After you have converted the Knowledge Pathways database and content root structure, you must convert the content. The conversion process imports the content into the Developer Library and then publishes it to the Knowledge Center .Warning: The conversion utility only converts the published copy of the title in Knowledge Pathways. Any titles still in development, that is, in the local folder in the content root, will not be converted. 

The following rules and logic are applied during the conversion process:

Title AU
The Title AU conversion has three parts. First, a folder is created at the root of the Library, named using the Title AU code. Next, a new module is created in the folder. The module name is the same as the title name. Finally, a package is created in the folder, again named with the Title AU code. The package contains all of the content from the Title Common folder, in a similar folder structure within the package.

Non-Title AUs
The conversion of non-title AUs is similar to title AUs, except that the folder in the Library is created within the Title folder.

Sections are converted to sections in the Library. The section documents are created in the appropriate AU folder.

Questions are directly converted to questions. The question documents are created in the folder for the AU in which they are located in the outline. If the questions were visible in the outline in Knowledge Pathways, they appear in the Developer outline as well. Questions hidden in the Knowledge Pathways outline do not appear in the Developer outline; they appear in the Library view.

Note for Professional Edition only: In Knowledge Pathways, the questions were automatically associated with the content. This was important for the Personalized Content feature so that it could determine what content should be included in the personalized course. However, if you plan to use this feature in this version, be aware that the questions are not automatically associated with the content. You must associate the questions manually. See Question Properties in the View Document Properties section in this manual for more information.

Knowledge Checks
Knowledge checks are converted to sections in the outline. The section documents are created in the AU folder for the AU in which they are located in the outline. Knowledge checks are not scored in Developer, however, they are marked Complete or Incomplete for course completion.

Assessments are directly converted to assessments. The assessment documents are created in the folder for the AU in which they are located in the outline. They do not appear in the outline, but they are automatically associated with the appropriate document. Assessments are tracked as they were in Knowledge Pathways. 

Content files
For each AU, a package is created containing the content files for that AU. The files in the package are automatically linked to the appropriate documents in the outline.

Objectives are converted to web pages and linked to the concept. If a Knowledge Pathways AU or section has both objectives and conceptual information, the objectives are placed in a web page and linked to the module or section in Developer. The conceptual material is then linked to a section created as the first item under the section.

Player Content
If you used Player content in a Knowledge Pathways title, it is converted to a package and placed in the Library in a folder corresponding to the AU folder in which it was stored in Knowledge Pathways. The topics and Know It? mode questions are linked to the appropriate documents in the outline. The Player content is not editable in the Developer, as it was published content, not source files.

Before you begin the conversion, you must know the URL to connect to the server that you have converted to Knowledge Center, and have the user name and password of an account with sufficient rights (manager or administrator) to import content.

You can convert all titles at once or choose specific titles. If a title has already been converted, it appears in grey in the list, and it cannot be selected again.

To convert Knowledge Pathways content, launch the Developer and then:

  1. On the Tools menu, point to Convert and choose Knowledge Pathways Content. Click Next.
  2. In the log in dialog box, click Add, enter the URL of the server that contains the content to be converted, and click OK.
  3. Enter a user name and password and click OK.
  4. Select the titles to be converted and click OK.

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