Assessments are containers that can hold one or more questions. In addition to questions, assessments can also include topics. Topics are added to an assessment as Know It? questions; meaning that only the Know It? play mode is included. Know It? questions evaluate skills; they test if a user can independently perform the topic procedures with minimal prompting. After the user takes an assessment, an Assessment Summary page appears showing the assessment results.


Assessments that are directly linked to modules and sections in the outline appear in the outline's table of contents and are known as inline assessments. Assessments may also be associated with module and section documents in the outline. These associated assessments do not appear in the table of contents, but can be designated as pre-assessments and/or post-assessments for content deployed in the Professional edition of the Knowledge Center or LMS. Associated assessments do not appear in a Player output. 


Assessments have their own remediation property in the Developer that override the remediation settings for each individual question in the assessment. A uniform assessment remediation provides a consistent look and feel for the assessment. 


Note: In the Professional edition of the Knowledge Center, you can choose to honor the assessment remediation settings from the Developer or override these settings with another remediation option. 


Although assessments are often presented along with the published content, assessments can also be deployed as individual activities. If you are employing user tracking, you can use an assessment to perform a needs analysis before you begin development. The results of the assessment can help you determine a baseline of what your audience knows, and therefore a starting point for developing your content. This saves the time, money, and the effort of developing needless content. Conversely, presenting an assessment a few days or weeks after a user completes the content shows the effect of training retention.


Note: If you are deploying content in the Professional edition of the Knowledge Center, assessments can be used to determine personalized content. Personalized content is a filtered version of the full content based on the assessment results. See Understand Personalized Content in this chapter. 

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