Packaging and Delivering Software With the Image Packaging System in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: July 2014

Add Necessary Metadata to the Generated Manifest

A package should define the following metadata. See Set Actions for more information about these values and how to set these values.


The name and version of the package as described in Package Name and Package Version. The publisher name is added automatically when the package is published, as shown in Publish the Package. See Oracle Solaris Package Versioning for a description of versioning in Oracle Solaris.


A description of the contents of the package


A one-line synopsis of the description.


Each architectures for which this package is suitable. If the entire package can be installed on any architecture, variant.arch can be omitted. Producing packages that have different components for different architectures is discussed in Chapter 5, Allowing Variations.


A grouping scheme used by the packagemanager(1) GUI. The supported values are shown in Appendix A, Classifying Packages. The example in this section specifies an arbitrary classification.

This example also adds a link action to /usr/share/man/index.d that points to the man directory under mysoftware. This link is discussed further in Add Any Facets or Actuators That Are Needed.

Rather than modifying the generated manifest directly, use pkgmogrify(1) to edit the generated manifest. See Chapter 6, Modifying Package Manifests Programmatically for a full description of using pkgmogrify to modify package manifests.

Create the following pkgmogrify input file to specify the changes to be made to the manifest. Name this file mypkg.mog. In this example, a macro is used to define the architecture, and regular expression matching is used to delete the /opt directory from the manifest.

set name=pkg.fmri value=mypkg@1.0,5.11-0
set name=pkg.summary value="This is an example package"
set name=pkg.description value="This is a full description of \
all the interesting attributes of this example package."
set name=variant.arch value=$(ARCH)
set name=info.classification \
link path=usr/share/man/index.d/mysoftware target=/opt/mysoftware/man
<transform dir path=opt$->drop>

Run pkgmogrify on the mypkg.p5m.1 manifest with the mypkg.mog changes:

$ pkgmogrify -DARCH=`uname -p` mypkg.p5m.1 mypkg.mog | pkgfmt > mypkg.p5m.2

The output mypkg.p5m.2 file has the following content. The dir action for path=opt has been removed, and the metadata and link contents from mypkg.mog have been added to the original mypkg.p5m.1 contents.

set name=pkg.fmri value=mypkg@1.0,5.11-0
set name=pkg.summary value="This is an example package"
set name=pkg.description \
    value="This is a full description of all the interesting attributes of this 
example package."
set name=info.classification \
set name=variant.arch value=i386
dir  path=opt/mysoftware owner=root group=bin mode=0755
dir  path=opt/mysoftware/bin owner=root group=bin mode=0755
file opt/mysoftware/bin/mycmd path=opt/mysoftware/bin/mycmd owner=root \
    group=bin mode=0644
dir  path=opt/mysoftware/lib owner=root group=bin mode=0755
file opt/mysoftware/lib/ path=opt/mysoftware/lib/ \
    owner=root group=bin mode=0644
dir  path=opt/mysoftware/man owner=root group=bin mode=0755
dir  path=opt/mysoftware/man/man1 owner=root group=bin mode=0755
file opt/mysoftware/man/man1/mycmd.1 path=opt/mysoftware/man/man1/mycmd.1 \
    owner=root group=bin mode=0644
link path=usr/share/man/index.d/mysoftware target=/opt/mysoftware/man