The first step in creating a customization file is to create the eu<langid>.cus file. Substitute the appropriate two-letter language code as listed below. 


cs: Czech 

da: Danish
de: German
en: English
es: Spanish
es-mx: Spanish (Mexico)
fi: Finnish
fr: French
fr-ca: French (Canada)
hu: Hungarian
it: Italian
ja: Japanese
ko: Korean
nl: Dutch
no: Norwegian
pl: Polish
pt: Portuguese
ru: Russian
sv: Swedish

tr: Turkish
zh-CHS: Chinese (Simplified)
zh-CHT: Chinese (Traditional)


To create a customization file: 

  1. Using Notepad or an XML Editor, create a new file named eu<langid>.cus.
  2. Add the following XML code to the file
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <language langcode="<langid>" name="<language name>">
  3. Modify the <language> line for the corresponding language.  For example, <language langcode="en" name="English">. 
  4. Save the file.
  5. Copy the file to the <install directory>\Knowledge Center\Web Server\KCenter\bin.
  6. Refresh the browser window.

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