Adding and Updating Software in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: July 2014

Showing and Changing Facet Values

Use the pkg facet command to display the current values and source of all facets that either have been set locally in this image by using the pkg change-facet command or have been inherited from a parent image. For example, a non-global zone inherits facet settings from the global zone.

$ pkg facet
FACETS              VALUE
facet.locale.en_US  True
facet.locale.en     True
facet.locale.*      False

Use the pkg change-facet command to change the value of a facet.

If the facet value is set to None, the facet specification is removed from the current image.

The following command produces a large amount of output because so many packages would be affected. Notice that a new BE would not be created by default, but a backup BE would be created. See Boot Environment Policy Image Properties for information about when BEs are created. The -n option shows what would change if you performed the operation without -n, but the command makes no actual changes.

$ pkg change-facet -nv 'facet.locale.*=true'
            Packages to update:      851
     Variants/Facets to change:        1
     Estimated space available: 49.88 GB
Estimated space to be consumed:  3.13 GB
       Create boot environment:       No
Create backup boot environment:      Yes
          Rebuild boot archive:       No

Changed variants/facets:
    facet facet.locale.*: True
Changed packages: