Oracle Corporation

Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting

Release 4.6.1


Installation Guides

Installation guides will direct the user through the process and setup of the Insbridge Rating and Underwriting system.
Insbridge 4.6.1 Installation Guide

This guide is meant to help with the installation of the Insbridge Rating and Underwriting System. Topics covered here include requirements, installation procedures, database updates and first time usage. Use this guide for new installations and upgrading from older versions.

Insbridge 4.6.1 SoftRater for WebLogic Installation Guide

This guide describes how to install and configure SoftRater for WebLogic Server 10.3. SoftRater may be used in conjunction with the Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting RateManager system to process rating requests.

Insbridge 4.6.1 SoftRater JBoss Installation Guide

This guide describes how to install and configure JBoss for SoftRater.

Insbridge 4.6.1 SoftRater WebSphere Installation Guide

This guide describes how to install and configure SoftRater for WebSphere. SoftRater for WebSphere is an EJB application that can be installed on an IBM WebSphere Application Server.

Insbridge 4.6.1 SoftRater for Windows Installation Guide

This guide describes how to install and configure SoftRater for Windows (SoftRater Node).

Insbridge IBRU Portal Configuration Documentation

This guide will instruct you on creating a Portal for your Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting system. The Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting Portal is a single point of access to the Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting system.

RateManager Setup Guide

A guide to assist with the required RateManager components, including the Active X Controls for Insbridge Rating and Underwriting Release 4.6.1.

Insbridge Upgrade Guide

A guide to assist with updating your current RateManager/IBFA system from a previous version to release 4.6.1.

User Guides

The User Guides area contains the guides that users may need on a daily basis. This includes RateManager features such as creating/using rating components, versioning, mappings, packaging, testing and overviews/definitions. Also included in this section are the materials that an administrator may use on a daily basis. Administrative tasks include configuration, working with SoftRater packages, starting and stopping services, logs, security and SoftLibraries.

Insbridge 4.6.1 RateManager User Guide - Program Explorer

This guide describes the features and functionality of Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting RateManager Program Explorer menu. Rate Manager is a component within the Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting System that enables users to manage the product definition and modification process, including rating and underwriting logic.

Insbridge 4.6.1 RateManager User Guide - Modules

This guide describes the features and functionality of Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting RateManager Module menu. Rate Manager is a component within the Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting System that enables users to manage the product definition and modification process, including rating and underwriting logic.

Insbridge 4.6.1 RateManager User Guide - Tools

This guide describes the features and functionality of Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting RateManager Tools menu. Tools contains the administrative functions for Rate Manager such as creating users, assigning privileges, setting system preferences, and audit logs.

Insbridge 4.6.1 IBFA User Guide

This guide describes the settings and options of Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting Framework Administrator (IBFA). IBFA is a component within the Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting System that enables administrators to configure Insbridge applications such as Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting RateManager and Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting SoftRater.

Insbridge 4.6.1 IBSS User Guide

This guide describes the settings and options of Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting SoftRater Server (IBSS). IBSS is the administrative tool for the Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting SoftRater engine.

Insbridge 4.6.1 SoftData User Guide for Java

This guide describes the usage and supported features of Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting SoftData for Java. SoftData is a feature of Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting SoftRater Server that is used to test the SoftData engine.

Insbridge 4.6.1 SoftData User Guide for Windows

This guide describes the usage and requirements of Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting SoftData. SoftData is a feature of Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting Framework Administrator that allows you to retrieve values dynamically from SoftRater Packages.

Insbridge 4.6.1 SoftRater User Guide

This guide describes the concepts and usage of Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting (IBRU) SoftRater (SoftRater) . SoftRater is the rating engine portion of the IBRU system. The SoftRater rating engine is updated with logic created in RateManager and is the run-time environment for a company’s rates.

Insbridge 4.6.1 ERC Accelerator User Guide

This guide is to instruct users on applying Electronic Rating Content (ERC) files within the Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting RateManager system.

Insbridge 4.6.1 SoftRater Native Implementation Guide

This guide describes how to Implement SoftRater Native. SoftRater Native is a remote instance of SoftRater that can execute rules and rating logic in environments where access via the SoftRater web-services is not desired or possible.

Insbridge 4.6.1 ESI User Guide for Java

This guide describes how you can configure and use the Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting Extended Services Interface for Java. Extended Services Interface is a library module designed to provide remote services to the Insbridge Rating and Underwriting business services without directly utilizing the system User Interfaces.

Insbridge 4.6.1 ESI User Guide for Windows

This guide describes how you can configure and use the Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting Extended Services Interface. Extended Services Interface is a library module designed to provide remote services to the Insbridge Rating and Underwriting business services without directly utilizing the system User Interfaces.

Reference Guides

Reference Guide materials are the guides that contain information for using custom XML, using the Extended Services Interface, defining rating arguments, and defining Insbridge XML for specific platforms. Users may need reference materials when they begin a use specialized features or when they need to verify formats.

Insbridge Recommended OpEnv HDWR-SFWR

This document describes the preferred operating environments and system requirements needed for the Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting system. This is inclusive of Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting RateManager, Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting SoftRater and Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting PricingManager.

Planning an Insbridge Environment Guide

The purpose of this guide is to help system administrators plan their Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting system. This guide contains definitions, data flow diagrams, environment information and suggested setups.

Insbridge Public XML Format Guide

This guide describes how you can use the Oracle Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting Public XML option. Public XML allows users to upload a single program created in an outside source using standard XML format, in to RateManager.

Insbridge Implementing a Shared Workfiles Location

This guide assists with the migration and placement of the Insbridge WorkFiles on a network share location.

Insbridge SoftRater Batch .XML Format

This guide contains examples and explanations for using SoftRater Batch XML. SoftRaterBatch.XML is designed to provide the maximum amount of integration flexibility while maintain a high level of operational efficiency for the SoftRater Batch rating application.

Release Notes

Release Notes describes the new features and resolved issues offered in the Insbridge Rating and Underwriting system Release 4.6.1.
Insbridge Release Description for Release 4.6.1

This document describes the new features and resolved issues offered in the Insbridge Rating and Underwriting system Release 4.6.1. This document also provides a history of enhancements and bug fixes from past releases.

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