Preview Know It? Changes

After completing this topic, you will be able to preview the Know It? changes made to a topic.


  1. Preview the Saving a Document as a New File topic in Know It? mode.


    Click the Preview list button.

    Step 1
  2. Click the Know It? Mode list item.

    Step 2
  3. Click the Go to button.

    Step 3
  4. When the Know It? preview starts, you are presented with the score needed to pass, and you may also receive instructions for completing the assessment or other pertinent information.

    Step 4
  5. Start the preview using the Start link.


    Click the start link.

    Step 5
  6. The topic preview starts and the Know It? bubble appears in the view.


    If you are unable to complete a step, you can click the Show Step link in the Know It? bubble. When you click this link, a window opens, informing you that you will be graded as incorrect if the Player completes the step for you.

    Step 6
  7. Click the Format menu instead of the File menu to view the Level 1 remediation.


    Click the Format menu.

    Step 7

  8. The Level 1 remediation appears in the Know It? bubble. The bubble informs you that your action was incorrect and to try again.

    Step 8
  9. Click the Format menu instead of the File menu again to view the Level 2 remediation.


    Click the Format menu.

    Step 9

  10. The Level 2 remediation appears in the Know It? bubble. The bubble informs you that the action was incorrect and provides instructions for completing the step.

    Step 10
  11. Click the Format menu instead of the File menu again to view the Level 3 remediation.


    Click the Format menu.

    Step 11

  12. The Level 3 remediation appears in the Know It? bubble. The bubble informs you that the action was incorrect and provides instructions for completing the step and a highlighted area indicating where the action should take place.


    If your action on the fourth try is also incorrect, the Player will show Level 4 remediation, which is displaying See It! mode for this step. You cannot disable this remediation level.

    Step 12

  13. Press [Escape] to close the preview.

    Step 13
  14. Exit the Know It? preview without being scored.


    Click the I would like to exit Know It? and not be scored link.

    Step 14
  15. Now you will preview a topic for which Level 1 remediation is disabled.

    Step 15
  16. Preview the Opening a Document topic in Know It? mode.


    Click the Opening a Document topic.

    Step 16

  17. Click the Go to button.

    Step 17
  18. The score needed to pass is presented as well as information regarding which file is to be opened.

    Step 18
  19. Start the preview using the Start link.


    Click the start link.

    Step 19
  20. Click the Insert menu instead of the File menu to view the remediation.


    Click the Insert menu.

    Step 20

  21. The Level 2 remediation is displayed in the Know It? bubble. Because Level 1 remediation is disabled for the topic, you are immediately prompted with the correct instruction.

    Step 21
  22. Continue previewing the topic in Know It? mode. Perform the correct steps by selecting File, Open.


    Click the File menu.

    Step 22
  23. Click the Open command.

    Step 23

  24. To save time we have completed the rest of the steps for you.

    Step 24
  25. Click the Continue link to end the Know It? preview and view the results.


    Click the continue link.

    Step 25

  26. When you complete the Know It?, you are presented with your score as a percentage of steps completed properly without assistance. Therefore, you are scored correct only when you complete a step right the first time. The passing score and a Result field displaying Pass or Fail also appear in the Know It? results.

    Step 26
  27. Press [Enter] to close the preview.

    Step 27

After completing this topic, you are able to preview the Know It? changes made to a topic.

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