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Oracle® Fusion Applications Sales Implementation Guide
11g Release 7 (11.1.7)
Part Number E20373-08
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8 Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for CRM

This chapter contains the following:

Define Security for CRM

Define Users for CRM

Define Security for CRM

Oracle Fusion CRM Security: Functional Overview

Oracle Fusion CRM Applications come secured using the industry standard for access control that is called role-based access control (RBAC). This topic discusses key aspects of the RBAC approach that are specific to an Oracle Fusion CRM implementation. You must review other documentation to understand how RBAC is designed to handle a broad range of security needs.

The RBAC standard supports the enforcement of user access control that is based on the role of the user within the organization rather than the user's individual identity. In RBAC, you assign users with roles that represent the job functions in your enterprise. These roles provide access both to the application functions that users need to perform their jobs as well as the permissions to access the data where they need to perform those functions.

Oracle Fusion Applications, including Oracle Fusion CRM, are secured with a predefined set of enterprise roles. This security reference implementation fulfills the needs of midsize horizontal enterprises, generally between 250 and 10,000 employees. To enable users to perform specific jobs in your CRM enterprise, you provision them with the appropriate enterprise roles. For example, when you provision sales managers with the sales manager job role, they can perform all their job duties, including managing sales teams and their forecasts, setting quotas, and managing sales leads and opportunities.

You can change this security reference implementation if the roles in your enterprise are different or if you want to accommodate expansion into vertical industries, such as health care, insurance, automobiles, or food manufacturing. Application patching does not affect your changes.

Key Components of Oracle Fusion CRM Application Security

The following graphic provides an overview of the key components that determine what functions users can perform in the application (functional security) and on what data they can perform those functions (data security).

Oracle Fusion CRM security overview.

For Oracle Fusion CRM, the relevant security components are the following:


Unlike other Oracle Fusion Applications, Oracle Fusion CRM Applications do not use data roles (not shown in this diagram) to provide users with data access. They rely strictly on data security policies.

Data roles, which inherit enterprise roles, are used in many Oracle Fusion Applications to restrict user access to a dimension of data, such as a business unit or a data reference set.

How enterprise roles work in practice is best illustrated with an example from the Sales Manager job role outlined in the following diagram:

Sales manager duty example.

The following diagram provides more detail about the composition of a policy. Each policy, such as the View Opportunity policy, is composed of a duty role name and a privilege:

Functional and data security policy

About the Security Reference Implementation

Details about the available enterprise roles, duty roles, and policies in the security reference implementation are described in reference manuals organized by business process.

Each of the enterprise roles provided by Oracle is composed of a hierarchy of other roles and duties. The following diagram displays a portion of the hierarchy for the Sales Manager job role from the Oracle Fusion Applications Sales Security Reference Manual as an illustration.

Hierarchy of roles for the Sales Manager
job role.

The Sales Manager job role inherits the Business Intelligence Applications Worker abstract role. This abstract role comes with the Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty that permits the viewing of business analysis reports.

The Sales Manager job role also inherits the Sales Manager duty role. All job roles include a top-level duty role with the same name as the job role. This top-level duty role is the container for all of the duty roles assigned to a job role. As a general rule, the permissions are attached to the duties at the lowest level of the hierarchy.

The top-level duty roles make it easier for you to create job roles of your own. For example, if you want to create a new job role because you want to give additional functionality to a special class of sales managers, then you can assign the top-level Sales Manager duty to the new job role to give the users all the same permissions as a regular sales manager and then add whatever additional duty roles you want. (For an example of how to do this task, see the Enabling Salespeople to Obtain Microsoft Outlook Access to All Sales Accounts: Worked Example help topic.)

How Opportunity Information Is Secured: Explained

This topic explains how the security reference implementation provided by Oracle determines who can access what opportunity information in your CRM organization.

Your CRM application data comes secured with Oracle's security reference implementation. The following diagram illustrates who can access what opportunity information:

This figure shows who in a sales hierarchy can access an opportunity:

How data security policies determine
access to opportunities.

You can see the opportunity in this figure if you do the following:

Access differs between territory members and opportunity members:

Special Access

Some access is not affected by the management hierarchy and membership in sales teams or territories. This special access includes:

Oracle Fusion CRM Security: Architectural Overview

Setting up Oracle Fusion CRM security involves the use of multiple application components outlined in this topic. For example, you create duty roles and enterprise roles in separate Oracle Fusion Middleware applications and the rules to provision them in Oracle Human Capital Management (HCM). While you can access all of these application components from the Setup and Maintenance work area, understanding what components are used for what purpose and terminology differences in these applications will help you with your setup.

Application Components Used for Implementing Oracle Fusion CRM Security

This diagram provides an overview of the key security setups and the application components that you use to configure them.

Key security setups and their relationship
to application components.

The following table provides an explanation of the application components:

Application Component

What It Is Used For

Common CRM Setups

Tasks such as creating resource roles and resource organizations are part of common CRM configuration tasks.

Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management (HCM)

Oracle Fusion HCM tasks permit you to manage CRM application users and create the rules that automatically provision users with the enterprise roles they need to do their jobs.

Oracle Authorization Policy Manager (APM)

You use Oracle Authorization Policy Manager to create duty roles and data security policies in a separate browser window. The Authorization Policy Manager is a separate Oracle Fusion Middleware application with many features that are not used in Oracle Fusion CRM.

You can access this application from the Setup and Maintenance work area by using the Manage Duty Roles task.

Oracle Identity Management (OIM)

Use Oracle Identity Management to create new job and abstract roles for on-premise applications in a separate browser window.

You can access this Oracle Fusion Middleware application from the Setup and Maintenance work area by using the Manage Job Roles task.

OIM is a separate Oracle Fusion Middleware application with few features used by Oracle Fusion CRM.

Because this application has not been extended to Oracle Sales and Marketing Cloud Service, you must ask your Service Administrator to create any new job roles for you.


Creating a user in Oracle Identity Management is different from creating CRM application users in HCM.

Application Access Controls Governor (AACG)

The Governance, Risk, and Compliance Controls supports segregation of duties (SOD) using the Application Access Controls Governor.

You can use the Application Access Controls Governor to manage application access controls designed to prevent conflicts of interest and potential fraud that could result from the duties you assign to job roles.

For example, if you want to prevent the same users from being able to both create items and ship them to customers, then you can review the access controls provided by Oracle in the Segregation of Duties Policies Respected section of the security reference guides.

When you assign incompatible duties to a job role that you are creating, the Application Access Controls Governor generates error messages and prevents the assignment.

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Store

The security settings you create are stored in the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) store for quick access.

If you are implementing Oracle Fusion CRM on premise, then you must ensure that you synchronize the LDAP store with any of the changes you make by using the Run User and Roles Synchronization Process task, available from the Setup and Maintenance work area. If you are implementing Oracle Fusion CRM in the Oracle Sales and Marketing Cloud Service, then this step is done for you.

Terminology Differences Between Applications

Oracle Fusion CRM applications use different terminology from Oracle Fusion Middleware applications. The key differences are described in the following table:

Oracle Fusion CRM Term


Equivalent Oracle Identity Management Term

Equivalent Oracle Authorization Policy Manager Term

Job role

Job roles permit users to perform activities required for their job.


You can distinguish preconfigured job roles by their technical names. Job roles include the term JOB at the end.

External role.

You can distinguish preconfigured job roles by their technical names. Job roles include the term JOB at the end.

Abstract role

Abstract roles permit users to perform functions that span the different jobs in the enterprise.


External role.

Duty role

Duty roles provide all the privileges for the actions required to carry out a job.

Not applicable.

Application role.

Duty roles include the term DUTY at the end of the technical name.

Oracle Fusion CRM Security: Implementation Planning

Users gain access to application functionality when you provision them with enterprise roles. Oracle provides you with the enterprise roles required for all the standard jobs in a CRM organization. This topic outlines the steps you must complete to provision users with the enterprise roles provided by Oracle and what additional steps you must complete if you are planning to make changes.

Implementing Security If You Plan to Use Enterprise Roles Provided by Oracle

Follow these steps if you want to provision users with the preconfigured enterprise roles provided by Oracle:

  1. Create resource roles if the existing resource roles do not match the job titles in your organization.

    Resource roles indicate the role the resource plays in the CRM organization. When you create users for Oracle Fusion CRM applications, you must specify their resource role, which appears as the job title of the person in the resource directory and in social applications, such as the Activity Stream.

    You also use resource roles to trigger the provisioning rules you will set up in the next step.

    Oracle supplies the resource roles that correspond to the preconfigured job roles. For example, Oracle includes the Sales Vice President and the Marketing Vice President resource roles, which correspond to the Sales VP and the Marketing VP job roles.

    If your organization uses different titles, then you must create additional resource roles.

    You can review a list of the existing resource roles and create additional resource roles by navigating to the Setup and Maintenance work area and searching for the Manage Resource Role Lookups task.

    See the Creating Resource Roles: Worked Example help topic for step-by-step instructions on creating resource roles.

  2. Create rules that automatically provision users with job roles and abstract roles.

    When you create users, the provisioning rules automatically provision users based on the user resource role and employment status.

    You must create the provisioning rules from the Setup and Maintenance work area, by using the Manage HCM Role Provisioning Rules task.

    See the following help topics for information on best practices to create the rules and step-by-step instructions:

  3. You are now ready to create users.

Implementing Security If You Plan to Customize Enterprise Roles Provided by Oracle

The following steps will help you plan your security implementation if you decide to make changes to the preconfigured job roles and abstract roles provided by Oracle:

  1. Review the enterprise roles provided by Oracle.

    Details on the available job roles, abstract roles, duty roles, privileges, and data security roles are described in reference manuals organized by different business areas, such as sales, marketing, and partner relationship management.

    If the jobs in your organization do not match the job roles provided by Oracle, then you can modify access for users by assigning them with multiple existing job roles or creating new job roles. Creating new job roles makes it possible for you to select which duty roles to include and, in some cases, to configure new data security policies that govern on what data those duty roles grant access to.

  2. Create any additional job roles.

    You create additional job roles in Oracle Identity Manager, an Oracle Fusion Middleware application, which can be accessed from the Setup and Maintenance work area by using the Manage Job Roles task.


    If you are implementing security in the Oracle Sales and Marketing Cloud Service, then you must request the Oracle provision administrator to create job roles for you because access to this functionality has not been extended to the Oracle Sales and Marketing Cloud Service.

    Before creating job roles, review the hierarchy of job roles and duty roles in the security reference manuals. The hierarchy of duty roles is not visible when you view them in Oracle Identity Manager.

    Each job role includes a top-level duty role with the same name, which inherits all the other duty roles. If you want to give additional functionality to a group of users, for example, sales managers, then assign the Sales Manager Duty role to the job role you are creating to inherit all the current permissions and data access, and then add whatever additional duty roles you needed.


    Oracle Identity Manager uses different terminology from Oracle Fusion CRM. Job roles and abstract roles are referred to as roles.

  3. Create duty roles and add them to the job roles that you created.

    If you do create a job role, then use the Oracle Authorization Policy Manager, which is a separate Oracle Fusion Middleware application, to do the following:

    1. Create a top-level duty role for the job role.

    2. Add the duty roles that you want to inherit to that top-level duty role.

    3. Associate the job role that you created with your duty role on the External Role Mapping tab.


    Oracle Authorization Policy Manager uses different terminology from Oracle Fusion CRM. Duty roles are referred to as application roles and job roles as external roles. You can identify duty roles by the word DUTY at the end of their names.

    You can access Oracle Authorization Policy Manager from the Setup and Maintenance work area using the Manage Duties task.

    Detailed steps on how to create a job role and duty role are provided in the following help topic: Enabling Sales Representatives to Obtain Microsoft Outlook Access to All Sales Accounts: Worked Example.

    The duty role that you create inherits all of the data security policies from the duty roles that you add. You can create additional data security policies if you want to change user access to specific data. For example, the predefined data security policies for the duty roles inherited by the Sales Representative Duty permit salespeople to view only sales accounts if they are on the sales account team. If you want to give salespeople access to all sales accounts, then you can create a data security policy. The same example, Enabling Sales Representatives to Obtain Microsoft Outlook Access to All Sales Accounts: Worked Example, provides the detailed steps.

  4. Retrieve any security changes made in Oracle Identify Manager (stored in the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) store) so they are available for creating users.

    Modifications to the reference become available only after the LDAP store is synchronized. The Oracle Sales and Marketing Cloud Service takes care of the synchronization for you. If you are implementing on premises, then you must run the synchronization process from the Setup and Maintenance work area using the Run User and Roles Synchronization Process task.

  5. Follow the steps for implementing the preconfigured security described in the Implementing Security If You Plan to Use Enterprise Roles Provided by Oracle section.

Oracle Fusion CRM Security: Special Considerations

This topic explains what happens if you omit the security setups and highlights the differences between implementing security on premises and in the Oracle Sales and Marketing Cloud Service.

Minimum Required Security Setups

If you plan to use only the preconfigured enterprise roles provided by Oracle, then you must:

  1. Review the existing resource roles to see if they correspond to the titles of the different resources in the CRM organization, and create any additional resource roles you need.

  2. Create the provisioning rules to automatically provision the required job roles and abstract roles.

  3. If you are implementing on premises, then you must Synchronize the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) store by using the Run User and Roles Synchronization Process task from the Setup and Maintenance work area.

    If you are implementing in the Oracle Sales and Marketing Service, then the process is run for you.

Differences Between Implementing Security On Premises and In the Cloud

The following table highlights the differences between implementing security on premises and in the Oracle Sales and Marketing Cloud Service:


On Premises

Oracle Sales and Marketing Cloud Service

Creating additional job roles

You can create additional job roles from the Setup and Maintenance work area using the Manage Job Roles task.

You must request the service administrator to create additional job roles.

Synchronizing the LDAP store

You must synchronize any changes to security by using the Run User and Roles Synchronization Process task from the Setup and Maintenance work area.

This process is run for you.

Siebel CRM and Oracle Fusion CRM Security Differences: Explained

Siebel CRM and Oracle Fusion CRM implement different methods of securing access to application functionality and data. This topic outlines the mechanisms provided by Siebel CRM to control the privileges or resources that users are entitled to after they have accessed a Siebel application and been authenticated. For additional information on Siebel CRM security, see Siebel Security Guide on Oracle Technology Network.

Siebel CRM uses two primary access-control mechanisms:

View-Level Access control

In Oracle Fusion CRM, access to functionality is provided by assigning enterprise roles to users. In Siebel CRM, access to functionality is provided by assigning responsibilities to users.

Within each Siebel application, screens provide a broad area of functionality. A screen is composed of views, and the collection of views to which users have access determines the application functionality available to them. Access to views is determined by responsibilities.

Organizations are generally arranged around job functions, with employees being assigned one or more functions. In Siebel CRM, these job functions are called responsibilities. Each responsibility is associated with more or more views, which represent data and functionality needed for a job function. Each user must be assigned at least one responsibility to access the Siebel application.

Siebel Business Applications ship with many predefined responsibilities. However, you can also define any additional responsibilities that you require that correspond to the major job functions in your organization.

Record-Level Access Control

Record-level access control is used to assign permissions to individual data items within an application so that only authenticated users who need to view particular data records have access to that information. In Oracle Fusion CRM, access to data is primarily determined by the data security policies that apply to specific enterprise roles. In Siebel CRM, the access control mechanism that applies to a view determines the data records that a user sees in a view.

Siebel CRM uses the following types of record-level access control mechanisms:

Business Components and Record-Level Access Control

Within Siebel CRM, views are based on business components and must use one of the view modes specified for the business component. A business component's view mode determines which access control mechanisms can be applied to the business component in any view. Applet and view properties also determine the data available in a view. Applet visibility properties define the business component on which a view is based, and a view's access control properties determine what access control mechanism is applied to the business component on which the view is based. For example, a business component might have personal or position access control available. The view access control property specifies which of these to use.

Creating Resource Roles: Worked Example

Follow the steps in this topic to create resource roles. Resource roles, for example, Sales Manager, Salesperson, or Vice President of Marketing, describe the role that a resource plays in the CRM organization and appear as job titles in the resource directory and in social applications, such as Activity Stream. Resource roles are also used to assign users with the enterprise roles they need to carry out the duties of their job.

After you create a resource role, you must create the appropriate provisioning rules to provision the user with the required enterprise roles. The resource role by itself is only a title.


Common CRM resource roles are already set up for you. These are labeled as System roles in the application. To obtain a list, click Search in the Manage Resources page without entering any search criteria.

Steps to Create a Resource Role

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area by selecting the link in the Navigator menu.
  2. On the All Tasks tab, search for the Manage Resource Role task.
  3. Click the Go to Task button.

    The Manage Resource Roles page appears.

  4. Click the Create button.

    The Create Resource Role page appears.

  5. In the Role Name field, enter the name of the resource role as it will appear in the application, for example, CEO.
  6. In the Role Code field, enter a unique internal name. No spaces are permitted.
  7. Select the Manager option if the resource role belongs to a manager, or the Member option if the resource role belongs to a single contributor.
  8. In the Role Type list, select either Sales or Marketing to classify the role that you are creating. Your selection has no impact on the security functionality.
  9. Click the Save and Close button.

Rules to Automatically Provision Oracle Fusion CRM Users with Enterprise Roles: Explained

By creating rules using the Manage HCM Role Provisioning Rules task from the Setup and Maintenance work area, you can automatically provision users with all the enterprise roles they need for their job. These roles ensure the users have access to all the application functions and data they need to carry out their job duties. The rules automatically provision the users when they are created or move positions within your organization. If resources leave your company, the roles can be automatically removed so the resources can no longer access the application.

You must ensure that the rules you create assign Oracle Fusion CRM application users with:

  1. One or more job roles required to perform their job in the organization.

  2. If the users work in the CRM organization, then you must assign them the Resource abstract role. This role permits users to be assigned to sales teams, territories, and other CRM work.

  3. If the users are employees, then you must also assign them with the Employee abstract role. If they are temporary workers, then you must instead assign them with the Contingent Worker abstract role.

    In CRM, both abstract roles assure that users can update their personal profiles and other common tasks.

As a best practice:

The following figure provides an example of the rules you would create to provision employee users who are assigned the Sales Manager resource role:

Example of the rules required to provision
a sales manager employee with the appropriate abstract roles and job

Creating Rules to Automatically Provision Enterprise Roles to Oracle Fusion CRM Users: Worked Example

Follow the steps in this example to create rules that automatically provision Oracle Fusion CRM application users with the necessary enterprise roles. The provisioning is based on the resource role that you assign to a user.

In this example, you create a rule to provision users with the Sales Vice President resource role with the enterprise roles they need to perform their jobs.

Steps to Create an Autoprovisioning Rule

  1. From the Navigator menu, click the Setup and Maintenance link located under the Tools heading.
  2. On the Overview page All Tasks tab, search for the Manage HCM Role Provisioning Rules task.
  3. Click the Go to Task button for the Manage HCM Role Provisioning Rules task.

    The Manage HCM Role Provisioning page appears.

  4. Click the Create button.

    The Create Role Mapping page appears.

  5. In the Mapping Name field enter a name, for example, Sales Vice President.
  6. In the Conditions region, enter the resource role as a condition. In this example, you enter Sales Vice President in the Resource Role field.
  7. Enter Active for Assignment Status.

    This additional condition ensures that the provisioned enterprise roles are automatically removed if the user is terminated.

  8. In the Associated Roles region, click Add to add the enterprise roles. For this example, you add the following:


    Each CRM resource who is an employee must be provisioned with both the Resource and Employee abstract roles. You must create a separate rule that assigns the required Employee abstract role to all users who are employees. You must always provision the Resource role along with the appropriate job roles. This provisioning ensures that the user can be assigned work in your CRM application.

  9. Make sure the Autoprovision option is selected for all the job roles.
  10. Click Save and Close.

Define Users for CRM

Creating Oracle Fusion CRM Application Users: Functional Overview

This topic outlines concepts that will help you understand and plan the creation of Oracle Fusion CRM applications users.

Types of Users That You Can Create

The types of users that are available to you differs for Oracle Sales and Marketing Cloud Service implementations and on-premises implementations.

The following table lists the different user types. Because permissions granted to users depend on the enterprise roles you assign them, you are not restricted to the user types listed in the table.

Type of User


Available in On-Premises Implementations of Oracle Fusion CRM

Available in the Oracle Sales and Marketing Cloud Service

Superuser (FAADMIN)

The initial superuser who sets up the Oracle Fusion Applications environment.

Yes, provided by Oracle after installation.


Implementation Users

The FAADMIN superuser can create other implementation users outside Oracle Fusion CRM applications using Oracle Identity Manager.

These implementation users complete the enterprise setup required for Oracle Fusion Applications and are enabled to manage user security and carry out DBA tasks, such as environment maintenance as well as creating and managing user accounts.

Implementation users are not created as employees or resources in Oracle Fusion CRM, so you cannot assign them CRM application job roles. They cannot view CRM transaction data or reports.

Implementation users are provisioned with the following enterprise roles:

  • Application Implementation Consultant job role

  • IT Security Manager job role


No. Oracle Sales and Marketing Cloud Service implementations do not have access to Oracle Identity Manager.

Setup Users

Users with the same privileges as implementation users but who are created within Oracle Fusion Applications, using the same Create User page that is used to create other application users.

Setup users can perform all of the same implementation setups for your CRM implementation, including managing security, setting up other users, and editing enterprise information.

Setup users are not created as resources in Oracle Fusion CRM and are not provisioned with the Resource abstract role, so you cannot assign them CRM application job roles and they cannot view CRM transaction data or reports.

Setup users are provisioned with the following enterprise roles:

  • Application Implementation Consultant job role

  • IT Security Manager job role

  • Employee abstract role

Setup users are not provided for on-premises implementations.

If you want to create a setup user, then you must create a provisioning rule to provision enterprise roles based on a property other than the resource role.

See the Creating Setup Users for Oracle Fusion CRM: Worked Example help topic for details.

Oracle provides you with one initial user with the same access as a setup user based on the information you provided when you signed up with the service.

If you want to create additional setup users, then you must create a provisioning rule to provision enterprise roles based on a property other than the resource role.

See the Creating Setup Users for Oracle Fusion CRM: Worked Example help topic for details.

Sales Administrators

Sales administrators are CRM application users who are provisioned with the Sales Administrator job role. They can create other CRM application users, manage data import from legacy systems, and customize the application.

Unlike setup users, sales administrator users can view CRM transactional data and reports. They cannot configure CRM application security or perform tasks related to the enterprise setup.

Sales administrator users are provisioned with the following enterprise roles:

  • Sales Administrator job role

  • Resource abstract role

  • Employee abstract role



CRM Application Users

Implementation users, setup users, and sales administrators can create CRM application users such as marketing managers and salespersons.

Application users are provisioned using their role in the organization with the security settings they need to perform their jobs. They can perform only functional setup within the application, depending on their role.

Application users are provisioned with the following enterprise roles:

  • The job roles required to perform their job

  • The Resource abstract role

  • The Employee or the Contingent Worker abstract role, depending on the status of the user as an employee or contractor


On premises implementations can create application users in any of three ways:

  • Manually one-by-one from the Manage Users task from the Setup and Maintenance work area

  • By importing them from a file using file-based data import

  • By loading users directly into database interface tables using a loader of your choice


Because the loader option is not available, Oracle Sales and Marketing Service Cloud implementations can create application users in one of two ways:

  • Manually one-by-one from the Manage Users task from the Setup and Maintenance work area

  • By importing them from a file using file-based data import

Ways of Creating Oracle Fusion CRM Application Users

You can create Oracle Fusion CRM application users in multiple ways. You can:

Tasks That Are Accomplished When You Create Users

When you create CRM implementation and application users, you are accomplishing multiple tasks at the same time, depending on the type of user. The following table lists the tasks:

Task Accomplished

CRM Application Users

Setup User


Sends automatic e-mail notifications with user names and automatically generated temporary passwords



The application sends the notifications to the user or to an administrator only once, either on creation or at a later time, depending on the setup.

Provisions the enterprise roles that provide the security settings that users need to do their jobs



Enterprise roles are provisioned based on the autoprovisioning rules you create as part of the security setup.

Creates resources that can be assigned CRM work



Only users created as resources can be assigned to sales teams and view reports.

Creates the resource reporting hierarchy used by Oracle Fusion CRM for reporting, forecasting, and work assignment



You create the hierarchy by specifying a manager for each resource.

Creates resource records that users can update with personal information to complete a directory of your CRM organization



Only resources have their information appear in the CRM directory.

Creates the hierarchy of resource organizations


Not applicable

Each resource is assigned to a resource organization. The application uses the resource reporting hierarchy to build a hierarchy of these organizations.

Creates rudimentary employee records for use by Oracle Fusion HCM.



All users you create in the user interface or by importing generate employee records.

Setting Up E-Mail Notifications for New Users

For each CRM user that you create, you must enter a unique e-mail address. By default, the application automatically sends an e-mail notification with the user name and temporary password to this address immediately after the user is created. Users then sign in and change their passwords.

If you do not want users to receive the notification e-mail right away because you are in the trial phase of your implementation project, then you can disable the automatic notification using the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  2. Search for the task Manage Enterprise HCM Information on the All Tasks tab of the Overview page.

  3. Click the Go to Task button.

  4. In the Enterprise page, click the Edit button, and select Update.

  5. In the User and Role Provisioning Information region, set the Send User Name and Password option to No.

  6. Click Done.

When users are ready to receive their temporary passwords, you can send all of the notifications at the same time, using the following steps:

  1. In the Navigator menu, select Scheduled Processes under the Tools heading.

  2. In the Scheduled Processes Overview page, click Schedule New Process.

  3. In the Schedule New Process dialog box, make sure the Job option is selected for Type.

  4. Enter Send User Name and Password E-Mail Notifications in the Name field.

  5. Click OK.

  6. In the Process Details window, click Submit.

  7. Click Close.


The Send User Name and Password E-Mail Notifications process sends the notification e-mail only to those users who have never been sent the notification. The process does not reset passwords or resend the notification.

Alternately, you can send a notification to an individual user:

  1. While editing the user in the Create User or Edit User page, select the Send User Name and Password check box in the User Notification Preferences region.

Creating the Resource Reporting Hierarchy

The resource reporting hierarchy provides the basis for CRM data security. The resource reporting hierarchy need not mirror the formal reporting hierarchy, which is captured separately in the Oracle Fusion HCM application if it has been implemented.


In Oracle Fusion CRM, you can have only one hierarchy reporting to one person.

You build a resource reporting hierarchy when you create CRM application users by specifying the manager for each user. If you are creating users one-by-one in the user interface, then you must start by creating the user at the top of the hierarchy and work your way down. If you are importing users using file-based import, then the order does not matter provided that all of your users are in the same file.

Creating Resource Organizations and the Resource Organization Hierarchy

In Oracle Fusion CRM, you must assign each manager that you create as a user with his or her own resource organization. All direct reports who are individual contributors inherit their manager's organization.

In Oracle Fusion CRM, resource organizations serve a limited purpose. Their names appear in the application's Resource Directory, which users can access to obtain information about their coworkers, and in social media interactions. Resource organizations are not used for work assignment.

The following screen capture shows the Resource Directory, which is available on the application Navigator. The resource organization names appear under each person's title.

Example of a resource directory.

The application automatically builds a resource organization hierarchy, using the resource reporting structure.

Suppose, for example, that your CRM enterprise includes sales and marketing departments that report to the Executive VP of Sales and Marketing and its members as follows:

A diagram of the reporting hierarchy looks like the following:

Sample resource hierarchy.

Now, also suppose that you create the following resource organizations and assign them to the managers.


Assigned Resource Organization

Mathew Fullerton

Sales and Marketing

Bob Doyle


Lillian Jones


Mateo Lopez

Sales West

Gabrielle Lee

Sales East

The application automatically builds the resource organization hierarchy, shown in the following figure, using the hierarchy of managers.

Resource organization hierarchy.

The resource organizations remain even if managers leave. You can reassign the resource organizations to their replacements.

The resource organization names do not have to reflect the names of departments. Departments are tracked along with employee records in the Oracle Fusion HCM application if it has been implemented. The resource organizations are not used in application security or to assign work to users. For example, you cannot include a resource organization on an opportunity sales team or as a territory owner.

Creating Oracle Fusion Human Resources Employee Records

When you create application users, you must include information that is used to create basic employee records for the Oracle Fusion HCM application. This requirement is part of the CRM application architecture. These records are used only if you are implementing this application now or plan to do so.



On Premises

Oracle Fusion Sales and Marketing Cloud Service

Person Type

Enter either Employee or Contingent Worker, depending on whether the user you are creating is an employee or a contractor.

The selection you make is used for provisioning either the Employee or the Contingent Worker abstract role.

Enter either Employee or Contingent Worker.

Enter either Employee or Contingent Worker.

Legal Employer

Enter the name of the legal entity that is the user's employer.

Enter the name of the legal entity that you defined as part of the enterprise setup.

Enter the legal entity that was set up for you based on the information you provided when you signed up with the service.

Business Unit

The business unit where your CRM applications are being used. All CRM applications must be implemented in the same business unit.

Enter the business unit that you defined as part of enterprise setup.

Enter the business unit that was set up for you based on the information you provided when you signed up with the service.

Creating Oracle Fusion CRM Application Users: Architectural Overview

This topic describes the different applications and application modules that you use when you create Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship Management (CRM) users. These include Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management (HCM), File-Based Data Import, Universal Messaging Service, and Oracle Identity Management, which is an Oracle Fusion Middleware application.

The following figure outlines the different application components that you use when you are creating and managing users:

Different applications involved in
Oracle Fusion CRM user creation.

The following table provides a breakdown by task or component:

Component or Application



Define File-Based Data Import task group

Use the Define File-Based Data Import task group, which is a common component of Oracle Fusion Applications, to import users from a file.

Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area and search for the Define File-Based Data Import task group.

Oracle Fusion HCM

Use the Manage Users task to create and manage user records.

Select the Manage Users link in the Navigator..

User Messaging Service

If you are implementing CRM on premises, then you can use this application to manage the e-mail server that sends notifications to users. The notifications contain the user names and temporary passwords.

Sign in to the User Messaging Service as described in that application's documentation.

Oracle Identity Management

If you are implementing CRM on premises, then you can use Oracle Identity Management to create and manage job roles, as well as manage users and passwords. Although you can create users, you cannot create users as resources. This restriction means that you cannot create Oracle Fusion CRM application users in Oracle Identity Management alone.

You can use the Manage Job Roles task from the Setup and Maintenance work area to start the application in a separate browser window.

Creating Oracle Fusion CRM Application Users: Implementation Planning

This topic provides an overview of how to create Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application users and their resource organizations.

This topic covers:


Before you create CRM users you must:

Creating the Resource Organization at the Top of the CRM Hierarchy

Before you can create resource organizations for your users, you must create the top-level organization in your hierarchy.

To create the top-level organization, do the following:

  1. Create the top-level organization as you would create any other resource organization by using the Manage Sales and Marketing Organizations task from the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  2. Specify the resource organization that you created as the top of your sales and marketing hierarchy by using the Manage Resource Organization Hierarchies task from the Setup and Maintenance work area.

For more information, see the Creating the Top Level of the CRM Resource Organization Hierarchy: Worked Example help topic.

Creating Resource Organizations for Manager Users

If you are creating users individually in the user interface using the Create User page, then you can create the resource organizations while you are creating the users, or you can create them before using the Manage Sales and Marketing Organizations task from the Setup and Maintenance work area.

If you are importing users, then you must have the resource organizations created before you import any data.


When creating resource organizations:

For more information, see the Creating Resource Organizations for Oracle Fusion CRM: Worked Example help topic.

Creating Users

This section provides an overview of the different methods of creating Oracle Fusion CRM users:

Creating Oracle Fusion CRM Application Users: Special Considerations

This topic summarizes the main differences between creating users when you are implementing Oracle Fusion CRM on premises and in the Oracle Sales and Marketing Cloud Service.

The following table summarizes the main differences.


On Premises

Oracle Sales and Marketing Cloud Service

Using Oracle Identity Manager to create and manage users.



Loading users directly into interface tables using a loader of your choice



Creating Resource Organizations for Oracle Fusion CRM: Worked Example

In Oracle Fusion CRM, you must assign a resource organization to each manager user that you create. All direct reports of that manager inherit the organization. You can create resource organizations before you create users according to the steps in this example.

Steps to Create a Resource Organization

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area, and search for the Manage Sales and Marketing Organizations task.
  2. Click the Go to Task button.

    The Manage Sales and Marketing Organization page appears.

  3. Click the Create button.

    The Create Organization: Select Creation Method page appears.

  4. Select Option 2: Create New Organization.
  5. Click Next.

    The Create Organization: Enter Basic Information page appears.

  6. Enter the name of the organization, for example, Sales.
  7. In the Organization Usages region, click Add Row (green plus sign) to specify whether the organization is going to be used as a sales organization, a marketing organization, or both.

    Specifying a usage determines whether the organization is visible when creating a sales manager or a marketing manager.

  8. Click Finish.

Creating the Top Level of the CRM Resource Organization Hierarchy: Worked Example

Use this example as a guide for creating the resource organization at the top of the resource organization hierarchy. You must complete this setup before you create users.

When you create users who are managers in the Oracle Fusion CRM organization, you must assign a resource organization to each of them. The application automatically builds a resource organization hierarchy for you from the management hierarchy that you create.

Before you can create the resource organizations for the managers, you must create the top-level resource organization in your hierarchy following the steps in this example.

Creating the top-level resource organization in the resource organization hierarchy involves the following:

  1. Creating the resource organization

  2. Specifying the organization as the top of your sales and marketing hierarchy

Creating the Resource Organization at the Top of the Hierarchy

  1. Search for the Manage Sales and Marketing Organizations task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  2. Click the Go to Task button.

    The Create Organization: Select Creation Method page appears.

  3. Click Create and select Option 2: Create New Organization.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Enter Global Organization (or another name of your choice) in the Name field.
  6. In the Organization Usages region, click Add Row to add Sales Organization and Marketing Organization.

    This step identifies how the organization is being used.

  7. Click Finish.

Specify the Organization as the Top of Your Sales and Marketing Hierarchy

  1. Search for the Manage Resource Organization Hierarchies task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  2. Click the Go to Task button.

    The Manage Resource Organization Hierarchies page appears.

  3. Click Search.
  4. In the Search Results, select the Sales and Marketing Organization Hierarchy link.

    You will associate the resource organization you created with the predefined hierarchy type.

  5. From the Action menu at the top right-hand corner of the page, select Edit This Hierarchy Version.

    The Edit Organization Hierarchy Version page appears.

  6. Click the Add button in the Global Sales and Marketing Organization Hierarchy region.

    The Add Tree Node window appears.

  7. Click Search.

    The Search Node window appears.

  8. Click Search.
  9. Select Global Organization.
  10. Click OK.

    The application returns you to the Edit Organization Hierarchy Version page.

  11. Click Done.

Creating Setup Users for Oracle Fusion CRM: Worked Example

Follow the steps in this example to create a setup user, an application user with the privileges to set up application security, make changes to the enterprise setup, create other users, and complete most setup tasks. Because setup users are not created as CRM resources, they cannot view CRM data or reports and cannot be assigned to sales teams and territories.

Creating a Setup User Overview

Setup users do not work in the CRM organization and so should not appear in the CRM application directory or be available as resources for assignment to sales teams. For this reason, you do not specify a resource role or any other resource information for this type of user.

To provision these users with the required Application Implementation Consultant and IT Security Manager job roles, you must create a provisioning rule that is triggered not by the resource role assigned to the user, but by some other attribute. In this example, you will trigger the rule on the user's job.

To create the setup user, you will:

  1. Sign in as a user with implementation privileges. This can be another setup user.

  2. Create the job that will trigger the rule, Customer Administrator in this example.

  3. Synchronize the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory with any changes to the security setups by running a scheduled process.

    The LDAP directory enables quick access by CRM Fusion Applications to security settings, so it is a good idea to update the directory to make sure it reflects all the latest security changes.

  4. Create the provisioning rule to provision the required enterprise roles to users with the Customer Administrator job.

  5. Create a rule to provision the Employee abstract role to all employee users. This is a one-time setup, so you can ignore this step if you created the rule previously.

  6. Create the user.

Creating a Job

To create the job:

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  2. On the All Tasks tab search for the Manage Job task.
  3. Click the Go to Task button for the Manage Job task.

    The Manage Job page appears.

  4. Click the Create button.
  5. Enter a name for job that will be displayed for selection in the Create User page. For example, Customer Administrator.
  6. In the Code field, enter an internal code for the job, for example, CUSTADMIN. The code must be uppercase with no spaces.
  7. For Job Set, select Common.
  8. Click Next.

    The Create Job: Details page appears.

  9. Click Submit.

Updating the LDAP Directory

To update the LDAP directory:

  1. Select the Scheduled Processes link in the Navigator.
  2. Click the Schedule New Process button.

    The Schedule New Process window appears.

  3. Select Retrieve Latest LDAP Changes from the Name list.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click Submit.

Creating the Role Provisioning Rule for the Setup User

To set up the provisioning rule that automatically assigns the appropriate enterprise roles:

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  2. On the All Tasks tab search for the Manage HCM Role Provisioning Rules task.
  3. Click the Go to Task button for the Manage HCM Role Provisioning Rulestask.

    The Manage HCM Role Provisioning page appears.

  4. Click the Create button.
  5. In theMapping Name field enter a name, for example, Customer Administrator.
  6. In the Conditions region, enter the job you created earlier as a condition. In this example, you would enter Customer Administrator in the Job field.
  7. Enter Active for Assignment Status. This additional condition ensures that the provisioned enterprise roles are automatically removed if the user is terminated.
  8. In the Associated Roles region, use the Add button to add the following job roles:
  9. Make sure the Autoprovision option is selected for both job roles.
  10. Click Save and Close.

Creating the Role Provisioning Rule for All Employees

You must create one rule to provision all users who are employees with the Employee abstract role. This is a one-time-only setup.

To create the provisioning rule for employees:

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  2. On the All Tasks tab search for the Manage HCM Role Provisioning Rules task.
  3. Click the Go to Task button for the Manage HCM Role Provisioning Rulestask.

    The Manage HCM Role Provisioning page appears.

  4. Click the Create button.
  5. In theMapping Name field enter the rule name, for example, Employee.
  6. In the Conditions region, select Employee from the Assignment Type field.
  7. Select Active for Assignment Status. This additional condition ensures that the role is automatically removed if the user is terminated.
  8. In the Associated Roles region, use the Add Row button to add the Employee role.
  9. Make sure the Autoprovision option is selected for the role.
  10. Click Save and Close.

Creating the Setup User

To create the setup user:

  1. On the Navigator select the Manage Users link under the Manager Resources heading.

    The Manage Users page appears.

  2. Click the Create button.

    The Create User page appears.

  3. In the Personal Details region, enter the following fields:



    Last Name

    Enter the user's last name. Entry is required.

    First Name

    Optionally, enter the user's first name.


    Enter a unique e-mail address. This e-mail address is used to send the initial notification to the user and can be changed later.

  4. In the User Details region, enter the user name. If you leave the User Name field blank, the application creates a user name based on the entries you already made.
  5. If the User Notification region appears and the Send User Name and Password is unselected, then select it if you want to send the e-mail notification with the login and password to the user when you save the record.

    If this region is not present in the page, then the notification will be sent automatically.

  6. In the Employment Information region, enter the following:



    Person Type

    Select Employee. Do not select Contingent Workerbecause enterprise role provisioning is based on the employee's job, a field that appears only for employees.

    Legal Employer

    Select the legal employer created as part of enterprise setup.

    If you are implementing in the Oracle Sales and Marketing Cloud Service, then the legal employer was set up for you based on the information that you provided when you signed up for the service.

    Business Unit

    Select the business unit created as part of enterprise setup.

    If you are implementing in the Oracle Sales and Marketing Cloud Service, then the business unit was set up for you based on the information that you provided when you signed up for the service.


    Select the job you created earlier.

  7. Click the Autoprovisioning Roles button.

    The Roles region should now display the following roles:

  8. Click Save and Close.