Content published to the Player is also designed to provide in-application support for users. There are specific add-ons and instructions for certain major enterprise applications to accommodate context-sensitive in-application support; these applications are referred to as target applications. Content for target applications can generally be deployed using one or both of the following methods, depending on the target application: 

For target applications, the Player can display a list of content that is related to the user's activity in the application. The relevancy of the content list is determined by content items that contain exactly the same context information as recorded during content creation in the Developer. For browser-based, non-target applications, statistical analysis is used to rank the most probable content and generate a list of relevant documents. This allows you to use the SmartHelp toolbar button to deploy context-sensitive in-application support for any browser-based application. Content created for non-target applications prior to the introduction of the statistical analysis methodology may still be deployed using the SmartHelp toolbar button for the browser without context-sensitivity. In this case, the outline displays all of the documents; however, the user may find the appropriate documents using the Search feature or by browsing the content outline.

Note: Please refer to the In-Application Support manual for specific instructions about help integration and SmartHelp content deployment.

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