Fusion Applications can be configured to launch context-sensitive help through the Help menu. When a user clicks User Productivity Kit under the Help menu, the Player launches directly with an applicable list of topics based upon the application context.


There are two steps to enabling Fusion Applications for context-sensitive content development and playback:

Enabling Context in Fusion Applications

The following must be added to web.xml for context to be enabled.











Note: Context must be enabled in Fusion Applications prior to any content authoring sessions. This ensures the Developer/Recorder will automatically capture context during recording. A server reboot is NOT required when adding this through Enterprise Manager. However, the deployed application needs to be restarted through the WLS console. These steps must be repeated after each Fusion Apps patch is applied.  Customers are advised to follow already established guidelines for uptaking Fusion Apps patches.


Help Integration in Fusion Applications

The configuration for Help Integration is done within the Functional Setup Manager (FSM). By registering the enterprise application through FSM, you can configure the User Productivity Kit link to launch content in a context-sensitive manner. The launch URL from Fusion Applications is pre-defined to be as follows:




It is important that your content location adheres to the above mentioned pattern, for example:




In the Fusion Applications provisioning data for the context root value for the “upk” module is set to “upkcontent” – this value is automatically appended to the content location host/port information that you define in the steps below. While you may physically place your content anywhere on the server, you must map the “upkcontent” virtual directory at the root of your server so that the Player can be launched by navigating to:




For example:




The configuration of Fusion applications for HINT requires the use of a tool known as Functional Setup Manager (FSM). Proper security access is required. With proper security, the Register Enterprise Applications menu appears under the Topology Registration Section of FSM.


You must have access to the WLS Administrator security role as well as one of the other roles:

Application Implementation Administrator
Application Implementation Consultant
Application Administrator
Application Developer


To configure the Oracle Fusion Application for Help Menu integration:

  1. Launch the Functional Setup Manager.
  2. Click the Register Enterprise Applications link.
  3. Click the Add button to add a new registration to the Fusion application. The application you are registering is Oracle User Productivity Kit.
  4. Under the Basic Information section, configure your Enterprise Environment, Enterprise Application and Name of the registration.
  5. Choose your Enterprise Environment from the list.
  6. Search for the Enterprise Application using the Search menu item at the bottom of the list.
  7. Search for Oracle in the dialog box and click the Search button.
  8. In the Name list, click Oracle User Productivity Kit and click OK.
  9. In the Name field in the Basic Information section, enter Oracle User Productivity Kit as the name for registration.
  10. In the Server Details section, configure the Server Protocol you are using to launch your content. The Player supports both http and https protocols.
  11. In the External Server Host field, enter the name of the server host used for external communications; for example, content.mycompany.com.
  12. In the External Server Port field, enter the appropriate port, either http or https. The default port for http is 80 and 443 for https.
    Note: In the Associated Modules section, note that the value in the Context Root field is "upkcontent". This should be the name of the virtual directory where the content is located. This is a non-editable field.
  13. Click the Save and Close button. The Oracle User Productivity Link will appear under the Help menu with a configured location to launch content in a context sensitive manner. No reboot of the web server is necessary.

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