The Player package uses a Java applet to handle communication with the LMS. If you install a Player package on a web server other than the LMS server, the applet will not be able to communicate with the LMS server due to cross domain restrictions enforced by the browser. When you launch the content, you receive an error ( and the attempt is not tracked by the LMS. 


By moving the Java applet from the content server to the LMS server, cross domain restrictions are eliminated and the content can communicate with the LMS. Note that only one copy of the Java applet is needed on the LMS server for multiple LMS Packages on the content server.


On some system configurations, a bug in the Java virtual machine will result in an AccessControlException error when the AICC applet opens a connection back to the LMS server even though the applet has been deployed on that server. On those systems, deployment of a crossdomain.xml file to the document root of the LMS server will eliminate the problem. A suitable crossdomain.xml file is written to the js directory of published courses (the same directory in which the applet .class file is located). 

To configure content for a non-LMS server using AICC:

  1. Locate the file GetHTTPPostData.class in the …\js folder where you published the content.
  2. Copy this file to a location on the LMS web server that can be referenced through a URL. Note the full URL to the directory containing the file. For example:
  3. Open the config.js file in the root directory of the location where you published the content using any text editor such as Notepad.
  4. Locate the following line in the file:
    AiccAppletPath : "",
  5. Change the AiccAppletPath value to the URL that was noted in step #2. For example:
    AiccAppletPath : "http://lmsserver/somedirectory",
  6. Save the file.

Note: If you will normally be deploying your content this way, you may want to edit the Player publishing style to avoid having to perform the steps above each time you publish content. In the Player style, you edit the config.xml file, locate the <item name="AiccAppletPath" line, and add the URL before the close of the item tag such as:




For more information about customizing Player styles, see Customize the Player in the Publish Content section in the Content Development manual.  

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