Split the Work Area

After completing this topic, you will be able to split the work area.


  1. Split the work area into a horizontal layout.


    Click the View menu.

    Step 1
  2. Click the Horizontal Layout command.

    Step 2
  3. You can resize the width or height of the panes in either work area. Resize the width of the top folder panes by dragging the vertical split bar to the left.


    Press the left mouse button on the split bar and drag the mouse pointer to the left.

    Step 3
  4. Release the mouse button.

    Step 4
  5. Click the Content folder in the top work area.

    Step 5

  6. Click the WP folder in the bottom work area.

    Step 6
  7. Double-click the WordPad Training module in the bottom work area to open it.

    Step 7

  8. The module opens in the bottom work area and the WordPad Training tab appears in both work areas.


    You can view different tabs in each work area.

    Step 8
  9. Click the WordPad Training tab in the top work area.

    Step 9

  10. Click the Expand button.

    Step 10
  11. You can split the view to compare different parts of the same outline or different outlines.

    Step 11
  12. Click the Library tab in the top work area.

    Step 12
  13. Click the Attachments folder in the top work area.

    Step 13
  14. Double-click to open the SaveFile web page in the top work area.

    Step 14

  15. Click the SaveFile tab in the bottom work area.

    Step 15

  16. In a split layout, web pages appear in only one work area.

    Step 16
  17. Use the link to display the web page in the top work area.


    Click the Click here to make this Web Page Editor active. link.

    Step 17
  18. To save time, we will open additional documents in the horizontal split layout view.

    Step 18

  19. Use the toolbar to switch the view to a vertical layout.


    Click the Vertical Layout button.

    Step 19
  20. If the work area cannot display all of the tabs, arrows appear to the right of the tab display. If necessary, you can use the arrows in either work area to scroll to the hidden tabs.

    Step 20
  21. Click the right arrow to scroll to the right.

    Step 21
  22. You can close a document from either work area.


    Right-click the SaveFile web page in the left work area.

    Step 22

  23. Click the Close button.

    Step 23
  24. Notice that the tab disappears from both work areas.

    Step 24
  25. Use the toolbar to return the view to a single layout.


    Click the Single Layout button.

    Step 25

After completing this topic, you are able to split the work area.

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