Set Scoring Defaults for Selected Topics

After completing this topic, you will be able to set scoring defaults for selected topics.


  1. Change the required percentage for Know It? mode for the selected topic to 90%.


    Double-click in the Know It Required % field.

    Step 1
  2. Enter the desired information into the Know It Required % field. Enter "90".

    Step 2

  3. You do not have to type the % symbol, just press the Enter key.


    Press [Enter].

    Step 3
  4. Select the Opening a Document and Changing the Page Setup topics.


    Click the Opening a Document topic.

    Step 4
  5. Press the [Ctrl] key and click the Changing the Page Setup topic.

    Step 5

  6. When you select multiple documents, a message appears at the bottom of the Properties toolpane warning you that the change will overwrite any existing values.

    Step 6
  7. Change the required percentage to 85% for the two selected topics.


    Double-click in the Know It Required % field.

    Step 7

  8. Enter the desired information into the Know It Required % field. Enter "85".

    Step 8
  9. Press [Enter].

    Step 9
  10. Click the Printing a Document topic.

    Step 10
  11. Press the [Ctrl] key and click the Creating a New Document topic.

    Step 11

  12. The Know It Required % field is blank for the two selected topics. Because the two topics are assigned different values, no value appears in the Properties toolpane.

    Step 12
  13. Change the required percentage for the two selected topics to 85%.


    Click in the Know It Required % field.

    Step 13
  14. Enter the desired information into the Know It Required % field. Enter "85".

    Step 14
  15. Press [Enter].

    Step 15

After completing this topic, you are able to set scoring defaults for selected topics.

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