The Share link provides the ability to send a URL link to a specific topic (or other asset such as a module or question) in the Player to other users. The URL to the asset is a modeless topic launch point that can be cut and pasted to email or other messaging software.


The Share link appears when the Player is launched:

Share link does not appear when the Player is launched from:

If the launch URL is to a topic, the user can select the appropriate play mode. If the URL is to a section or module, the concept displays. If the URL is to a question or assessment, the question or assessment displays. 


To share content with the Share link:

  1. Click the  Share link.
  2. Copy the URL that appears in the dialog box.
  3. Paste the URL in an email or IM.

Note: Roles that have been set on the asset are not applicable. In other words, if you are viewing an asset within a role, you can send it to someone who is not assigned that role and they will be able to play it.

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