Represents a individual Endeca record from the data set stored in an MDEX Engine.

Namespace:  Endeca.Data
Assembly:  Endeca.Data (in Endeca.Data.dll) Version: (


public class Record : IAttributeMapProvider
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class Record _
	Implements IAttributeMapProvider
Visual C++
public ref class Record : IAttributeMapProvider


A Record consists primarily of a set of Endeca properties, where each property is a key/value pair. Individual properties are represented by PropertyValue objects, and the properties associated with a individual record are accessible using Properties.

In addition to this set of properties, each record is tagged with a set of DimensionValue objects, which locate the record within the hierarchy of dimension values associated with each dimension. The DimensionValues are accessible using DimensionValues.

In certain cases it may by useful to view the PropertyValues and DimensionValues of a Record in a single composite collection. The Attributes property enables this, by providing access to the combined properties and dimension values as IAttributeValue objects.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also