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Oracle® Application Integration Architecture Oracle Driver Management Integration Pack for Oracle Transportation Management and Oracle E-Business Suite Implementation Guide
Release 3.1

Part Number E23246-06
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5 Process Integration for Work Invoice

This chapter provides an overview of the process integration for initial loading and incremental synchronization of accounts receivable and covers:

5.1 Overview

In this integration, Oracle E-Business Suite acts as a payable and accounting engine, and OTM creates the invoices. Therefore, work invoices are created in OTM for driver pay and sent over to Oracle E-Business Suite Incentive Compensation for payment.

5.2 Updating Work Invoices

For updating work invoices, Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) creates a new work invoice GID and once the updated invoice is sent to Oracle Incentive Compensation (OIC), OIC creates a new invoice with a reference to the original invoice number. Each time there is a change to the work invoice, the GID changes but the work invoice number remains the same. This work invoice number serves as a reference to the original invoice in OIC; therefore, anytime an update is sent from OTM to OIC, OIC is able to match the updated invoice with the original invoice and it updates the original invoice.

5.3 Work Invoice Integration Details

This integration flow uses these integration services:

5.3.1 Work Invoice Transaction Flow

The work invoices integration flow creates the work invoice in Oracle E-Business Oracle Incentive Compensation (OIC) based on the work invoice sent from Oracle Transportation Management (OTM).

When you initiate the process, these events occur:

  1. OTM enqueues the messages and the CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListLogisticsAQConsumer service dequeues the messages and invokes the CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListLogisticsReqABCSImpl service.

  2. The CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListLogisticsReqABCSImpl service transforms the OTM CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListLogisticsABM into the CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListEBM, populates the EBM header, updates the cross-reference data, and invokes the PayableInvoiceEBS with the CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationList operation.

  3. The PayableInvoiceEBS service with the CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationList operation routes the messages based on the CAVS flag to either the CreatePayableInvoiceListEbizProvABCSImpl service or the CAVS simulator.

  4. The status of the errored work invoices returned by Oracle Incentive Compensation (OIC), as mentioned in assumptions and constraints is updated in Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) through PayableInvoiceResponseEBS. CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListLogisticsReqABCSImpl, OTM web service.

  5. The CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListEBIZProvABCSImpl transforms the CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListEBM into the Oracle E-Business Suite CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListEBIZABM and invokes the CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListEBIZAdapter.

  6. The CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListEBIZAdapter service receives the CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListEBIZABM and makes insert calls to the Oracle E-Business Suite OIC interface table.

5.3.2 Assumptions and Constraints

These are the assumptions or constraints:

  1. Each transaction has one exchange rate and one currency code.

  2. Special services are created manually in both Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) and OIC.

  3. In OTM, a status has to be created for work invoices and the same value should be specified for the following AIA Configuration property:

    Table 5-1 Status Type and Status Value Mapping

    Status Type Status Value





    OIC reports errors related to the integration.

    In cases of failed invoices, rectify the error, change the status of the work invoice, and resubmit.

    If the integration passes a batch of invoices, Oracle Incentive Compensation (OIC) returns the record set of all the errored work invoices and AIA updates the status of the errored records as mentioned in these tables.

    The query to send the work invoice through process manager must carry the two statuses, which include WORK_INVOICE_SENT_NOT_SENT.

  4. This integration does not perform validations and does not raise errors for business validation failure in OTM.

5.4 Oracle E-Business Suite Interfaces

For the work invoice integration flow, CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListEBIZAdapter is the Oracle E-Business Suite interface.

For more information about Oracle E-Business Suite web services, see Oracle E-Business Suite references: Oracle E-Business Suite Electronic Technical Reference Manual (eTRM) located on My Oracle Support and Oracle Applications Online Documentation Library, located on the Oracle Technology Network (

5.4.1 CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListEBIZAdapter

The CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListEBIZAdapter triggers the Oracle Incentive Compensation (OIC) API. When the CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListEBIZABM is received, the API inserts the payload into the Oracle E-Business Suite OIC interface table - CN_COLLECTION_AIA.

5.5 Oracle Transportation Management Interfaces

For the Work Invoice integration flow, CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListLogisticsAQConsumer is the OTM interface.

5.5.1 CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListLogisticsAQConsumer

The CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListLogisticsAQConsumer service is used to listen/dequeue the OTM advanced queue setup in OTM to pass the generated work invoice to the AIA layer.

5.6 Core Application Integration Architecture Components

The integration flow uses these components:

The core enterprise business object (EBO) and enterprise business message (EBM) XSD files can be located by EBO within the $AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/EnterpriseObjectLibrary/Core/EBO/ parent folder.

The core enterprise business services (EBS) web services definition language (WSDL) files can be located by EBO within the $AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/EnterpriseBusinessServiceLibrary/Core/EBO/ parent folder.

For detailed documentation of individual EBOs and EBMs, click AIA Reference Doc link on EBO and EBM detail pages in the Oracle Enterprise Repository.

For more information about using the Oracle Enterprise Repository and configuring it to provide the AIA Reference Doc link, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, Configuring and Using Oracle Enterprise Repository as the Oracle AIA SOA Repository.

EBOs can be extended, for instance, to add new data elements. These extensions are protected and remain intact after a patch or an upgrade.

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, Extensibility for AIA Artifacts..

5.7 Integration Services

These are the services delivered with this integration:

5.7.1 CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListLogisticsReqABCSImpl

CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListLogisticsReqABCSImpl is a business process execution language (BPEL) process and a single operation service. It has PayableInvoiceEBS as a partner service. This service receives the CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListLogisticsABM message as a request and does not return a response to the calling service.

This service performs these actions:

  • Accepts the CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListLogisticsABM message from OTM.

  • Transforms the CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListLogisticsABM into the CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListEBM. While it is transforming from the application business message (ABM) to the enterprise business message (EBM), cross-references are populated for PAYABLEINVOICE_PAYABLEINVOICEID.

  • Sends the CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListEBM message as an input to the CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationList operation in the PayableInvoiceEBS service.

    These DVM lookups are used by this service:

  • PAYABLEINVOICE_REVENUE_CLASS – Domain value mapping for Revenue classes.

  • UNIT_OF_MEASURE – Domain value mapping for UOM code.

  • CURRENCY_CODE – Domain value mapping for currency code.

5.7.2 CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListEBIZProvABCSImpl

The CreatePayableInvoiceListEbizProvABCSImpl is a business process execution language (BPEL) process, which receives CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListEBM as a request from PayableInvoiceEBS, is transformed into CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListEBIZABM and invokes the CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListEbizOAdapter service. This service inserts the invoice record and waits for the transmission report. If the transaction is successful, the CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationList is populated; otherwise, the AIAACreateErrorHandlingBPELProcess is invoked with the error message.

These DVM lookups are used by this service:

  • PAYABLEINVOICE_REVENUE_CLASS – Domain value mapping for Revenue classes.

  • UNIT_OF_MEASURE – Domain value mapping for UOM code.

  • CURRENCY_CODE – Domain value mapping for currency code.

  • PAYABLEINVOICE_PAYABLE_STATUS – Domain value mapping for Payable Status.

5.7.3 PayableInvoiceEBS

The PayableInvoiceEBS is an enterprise business service used for routing all the Payable Invoice related actions such as calculating the driver compensation to CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListEBizProvABCSImpl or CAVS based on the filter condition and operation.

For more information about this EBS, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, Designing and Developing Enterprise Business Services and Oracle Fusion Middleware Concepts and Technologies Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, Understanding Enterprise Business Services.

5.7.4 PayableInvoiceResponseEBS

The PayableInvoiceResponseEBS routes the response received from Oracle Incentive Compensation (OIC) to the CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListLogisticsReqABCSImpl or CAVS based on the filter condition and operation.