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CICS Runtime Servers

CICS Runtime Servers
The CICS Runtime Servers
This section describes the different servers and the role they play in the overall handling of transactions. The configuration of the servers is described in Server Configuration.
3270 Terminals and User Session Management (ARTTCPL/ARTTCPH)
The role of these servers is to accept and manage user connections made thru a 3270 terminal emulator and manage the resulting user session and related 3270 inputs and outputs until the end of the user session.
Functionally, this role resembles the one played by the Terminal Owning Region in a CICS MRO configuration.
These 3270 user session management tasks are managed by a couple of server types: ARTTCPL and ARTTCPH, where the final ‘L’ stands for listener and the final ‘H’ stands for handler.
It is the role of the ARTTCPL to launch and manage the requested number of handler processes (ARTTCPH).
Each time a user requests a transaction, ARTTCPH transmits (via tpconnect) this transaction request to the transaction server.
This functionality resembles that provided by T.O.R. in a CICS MRO configuration when it routes a transaction to an A.O.R (Application owning Region).
Connection Server (ARTCNX)
This server offers technical services needed by terminal handlers during user connection and disconnection phases.
The technical services are offered using internal message oriented services like connect and disconnect:
connect performs various initialization tasks such as attributing the user Session ID and Terminal_ID.
disconnect manages final tasks during disconnection.
The connection server also provides a few classical CICS transactions:
Specifically, ARTCNX handles the request from ARTTCPH and ARTSTRN/ARTSTR1, LUNAME validation check, and TERMID/LUNAME assignment. All services that ARTCNX publishes and their functionalities are listed as below.
gensess generates a session ID for each terminal; the session ID is maintained internally in ART CICS.
delsess frees session ID when its terminal terminates.
connect generates a locally unique (unique in each CICS region) TERMID and a globally unique LUNAME (unique in all CICS regions) for auto-install terminal, checks LUNAME validation for the LUNAME specified terminal, and changes TERM status to ACQUIRED.
disconnect frees TERMID and LUNAME, and change TERM status to RELEASED.
inquire handles INQUIRE NETNAME/TERMID request from ARTSTRN.
update handles SET TERMINAL request from ARTSTRN.
authfail outputs the error message in terminal if CESN logon fails.
CESN specifies the Sign oN transaction
CESF specifies the Sign ofF transaction
CSGM specifies the Good Morning transaction (default Good Morning transaction)
If ISC_ENABLE=YES is set, gensess and delsess will be published by ARTLOGN instead.
See “Authentication Transactions” in System Commands and Transactions for more information.
Logon Server (ARTLOGN)
This server offers technical services needed by terminal handlers when users log on ART CICS.
This server offers the following services:
ART_LOGON sends the "ART runtime welcome" panel and asks for APPLID input.
gensess generates a globally unique session ID (unique in all CICS regions) with 16 characters for each terminal.
delsess removes the session ID when the corresponding terminal disconnects.
ARTLOGN should be only configured when ISC_ENABLE=YES is specified; otherwise, the server will not boot.
System and Resource Management Server (ARTSRM)
This server centralizes the management of ART runtime information, which is generated and queried by applications.
ARTSRM for the same region must be configured in the same tuxedo group.
ARTSRM for the same region can be only configured on one host in MP environment.
To get correct running time information, ARTSRM must be configured and started when Oracle Tuxedo is booted.
Synchronous Transaction Servers (ARTSTRN/ARTSTR1)
The task of these servers (ARTSTRN and ARTSTR1) is to offer application transactions and process the corresponding programs.
This server provides a similar functionality to that provided by an Application Owning Region in a CICS MRO configuration. ARTSTRN/ARTSTR1 servers present application transactions as Tuxedo services and when receiving a transaction request execute the corresponding programs. Theses servers are conversational in order to be able to manage true conversational CICS transactions.
When starting, a ARTSTRN/ARTSTR1 server publishes one service per transaction it offers.
When a user transmits a transaction request, the ARTTCPH performs a tpconnect to the corresponding transaction (service).
One ARTSTRN/ARTSTR1 server offering this service receives the request with the associated commarea and screen, then processes the transaction.
Non Concurrent Synchronous Transaction Servers (MAXACTIVE = 1 (ARTSTR1))
The transactions belonging to a tranclass with a maxactive =1, will not be offered by ARTSTRN servers, because several such servers can automatically be started to manage parallel processing.
Instead, a dedicated type of server—ARTSTR1—is allocated to this role. An ARTSTR1 server publishes the transactions belonging to one TRANCLASS with MAXACTIVE = 1, guaranteeing that two transactions of the same tranclass with maxactive =1, will not execute concurrently. In Tuxedo terms, guaranteeing than two such transactions are not published by two different servers.
To summarize the differences:
ARTSTR1: Publishes only once transactions belonging to a MAXACTIVE 1 tranclass.
ARTSTRN: Publish as many times as needed, transactions with MAXACTIVE >1.
Temporary Storage Queue Management (ARTTSQ)
The role of the ARTTSQ servers is to centralise the management the TS Queue operations which are requested by applications. These tasks are managed by ARTTSQ servers.
Depending on the workload expected on the TS queue, a single server or many ARTTSQ servers are configured.
ARTTSQ servers publish technical services:
TSQUEUE to service operations on queues not matching any TS Queue Model.
{MODEL}_TSQUEUE to service operations on queues matching a specific model, one such service must be published using one ARTTSQ server for each model.
In a simple configuration, a single ARTTSQ server will treat all the TS operations, offering the TSQUEUE service, and all {MODEL}_TSQUEUE services.
In a more complex configuration, one ARTTSQ server may offer the TSQUEUE and some {MODEL}_TSQUEUE services, while other ARTTSQ servers will each offer different {MODEL}_TSQUEUE services.
Tuxedo 12c EM pack monitors ARTTSQ, detailed TSQ properties, and statistics information can be retrieved via EM.
Transient Data Queue Management (ARTTDQ)
The role of the ARTTDQ servers is to centralise the management the TD Queue operations which are requested by applications. These tasks are managed by one ARTTDQ server.
A single ARTTDQ server publishes one service per declared queue in the configuration file.and will treat all the CICS TD operations, offering the TD QUEUE service for each queue.
Tuxedo 12c EM pack monitors ARTTDQ, detailed TDQ properties, and statistics information can be retrieved via EM.
DPL Servers (ARTDPL)
In complex configurations an application may need to make distributed program calls. In this case another kind of server is needed to manage DPL. These tasks are managed by ARTDPL servers.
ARTDPL servers publish programs that are callable by EXCI interface as services, and manage the execution of these services.
Following are the services ARTDPL publishes:
<applid>_info: Submits transactions to the CICS region associated with <applid>.
default_info: This service is called if <applid> is not specified in EXCI interface by the client.
<sysid>_<program>: This service is advertised as service name.
<applid>_CSMI: This service is called if <transid> is not specified but <applid> is specified in EXCI interface by the client.
CSMI: This service is called if both <applid> and <transid> are not specified in EXCI interface by the client.
<applid>_MIRROR_<transid>: This service is called if both <applid> and <transid> are specified in EXCI interface by the client.
MIRROR_<transid>: This service is called if <applid> is not specified but <transid> is specified in EXCI interface by the client.
<applid>_CSMI, CSMI, <applid>_MIRROR_<transid>, and MIRROR_<transid> are new services introduced since ART CICS rolling patch 015.
The old services, <applid>_info, default_info, and <sysid>_<program>, are not routed if the user client is based on ART CICS rolling patch 015.
Asynchronous Transaction Servers (ARTATRN/ARTATR1)
An application may request an asynchronous transaction launch using EXEC CICS START TRANSID. In this case, the request needs to be treated asynchronously by another server. These tasks are managed by ARTATRN/ARTATR1.
A request using the EXEC CICS START TRANSID command TERMID option is managed by ARTSTRN/ARTSTR1.
These servers publish transactions callable by EXEC CICS START TRANSID as services named ASYNC_{Transaction_Name}, and manage execution of these services.
Conversation Server (ARTCTRN/ARTCTR1)
An application may request an a conversation launch using 'EXEC CICS CONVERSE' requests. In this case the request needs to be treated by another server. These tasks are managed by ARTCTRN/ARTCTR1 servers.
These servers publish transactions callable by EXEC CICS CONVERSE as services named {SysId}_{Transaction_Name}, and manage execution of these services.
Synchronous Transactions Servers for Non-3270s Terminal Of Tuxedo ATMI Base (ARTWTRN/ARTWTR1)
The non-3270s terminal is different from common 3270 terminal emulator which should follow the 3270 protocol; The non-3270s terminal could be a native Tuxedo client, Java client, and Web UI based on Tuxedo ATMI and should be implemented by customer themselves or 3rd-party.
The task of servers of ARTWTRN/ARTWTR1 is to offer application transactions and process the corresponding programs.
These severs provide a similar functionality to ARTSTRN/ARTSTR1 and present application transactions as Tuxedo services when receiving a transaction request from non-3270s terminals.
Theses servers are non-conversational and thus can manage pseudo-conversational CICS transactions.
When the server boots, it will advertise each transaction defined in transactions.desc as a Tuxedo service. When ARTWTRN/ARTWTR1 receives the request from non-3270s terminals, the server loads corresponding CICS program located at directory $COBPATH ($COB_LIBRARY_PATH For COBOL-IT), reorganizes the application data received from FML buffer according to related COPYBOOK, and passes data to loaded CICS program for processing. When CICS program returns by invoking CICS RETURN, the server will insert application data into FML buffer and tpreturn to clients.
Delayed Asynchronous Transaction (/Q Part)
Asynchronous transactions are launched using 'EXEC CICS START TRANSID' requests that may also by launched with a delay set to an interval or to a fixed time.
In this case the transaction request is deposited into a Tuxedo /Q Queue, and when the time is ready, the transaction will be automatically invoked.
For this feature to be available, a few extra components must be activated:
A Tuxedo /Q Queue Space named ASYNC_QSPACE must be created.
A Tuxedo /Q Queue named ASYNC_QUEUE must be created in the queue space.
A TMQFORWARD server must be configured to receive messages from this queue and invoke the application transaction corresponding to the request.
TMQFORWARD will always call the same technical transaction called ASYNC_QUEUE (the name of the queue). This transaction will extract the field CX_TRANSID, which will contain the name of the real application transaction to call and will perform a TPACALL(NOREPLY) of this transaction and tpreturn immediately.
Administration Server (ARTADM)
The administration server is responsible for the administration of CICS resources. It provides the following functionalities:
The configuration files only need to be configured on the master node, and the administration servers propagate the configuration files to each slave node.

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