Encapsulates an analytics statement query result. Extends DataTable.

Namespace:  Endeca.Data
Assembly:  Endeca.Data (in Endeca.Data.dll) Version: (


public class AnalyticsDataTable : DataTable
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class AnalyticsDataTable _
	Inherits DataTable
Visual C++
public ref class AnalyticsDataTable : public DataTable


This table will contain two columns for each dimension that is used in a group by clause. One column will be named the dimension name and will contain the value of the Name property of each dimension value. The other column will be named the dimension name plus "DimensionValue" and will contain the actual DimensionValue instances. For example, if an analytics statement groups by the "Region" dimension, the "Region" column will contain the string name of each dimension value inside "Region", and the "RegionDimensionValue" column will contain the actual DimensionValue instances.

Inheritance Hierarchy

See Also