContext context)
          Gets the highlight regions set by the apply method of a transform for its model, or an empty list if none.
 boolean TransformAdapter.isTransformable(TransformContext context)
          Gets whether a transform location is transformable.
 java.lang.Boolean TransformAdapter.makeTransformable(TransformContext context)
          Makes a transform location transformable if not already so.
 void TransformAdapter.setPredecessorApplyData(TransformContext context, java.lang.Object applyData)
          Sets the predecessor apply data for a transform.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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