Returns the matched search mode that was selected by the MDEX Engine.

Namespace: Endeca.Navigation
Assembly: Endeca.Navigation (in Endeca.Navigation.dll) Version: (


public virtual ESearchReport..::..Mode MatchedMode { get; }
Visual Basic
Public Overridable ReadOnly Property MatchedMode As ESearchReport..::..Mode
Visual C++
virtual property ESearchReport..::..Mode^ MatchedMode {
	ESearchReport..::..Mode^ get ();

Field Value

The match mode selected by the MDEX Engine.


MatchedMode is different from SearchMode in that MatchedMode returns the match mode that was actually selected by the MDEX Engine, as opposed to the match mode that was requested in the query.

For example, assume that this query was issued to the MDEX Engine:


The query is searching for the terms merlot and blackberry and is requesting the match mode of MODE_ALL_ANY. This search mode will first attempt to perform a search that matches all of the terms; failing that, it will then perform a search that matches any of the terms. Assuming there are no occurrences of blackberry, the resulting match mode will be MODE_ANY.

See Also