The delay refers to the amount of time a frame is visible before the action takes place during See It! mode. The default value of 5.0 is five seconds. You can create as much of a delay as you feel necessary for the user to understand or read the information on the screen. There is a predefined list of delay options from which you can choose, or you can enter the desired delay time in the Delay time(s) list box. The following bullets describe the predefined options:

When sound files are available for a frame and sound is activated, if the delay is set to Infinite the user must press the ENTER key to advance.  For all other delay values, the frame advances automatically after the sound finishes.


This setting can be applied to all frames on the General page of the Content Defaults section of the Options dialog box. The time set here is the default for all newly recorded and inserted frames, with the exception of Decision frames, which automatically default to Infinite. Changing the setting here does not change the delay time for existing content.

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