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Using the Interface Definition Language (IDL)

Using the Interface Definition Language (IDL)
This topic includes the following sections:
Oracle Tuxedo TxRPC supports the IDL grammar and associated functionality as described in Chapter 3 (“Interface Definition Language”) of DCE: REMOTE PROCEDURE CALL (Doc Code: P312 ISBN 1-872630-95-2). This book is available from the following.
X/OPEN Company Ltd (Publications)
P O Box 109
High Wycombe
Bucks HP10 8NP
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0) 494 813844
Fax: +44 (0) 494 814989
The X/OPEN document is the ultimate authority on the language and rules adhered to for the Oracle Tuxedo product in an ATMI environment. Note that the X/OPEN TxRPC IDL-only interface is supported (parts of the document concerning the DCE binding and run time do not apply). The X/OPEN document is based on the OSF DCE AES/RPC document. There are several books containing tutorials and programmer’s guides that can be used, although most will not contain the latest features. The programmer’s guide available from OSF is OSF DCE Application Development Guide, published by Prentice-Hall (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 07632).
The X/OPEN Preliminary Specification for TxRPC Communication Application Programming Interface is also available from X/OPEN (see above). TxRPC adds transaction support for RPCs to the original X/OPEN RPC interface.
Using uuidgen to Create an IDL Template
A Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) is used to uniquely identify an interface. The uuidgen command is used to generate UUIDs. The output might look something like the following:
$ uuidgen -i > simp.idl
$ cat simp.idl
interface INTERFACE
This template is then used to create the IDL input file for the application (adding type definitions, constants, and operations).
If both the ATMI and DCE uuidgen(1) commands are available, the DCE command can and should be used to generate the template (the DCE version will most likely have a machine-specific approach to getting the node address, as described below).
The ATMI uuidgen command is similar to the DCE command with the exception that the -s option (which generates a UUID string as an initialized C structure), and the -t option (which translates an old style UUID string to the new format) are not supported. See the uuidgen(1) reference page for details of the interface.
The uuidgen command requires a 48-bit node address as described in ISO/IEC 8802-3 (ANSI/IEEE 802.3). There is no platform-independent way to determine this value, and it may not be available at all on some machines (a workstation, for example). The following approach is used for the ATMI uuidgen command:
If the NADDR environment variable is set to a value of the form num.num.num.num.num.num where num is between 0 and 255, inclusive, it is taken to be an Internet-style address and converted to a 48-bit node address. This allows conformance with the use of the 8802-3 node address. It also allows users who do not have access to this address to use another value, most likely the Internet address (which is not the same as the 8802-3 address). If the Internet address is used, the last num.num should be 0.0 (because Internet addresses are only 32-bit addresses).
If the NADDR environment variable is not set and if the WSNADDR environment variable is set to a value of the form 0xnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn it is taken to be a hexadecimal network address, as used in Workstation. Again note that this is not the 8802-3 address, and the last 16 bits will be treated as zeros.
If neither the NADDR nor the WSNADDR environment variable is set (and if not Windows), the uname for the machine is used to look up the machine entry in /etc/hosts to get the Internet-style address.
Changes in the Language
The IDL compiler recognizes the IDL grammar and generates stub functions based on the input. The grammar and its semantics are fully described in both the X/OPEN and OSF/DCE references listed earlier in this chapter. The grammar will be recognized in its entirety with some changes as described in the following sections.
Changes Based on the TxRPC Specification
The following are changes to the base X/OPEN RPC specification that are defined by the X/OPEN TxRPC specification:
The most important enhancement from the TxRPC specification is the addition of the [transaction_optional] and [transaction_mandatory] attributes in the interface and operation attributes in the IDL file. [transaction_optional] indicates that if the RPC is done while in a transaction, the remote service is done as part of the transaction. The [transaction_mandatory] attribute requires that the RPC be done within a transaction. Without these attributes, the remote service is not part of any transaction of which the client may be part.
Binding types and attributes are not required by X/OPEN TxRPC IDL-only. The binding attributes are [handle], [endpoint], [auto_handle], [implicit_handle], and [explicit_handle]. They are recognized by tidl(1) but not supported (these attributes are ignored). Also the handle_t type is not treated specially (it is transmitted as any other defined type is transmitted, without treatment as a handle).
Pipes are not required by X/OPEN TxRPC IDL-only. tidl supports pipes only in [local] mode; that is, they can be specified for header file, but not stub, generation.
The [idempotent], [maybe], and [broadcast] attributes are not required by X/OPEN TxRPC IDL-only. They are ignored by tidl(1).
Enhancements to the Language
The following are enhancements to the X/OPEN RPC specification. In most cases, the language has been enhanced to more closely follow the C language, simplifying the porting of existing interfaces (converting from ANSI C to IDL prototypes).
In the X/OPEN specification, character constants and character strings are limited to the portable set, that is space (0x20) through tilde (0x7e). Other characters in the character set (0x01 through 0xff) are allowed, as in OSF DCE RPC.
|| && ? | & _ == != = << >> <= >= < > + - % ! ~
This means that white space need not follow or precede identifiers or numbers if preceded or followed by one of these tokens. (The IDL specification requires white space, as in a = b + 3, instead of allowing a=b+3.) This also seems to be the behavior of the OSF DCE IDL compiler.
long *op(void);
nor does it allow for structure or union returns. While this could be considered correct (everything could be hidden in a defined type), the DCE IDL compiler and, of course, C compiler allow a much richer operation return. The supported grammar will be the following:
[operation_attributes] <type_spec> <declarator>
where <declarator> must contain a <function_declarator>. (If a <function_declarator> does not exist, then a variable is declared, which results in an error.) Declaring an array of operations or an operation returning an array (both allowed by this grammar) will be detected and flagged as an error.
The <ACS_type_declaration> takes <ACS_named_type> values, just as the IDL <type_declaration> takes a list of declarators. This seems to be the behavior of the DCE IDL compiler.
Fielded buffers created and manipulated with the Field Manipulation Language (FML) are an integral part of many Oracle Tuxedo ATMI applications. Fielded buffers are supported as a new base type in the IDL. They are indicated by the keywords FBFR for 16-bit buffers and FBFR32 for 32-bit buffers and must always be defined as a pointer (for example, FBFR * or FBFR32 *). A fielded buffer cannot be defined as the base type in a typedef. They can be used in structure fields and as parameters. They can be used as the base type in an array or pointer (either full or reference pointer). However, conformant and varying arrays of fielded buffers are not supported.
A transmitted type used in [transmit_as()] cannot have the [represent_as] attribute.
Enhancements that May Limit Portability
There are four additional Oracle Tuxedo ATMI enhancements to the X/OPEN RPC specification that, while making the specification more C-like, are not supported in the OSF DCE IDL compiler and thus have the effect of limiting portability of the IDL file:
const char *str = “abc” “def”;
is treated the same as
const char *str = “abcdef”;
const char *str = “abc\
is treated the same as
const char *str = “abcdef”;
The restriction that the type of each <union_case_label> must be that specified by the <switch_type_spec> will not be enforced. Instead, the type will be coerced as is done with case statements in a C switch statement.
Unsupported Features
The following seven features are not supported in the tidl compiler:
The migration attributes [v1_struct], [v1_enum], [v1_string], and [v1_array] are recognized but not supported (these appear in the OSF IDL specification but not the X/OPEN specification).
Context handles are supported only in [local] mode. Interfaces cannot be written that use context handles to maintain state across operations.
The [out-of-line] ACS attribute is ignored. This feature is not defined in a way that will support interoperation between different implementations (e.g., with the OSF IDL compiler).
The [heap] ACS attribute is ignored.
Using tidl, the IDL Compiler
The interface for the IDL compiler is not specified in any X/OPEN specification.
For DCE application portability, the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI IDL compiler has a similar interface to the DCE IDL compiler, with the following exceptions:
The command name is tidl instead of idl so an application can easily reference either when both appear in the same environment.
The -bug option, which generates buggy behavior for interoperability with earlier versions of the software, has no effect. The -no_bug option also has no effect.
The -space_opt option, which optimizes the code for space, is ignored. Space is always optimized.
A new option, -use_const, is supported. -use_const generates ANSI C const statements instead of #define statements for constant definitions. This gets around an annoying problem where a constant defined in the IDL file collides with another name in the file using a C-preprocessor definition, but is properly in another name space when defined as a C constant. Use of this feature will limit portability of the IDL file.
By default, /lib/cpp, /usr/ccs/lib/cpp, or /usr/lib/cpp (whichever is found first) is the command used to preprocess the input IDL and ACF files.
By default, the IDL compiler takes an input IDL file and generates the client and server stub object files. The -keep c_source option generates only the C source files, and the -keep all option keeps both the C source and object files. The sample RPC application, listed in Appendix , ?$paratext[AppHead]>,? uses the -keep object option to generate the object files.
By default, at most 50 errors are printed by tidl. If you want to see them all (and have more than 50 errors), use the -error all option. The error output is printed to the stderr.
See Oracle Tuxedo Command Reference for details on the many other options that are available.

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