You can import a title that was created in the Developer or any tool that builds SCORM 2004 3rd Edition content.


If you have created content in the Developer, there are two methods you can use to import it. One way is to publish the content directly to the Knowledge Center server during the publishing process; for more information, see Player and LMS in the Deployment Formats section in the Publish Content chapter of the Content Development guide. The other way is to import a published Player package. The package must be zipped, with the kp.html file at the root of the zip file.


If you have built SCORM content with another tool, the content should be exported and zipped, with the imsmanifest.xml file at the root of the zip file. Note that, once imported, this content can only be played through a knowledge path; it is not available through the Player link in Knowledge Center.


Note: If you import a Player package with Test It! mode included, [Test] is appended to the title of the outline in Knowledge Center to differentiate it from regular packages. Data generated from playing a [Test] title is not tracked.

To import a title:

  1. Display the Title Management page.
  2. Click Import Title.
  3. Enter the location for the zipped package or click Browse and navigate to the location. The location can be anywhere on a network or local drive of your computer.
  4. If you have created multiple content roots on the server, select the content root to which you want to import the title. The content root indicates the location to which the package will be imported. Most often, there will only be one content root, and you will not need to change this.
  5. Click Import.

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